Friday, October 01, 2010

50 Cent Hates Gay People; Thinks They Should Kill Themselves

You know, with the entire country at least slightly interested in the suicide of the gay Rutgers University student you would think 50 Cent would have a clue that perhaps now would not be the time to (a) bring up again how much he dislikes gay people and (b) telling gay people to kill themselves.

At some point in the past couple of months, 50 Cent has gone off the deep end. He was always an ass as evidenced by how he treated his oldest child and his mother when it came to their housing. But this is just too much.

"If you a man and your over 25 and you don't eat pu**y just kill your self damn it. The world will be a better place. Lol."

I'm not sure what is funny or humorous about killing yourself, especially since he tweeted this yesterday. You know when everyone was talking about suicide. Today, he tried to say that he didn't really have anything against gay people and that his mom was bi. He also said that being gay is an alternative lifestyle. Hmmm.

Back in 2004 he had this to say about gay people, "I ain't into f----ts. I don't like gay people around me, because I'm not comfortable with what their thoughts are. I'm not prejudiced. I just don't go with gay people and kick it--we don't have that much in common. I'd rather hang out with a straight dude. But women who like women, that's cool."

I think given his track record it is pretty safe to say he was talking about gay people in the Tweet from yesterday.


  1. Classic closet case.

  2. i second chopchop.

    closet case and f-ing a**hole to boot!

  3. Me thinks he doth protest too But then again, it's not like he's relevant any more either. That was then...

  4. I think losing 80 lbs or whatever ate up some of his brain. It is rare to see a man that is gay AND homophobic at the same time. He's probably petrified his homies will find out so he says these horrific outlandish things which in turn only make it so obvious he's hiding something. He clearly hates women. I've said it once and I'll say it again.. Time to take a walk out of the closet, 50.

  5. He doth protest WAY too fucking much.

  6. The man doethn't. Just kidding!

    Yeah when I read this it made me think that he is insecure with his sexuality.

  7. Oh, so he's suicidal?

  8. I agree with everyone. He's a mo.

  9. A bit of the I-can't-be-gay-because-I-say-I-hate-gays. He doesn't like to hang out with them, just likes to **** them.

  10. Stay classy Centsless. Sheezy. This week has been awful. One of our daughters friends was kicked out of their house by the stepfather-who knew the child was gay when they got married-because he didn't want the "younger siblings influenced". When I heard that hot mess, I asked them both point blank-"Influenced by what? The fact that their sibling is on honor roll and has a 3.9 and taking classes @ the community college and is a junior in hs? Or influenced by the fact that their sibling is a star athlete who has lettered in 3 sports in the last 2 years? Hella sucky influence huh?" Yes, this Moose can shut a BBQ down in less than 3 snarks.
    DAMN DAMN DAMN (said in my Mama Florida from Good Times voice)

  11. @Moosefan,
    That sucks, big time. Hopfully the mama comes to her senses and doesn't put the husband above her child. If I had a man that kicked a child of mine out of the house, I would kick him so hard his balls would be coming out of his ears!

  12. He is on the down low for sure.

  13. I just hate the idea that he is probably gay only because I know some very lovely people who happen to be gay and the idea that he has more in common with them than just simple biology is appaling!

  14. He's an ass but is entitled to his opinion like everyone else. You'd think he'd be more tolerant since his mother was gay.

  15. I thought fiddy was gay...

  16. Ok. Storytime. And it's a please bear with me and I apologize if it's long & rambling.

    So back in 1999-2000 (my freshman year of college), I had a crush on this beautiful Middle Eastern gal and like all lovesick males, I followed her around like a loyal little puppy. She was really big into hip-hop and active in the campus hip-hop club/society. This one particular day, she said that she was going to a symposium with an up & coming rapper from New York City and that I should come with. a good puppy, I did.

    So we sat down and the head of the club introduced the special guest speaker...50Cent. The first question someone asked him was...why do you call yourself 50Cent. His answer: it means change. I asked him...four different questions and he could barely answer them. Afterwards, I got to sit down and have a lengthy conversation with him about politics and religion and our own personal views. You know...the shit you're not supposed to talk about.

