Friday, September 10, 2010

A Twitter Worth Reading

I read a lot of useless crap everyday. Right at the top of the list are most Tweets by celebrities. If they are not promoting their own shows or events where they are getting paid, they are Tweeting ads or pre-Tweeting as in the case of Paris where she was being booked into jail while at the same time her Tweets said she was watching Family Guy.

Anyway, although there is a little promo being done by David Spade for the most part his Tweets are some of the funniest I have read from a celebrity. Plus, he usually includes pictures which is always a bonus. Today he had one which made me laugh really hard so encouraged me to finally write a post about his Tweets.

"the good news: brad pitt is shooting a movie in stage next to mine. The bad news: 3 people thought i was Shilo"

There are at least five good laughs on his first page. He even threw out a Tommy Boy reference last week.

'Did I catch a niner in there?'. Tommy boy on hbo today

And one to show you what he thinks of D listers.

US magazine: melissa rycroft is pregnant!.. America: who? ..what?,, oh wait that one girl from that show last year?.. um ok..zzzzz


  1. 3 people thought i was Shilo

    OK that is funny...LOL

  2. I always like his self-depreciating humour. Though he never was as funny as he was with Chris. Those two were my generation's Abbott and Costello.

    That Shiloh comment litterally made me LOL.

  3. Sigh. That picture is making me feel nostalgic. Memorieeessss.

  4. David Spade takes some of the best pictures of any celeb. I think it's because most other celeb generally takes pics of themselves only or something like sitting in traffic. David takes cool ones, and then he pulled out a classic like the one you posted here, that was beyond cool.
    Love his tweets too. So glad you posted this today.

  5. may have to check this out...

  6. Totally Love His Tweets! Its actually really cool to see his pictures and its awesome because he isn't posting vapid pictures of himself in a bikini trying to get attention!!!!

  7. The only 'celebrity' I follow on Twitter is Jax. ;>

  8. What is this photo of? I'm not from these here parts so I'm guessing it's an SNL reference from way back?

  9. David Spade needs his own talk show. I say we burn Chelsea Handler at the stake, give ol' Davie Spade a few nips of vodka and let him just RIP...

  10. John, It was when Spade,Farley and Sandler dressed up as the "Gap Girls". It was a funny skit.

  11. @ThoughtElf - what's your Twitter name? I'm Anonymosity.

  12. @RocketQueen - won't post it as it is RL name, but you'll see me on your follow list shortly. ;>

    I'd bore you to tears - all my tweets are about professional stuff. (Knowledge Management, Social Media, Social Learning, UX Design)

  13. @RocketQueen - request sent. Love the avatar.

  14. Ahh, the Gap Girls. Those were the best days of SNL...him, Adam & Farley = The Best.

    I love David Spade. I think he DID have his own show for a bit where he was doing Hollywood Reports & it was funny but I guess it got canceled...?
