Thursday, October 28, 2010

Audrina Patridge's Mom, Booze And Cameras Equals Win

Ahh, I just love reality star parents. They are the best. They are invariably stage moms who are happy to live off their children;s meager earnings and then somehow think they are also stars. Well, give them some alcohol and feed them some baited questions and the next thing you know you have one great expletive fueled rant courtesy of Lynn Patridge. Love it. Oh, and I don't think Lauren Conrad and Audrina will be exchanging Christmas presents this year. Damn, there is some hatred. Oh, and there are lots of expletives so you might want to turn the volume at work down real low.


  1. Mooooooooom!!!! You embarrassed me!!!

    She really does look like her Mom, wow!

  2. OK seriously, I hadn't finished watching. This is unbelievable.

  3. Oh Jesus, just when I thought it was over, she reappeared...

  4. This is one classy broad. Audrina must be sooooo proud. :O

  5. I dunno. I kind of loved it. Maybe I'm just sad and desperate for honesty from anyone, though.

  6. What is it about that town that people become so addicted and obsessed with being famous.

    stay classy, "celebrity mom"

  7. OMG, she makes White Oprah look sane.

  8. lol, she's a Polish Catholic fucking Italian? Wow!

    It's a shame that she hasn't given interviews before! LOL!

    They look just the same!

  9. "Audrina ish classhy, y'wanna know why?"

    "Because she came from you?"

    That paparazzi is my new hero.

  10. fame whoring runs in the family :)

  11. OK, I am sure it's just me - but I didn't hate this.

    Seems more real than anything else I've seen on reality.

    I know and have experienced people like this in real life more than a few times.

    It's embarrassing, but lots have been there.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Chihuahuaense - no, she is polish catholic fucking FULL ON Italian! *L*

  14. What has also been further reported is that upon entrance to the restaurant Audrina's mom requested VIP service/seating. Absolutely appalling.

    Why this woman felt the need to insult young women half her age is even more appalling and just uncalled for.

    They say you can't judge a person my their family. This is a perfect example of that statement. This woman comes off as complete uneducated white trash. Shocking a woman of her age uses such foul language and lacks any kind of a filtering system, drunk or not drunk.

  15. OMG, I want to change my screen name to "polish catholic fucking FULL ON Italian!" even thought the only part I match is the Catholic!

  16. Whoa. Keep it classy, there, Mom.

    Good grief.

  17. Oh my, what an embarassment she is.
    I've always felt that people, drunk or not, who are unable to express themselves without dropping the 'f-bomb' every second word are showing their low-class trash roots. There is a time an a place for expletives, and a well places swear can accentuate one's passion about a topic, but when it peppers every single sentence, it loses any effect.

    Much like our dear White Oprah, momma has this unearned sense of entitlement, all because her little girl scored an acting job. Personally I just didn't get the 'Hills'. Maybe it's because I'm too old, but I thought the acting and plot were at best laughable. The real joke in this situation is that most people over 40 probably didn't even know who Audrina was before DWTS, and now she'll just fade back into the backdrop of life along with her fowl mouthed momma.

  18. Damn, I wish I had sound at work!
    Am I to understand she trashed Conrad in favour of her daughter?

  19. I am a big Audrina fan (ever since "I don't care -- we'll never be friends," that and the "bikini burger" commercial. So imagine my pain as I watched this, only to find myself saying to myself, "You know, if I had to get wasted with someone, this Audrina's mother chick looks like a hoot and a half." I just thank god I have never been filmed while drunk. The shame.

  20. Audrina's mother is bitter with Lauren Conrad because MTV picked up her new reality show in favor Audrina's.

    Given that MTV's caters to a younger demographic than VHI, I doubt Audrina's show was appropriate for MTV especially if her mother's behavior is a reflection of what Audrina's show will be like. I think I'll pass.

  21. I am going to go around saying "Happy America!" from now on. I love how the dude was sent out to pick mom up and drag her inside.

  22. The 'thank you for making me look good' muffin basket is on its way from Dina Lohan to Lynn Patridge.

  23. She was refreshingly entertaining - unlike anybody ever associated with that cast. You wouldn't expect that from the mom of a wooden Skipper doll. And she has sun damaged-skin and wrinkles (despite mentioning botox) but is still beautiful moreso than her duller-than-the-color-taupe daughter. I like Lynn Patridge.

  24. wow Audrina looks like her mom. Who's Kelly? Does Mrs Partridge have a handler?

    I have to read more about this family's story lol I know nothing about her

  25. "Kurt Russell's daughter..."
    "After the Jimmy Kibble...."
    "She was kicked ass. She f*** smoked last night."

    Dear MTV: Please PLEASE feature this woman on Audrina's new show. I will happily watch.

    I love that she trashed the station/franchise that essentially launched her daughter's career.

    Get her happy, get her happy. Happy America.

  26. She reminds me of my sister when she's drunk, but with more expletives.

    She's standing up for her daughter. This was much more about Audrina than about herself.

    What amazed me most was that someone was allowed to be on the street with a drink in hand!
