Thursday, September 30, 2010

Simon & Schuster Hits A New Low - Publishing A Snooki Novel

As much as I might loathe certain reality stars, I have never begrudged them the ability to earn as much money as people are willing to pay them. If someone wants to pay $100K for some reality star to show up at their club, then the reality star would be an idiot for not taking it.

I also don't have a problem for the most part with companies trying to exploit the popularity of someone for their own benefit. If Simon & Schuster wants to write a book about Snooki or have her "write" a biography with a lot of pictures, I think it is a waste of space, but I don't have a problem with it.

What I do have a problem with is Simon & Schuster or any publisher wasting release dates and a limited amount of available money to publish a novel "written" by Snooki. You, me, and everyone in the world knows that Snooki is not writing a novel, but that has not stopped Snooki or her publisher from saying that she is and that her book entitled A Shore Thing will be released in January.

The reason this ticks me off is that I know so many people who are great writers and submit their manuscripts and get rejected by publishers. Yet somehow Snooki gets her novel published??? You have got to be kidding me. I cannot wait until she goes on a tour for this book and does readings, I want everyone to ask her what inspired that scene or when she wrote it or where she wrote that part. Simon & Schuster should be ashamed.


  1. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.

  2. I won't buy/read it, but I won't begrudge someone if they want to.

    On a side note, I am excited for Jersey Shore tonight. Love that wreck.

  3. Actually Enty, it's going to a tell-all about her days working for Willy Wonka. I can't wait to hear about what she really did with Mike "The Sitcom" Teevee while she was living in the factory.

  4. Good lord. I hope she has really strong proofreaders, because the infamous note written to Sammie was riddled with grammatical and spelling errors.

    I admit I watch this wreck, but the JS peeps are getting on my nerves, except for Paulie D., who is awesome. And Sitch kind of sucks on DWTS. I mean, I was rooting for him, but then Enty posted that he's being a douche to everybody.

    I heard from a close friend that when Situation goes to a mall up in North Jersey, he charges fans $5 to speak to him and to get his autograph. I mean, seriously.

  5. A picture of her in a drunken brawl might be more appropriate. Here, she looks like anyone pleasure reading and sane.

    Lesson for cultural arts majors: Be outrageous and iconic, get a reality show, earn $500K, do life's work with no $$ problems.

  6. @Susan

    I think Pauly and the Sitch (and JWOWW to some extent) are the only ones who don't kill me on some level this season. Probably because they are, you know, 30 and don't do some things that the rest of them do. Blah. Can't wait though.

    p.s. I saw you comment to me ages ago about a good cupcake place in Toronto, and if you ever come here, I shall tell you of the gems of the city. I like when visitors do things that we do, and not the standard touristy stuff.

  7. Wow, with them glasses, Snooki looks like a frickin' intellectual or somethin' And she's frickin' readin'!

  8. Michael K. at Dlisted had a very funny article about JS and the Japanese name for the show. (MTV Jersey Shore -- the New Jersey life of macaroni rascals) Then he quoted one of the Sitch's ex hookups and she wasn't very flattering.

  9. Thanks Sue Ellen for your future tourism help.

    OMG. I just checked out the items on Dlisted re: Jersey Shore. Macaroni Rascals is just... pure comedic genius. Love the Japanese. I wonder if the Japanese viewers are really going to think Jersey people are like these fuckwads on Jersey Shore.

    I can't believe I watch this shit. I'm blaming pregnancy hormones/craziness/stupidity.

  10. LOL Robert, I think she's just holding the book, I doubt much of the content is entering her empty brain.

    No way in hell am I buying this book.

  11. I don't believe know how hard it is for writers with talent to be published...? This makes me crazy....

  12. and this is EXACTLY why i have never bothered to try and get my work published. pisses me off so bad. you know this is going to be on the nyt best-sellers list, too.

  13. Does Jersey Shore have that many fans, awesome balla? I've never watched it and only of my co-workers has admitted to watching it, so I thought it wasn't that big a deal.

  14. @fairylights. Your question is so interesting. Me and my sister were just discussing this because so many of our very educated and very successful and I suppose by MTV standards very old (We're all 30-years-old or more) watch Jersey Shore. And, none of us can tell you why.

    I've read comments expressing outrage over the show's success, but it is just mindless entertainment. That said, I can't imagine any of my peoples buying a book by Snooki. I will laugh at her on TV, but there's no way in hell I'm reading her "literature." If her book does make a best seller list, then I would wholeheartedly agree that this is truly an outrage.

  15. Lol @ Nightmare Child.
    Lainey wrote this exact same story yesterday - I can't hate. It's supply and demand, and the public is demanding Jersey Shore!

  16. Well said, Enty. Like Jimmy Fallon said in his monologue last night...Snooki gets a book deal & meanwhile all the other talented non-published writers out there kill themselves at the news.

    I LOVE that she is reading Chelsea's book here b/c CH was just talking about this story last night. haha.

    I can't fathom this book actually doing well, despite the show's popularity.

  17. Snooki can read? Who knew?

  18. Most people are operating on a sixth grade education at best. Television proves this.

  19. Will it come with crayons though? That's the important question.

  20. @fairylights: amoungst people i know, jersey shore is huge. i watch the show, it's a horrible train wreck. with that said, i am assuming that this book is going to be a best-seller because of this...

    First came candy, and now it's lies – Sweet Little Lies, that is. Lauren Conrad's second book has topped the New York Times bestseller list.

    "It's so gratifying for my second book to be so successful and it was so fun to write! The characters were already developed so I really enjoyed the process so much more this time around," Conrad tells PEOPLE. "All the characters have become like my friends now.",,20343675,00.html

    and i know faaaaar less people who watched the hills. people might get it as a gag but it will still sell.

  21. The publishing industry is seriously hurting right now, but it's a business not a charity. If this book makes a ton of money, then Simon & Schuster will have more money in their pockets to spend on lesser known writers.

  22. @Paisley - You've got a point there.

    Let's hope that her brethren actually buy the book and pump money into the company...then maybe some decent books can come out (Terry Goodkind, I'm looking at you...get crackin' on the new Richard & Kahlan book).

  23. who are the idiots buying these books?! teehee at the pic of snookie "reading"!

  24. Do you think her lips move when she reads?

  25. Hear, hear, Enty! I'm one of those struggling writers hoping a publisher will pick up MY stuff and this really makes my stomach churn!

  26. "I fuckin' hate that bitch, Angelina. She says she picks up garbages when she can't even pick up her pads. If she were in front of me, I'd beat her face in."


  27. This must be so discouraging to real writers trying to get published. Sad.