    To make a rambling story short...50's a fucking dumbass. And he's about as informed as a retarded duck on meth. I'm not shocked that he'd say something like this. And I'm also not shocked that he'd be photographed with Paris Hilton...who probably wants him to be her manservant.

  17. @chop chop:i'm with you and it's "funny" because i think 50cent is Oded Good-Head(a Ted C's blind vice)

  18. 50cent is about a subtle as a chain saw, if he was talking about gay men, he would have said so.

  19. What has just blown MY mind is that The Nightmare Child is a male! ;)

  20. @rocketqueen - I know! Right?

  21. Shoot, this chump is gay AND obviously fucked up on diarrhea-mouth-inducing drugs.

    Here's a clue for you, Two-Bits (my new name for your lame ass since you ain't worth but half what you used to be):

    YOU SUCK and ARE UGLY with your ape-man, Neanderthal brow bone. don't even want to start with your teeth... Go back into your cave and eat some cavewoman pussy...I'm sure THAT'LL taste great and make you feel like a REAL man, for once in your life.

  22. Anonymous12:44 PM

    LOL@RQ & BM

    50cents is just a plain old idiot LOLOL

  23. Dear Fitty:
    If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.
    - Hermann Hesse

    Please accept yourself, and stop inciting others toward hatred. You idiot.

  24. Oh, and by the way, Two-Bits:

    You didn't miraculously live after being shot nine times (by any kind of real marksmen).

    The truth is that the idiot street thugs who shot you just couldn't shoot worth a fuck.

    You just got lucky. That's all.

  25. @ RocketQueen & BigMama - Yes, I am male. The Nightmare Child is a male. It's a Doctor Who reference.

    "I saw Arcadia destroyed. I laughed in the face of the Nightmare Child."

  26. this guys needs to shut up and sit down. insensitive ass. doesn't he know that a huuuuuuuge percentage of the male hip-hop community is on the d/l? i too think he doth protest too much.

  27. Gay and an idiot....homo-ron!

  28. There are straight men who don't do oral so how did you get this as a gay rant Enty?

    No argument 50 is an ass but I didn't take this statement as homophobic. I understand it to mean that grown men eat p***y.

  29. ... *Fiddy* dunt hang witz da HOMOz? ... 'GOOD'... then dey dunt b no mo' collabra'in' witz *dat 'CLOSET'ed KWEER kRapper KRETIN aka "Em"NEMA*...

    ... BTW... My So SENSELESSLY Departed BABE Brittany Anne "Murphy" Bertolotti's (Rest In Peace Babe) Loving half-brother Tony has "contacted" *the SKUMmy Mummy aka Linduh SKUM-jack*... mo' *"Em"fo* re: their "convo" posted "soon"...

  30. J-
    I could understand him using the excuse that he only meant it to straight guys if he hadn't tweeted earlier this month "Perez Hilton called me douchebag, so I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt his, but made me feel better."

  31. Whether this guy is a homophobe or a closet case really isn't an important point to me. But what is important is that not only does he feel perfectly comfortable and safe saying these sort of statements against gays, but also that other than a few blogs on the net, no one seems to care. If he had said that about Jewish people there would have been a world wide uproar and he would have a very hard time getting any new jobs. But he can trash talk gays, even going so far as to tell them to kill themselves, and hardly anyone bats an eyelash.

    No wonder Tyler Clementi killed himself. It seems to be okay to call people faggots, but if you called someone a kike or a nigger you are in for a whole heap of whoop ass,

  32. It's weird hearing from this washed-up former celebrity. Maybe he's just looking for careers, and becoming the spokesperson for cunnilingus is the only job he could get? His vagina-breath appears to be intoxicating Paris Hilton, doesn't it? She looks like she's about to start tonguing his lips.

  33. WOW. Why don't his people delete his Twitter account??
