Thursday, September 30, 2010

Teen Mom Producers Could Face Criminal Charges

As you know one of my vices is a love of the show Teen Mom. I can't help it. Every episode is a train wreck and as much as I want to stop watching I can't. In the most recent episode this week, Amber Portwood hit, slapped and kicked Gary Shirley. This is one couple that I am surprised is even still together no matter how tenuous it is.

If you have watched the show on a regular basis you know that Amber is a fairly violent person and has hit Gary before. This time, she is being investigated by police. If you watch the video, imagine the genders reversed and we would be yelling for the guy to be arrested and thrown in jail and I don't think it should be any different for Amber. Imagine her losing her temper like that with their child.

Police only began investigating after receiving e-mails from viewers about why nothing had been done to Amber. The reason? Police were not told about it and that may cause some problems for the MTV crew that was there to film it. A spokesperson for the Anderson, TN police department said that in some cases, those who witness a crime but fail to report it can be charged with a crime.

I think the MTV crew probably decided it was not up to them to call the police, but I ask you again if the genders had been reversed I bet they would have called.


  1. I laughed so hard when she called him fat and trash. Uhhhhhhh. Pot? Kettle? No?

  2. Wow! Gary, you frakkin' moron, run, do not walk, away from that crazy beyotch.

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    What a BITCH!!!!

    MTV should be charge for not reporting the abuse. I feel bad for the guy.

    One thing I can't stand is people being abused.

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Just from the camera angles, there were at least 3 people filming this...

  5. I think his restraint is admirable.

  6. Gary did the right thing by not hitting her back. That being said...Some of Gary's female relatives/friends need to pay Ambersaurus a visit and have a little chat. This trick makes me sick and for her to throw all her anger onto him, when he is the one that is providing for her and the baby-oh yeah, and the State of TN is giving her support too. Amber-get a grip on yourself before one of yall ends up in jail or the morgue. I wonder what her family is thinking of all this?

  7. i've only seen one other episode. she was just as angry and spiteful, minus the slaps and hits. she also showed a marked lack of concern for her baby.

  8. "I swear to God, I wish I was bigger than you, I'd fuckin beat your ass." You bet she would. And she IS bigger than that baby. How long until that happens...?

  9. People like this having children scare me. Totally agree there would have been an arrest the day of if the situation would have been reversed. We need to stop being hypocrites about domestic abuse.

  10. Grrrr. Of the few times I have watched this train wreck of a show, this couple was the worst. I think they are both dumbasses (obviously). In the one episode I watched, she got pissed off at him b/c she didn't like the way he proposed.

    And yes, it is a double standard w/ the beating. He must be one even tempered dude to not respond to all that.

  11. I watched like 5 min of this show once and the girl slamed the door of her bedroom because the screaming baby was waking her. I think it might have been this girl. Someone please slap the snot out of her and either make her go to parenting classes or take her child. And dude.....I agree with the other posters, run like hell man!

  12. @Robert... Exactly!

    I am ashamed to admit I started watching this show this season. She is SO angry all the time. I feel like most of the other girls try to keep themselves grounded with their babies - even Farah, who seemed like frankly she had the most to be angry about. This girl needs help. Just seeing her try to shove the sippy cup in her baby's mouth to make her stop crying was scary enough, let alone the way she went off on her ex-boyfriend. The only thing that impressed me was that she let him take the baby (which, unfortunately, I think she let happen not because she knew how angry she was, but because she would get a "break" from taking care of her).

    She needs anger management classes and to grow up, quickly.

  13. I watched it when flipping channels the other night and thought about if Gary had been the abuser and Amber the abused than the police would have been called. Now, do I think the MTV crew would have been the ones to call? No, I don't believe so, and I think that for this reason: on all MTV productions that are filmed in a documentary style (Real World, Road Rules, Teen Mom True Life, etc.) unless something truly catastrophic happens (like 9/11), the crew doesn’t interfere with the cast in any way shape or form.

  14. People abusing others is not entertainment. It is not comedy. It is not acceptable. And until this sad sick society deems that to be true, things like this will continue everywhere. Just sad. And totally feel bad for the kid. People like this should not be breeding.

  15. This chick has no filter, she swears and screams constantly in front of that baby. What the heck is this baby going to see by the time she reaches 5 yrs old. This is a horrible environment for any child. Why are the swearing and hitting?? The baby is next in line for this abuse

  16. where's Dr. Drew now????

    too busy curing addicts. snort.

  17. interesting considering she is trying to be an mma fighter.

  18. I think she is on a hardcore drug, please tell me how she got so skinny when all the camera shows is her laying in bed... she is very moody and the could be coming down from her drug. I hope the cops can do something for her, because I fear Gary is far to afraid of her to ever press charges, although he could of had her ass in jail a long time ago.

    She is a tragic story :(

  19. Not ok- violence against another person is not ok, and gender has nothing to do with it.

    It is very troubling that she is raising a young child considering that she has not displayed anger management or coping skills at all.

  20. If the MTV producers are required to report this behavior to the police, then what about the producers of shows like Intervention? They do illegal drugs on that show all the time. What about the illegal number of pets on some of those hoarder shows, not to mention school kids being involved in these shows.

    Amber is not a good parent, however there is something else going on there with her. She often has a super dazed look on her face when she's talking nonsense. She can't pass even minimal GED tests. She's got a learning disability for sure, along with some emotional disorder. I think if she is unwilling to get this addressed, that MTV has the obligation to cut her from the show and stop exploiting this family.

  21. most of american tv seems to have a base in the utter humiliation of people and i don't really think that's fun and i applaud gary for not hitting her back when all his nerve endings must have been urging him to slam that nasty girl's against the wall

  22. i don't know the show or the people involved.
    but i just found out that hypercortisolism (cushings syndrome) can cause this sort of behavior.
    as for the crew, they probably have orders not to interfere with the "reality" as long as it doesn't appear life threatening.
    which is why most of these shows suck.
    SO glad survivor now airs the medics coming in and treating the tribe members, and shipping them off, even against the tribe mate's protestations.

  23. As a Tennessean, I'd like to point out that Amber & Gary live in Indiana(IN), not TN. We have enough of our own, without taking credit for other state's idiots!

  24. never seen the show and just after a 2 minute clip here, i'm in no rush to see that crap.

    there's absolutely double standards regarding abuse. some people think men are too manly to be abused, but this gary guy is a real and true man, not just for taking that shit, but for not hauling off and dropping that bitch.

    i'm not big on violence, but for this little cupcake? please, let her have a taste of her own medicine and for the love of everything that is holy, have that child placed in a safer environment.

  25. Sorry Vod. No disrespect to TN. I have only watched the show 2 times. And of course, the time I did, this happened.
