Thursday, October 28, 2010

Evi Quaid Is Canadian - Couple Go Free

It does not look like Evi Quaid will ever have to go back to the United States to face charges in California. Documents were given to a Canadian Refugee Board which shows that Evi Quaid's dad was born in Canada which makes Evi eligible for Canadian citizenship. When officials discovered this, Evi was released and Randy Quaid was also released, but on bond. It is unclear what will happen to Randy at his asylum hearing.

This case just gets more and more bizarre. The good news is that as soon as the couple was released from jail, they went and retrieved the dog from the pound where it had been languishing since the couple's arrest last week.


  1. Dear Canada, Please keep them since you sent Justin Bieber to us. Fair is fair.

  2. I'm telling you, someone please make this a reality show!

  3. So are they both mentally ill? Borderline personality disorder?
    Does Dennis Quaid have anything to do w/Randy anymore? He certainly seems to stay quiet about it all, which is admirable.

    Their dog is adorable blue heeler, btw. Wonder if dog was happy to see them or was like, "oh shit. they're baaaaack!"

  4. Sigh. Fair enough, timebob. Fair enough.

  5. Say what you will, Evi's always got a smile for the camera!

  6. Love these loons. FREE the QUAIDS! FREE the QUAIDS!

  7. Dear God, they're free to run amuck in my country?

  8. They are lucky their dog wasn't euthanized. No sympathy for the drug ridden crazies.

  9. I think someone said this on another post the other day, but this was the first thing that popped in my head here. "How convenient" as the Church Lady would say.

  10. Supposedly the first thing Randy did when they picked up the dog was read it a poem, according to the Vancouver local news last night.

  11. Randy has said that he doesn't talk to his brother anymore because Jeff has gotten sucked into the Whacker Society. Ha!

  12. You know, Evi is a pretty woman. And they seemed genuinely happy to see their dog again. These two are befuddling.

  13. How long before they show-up back at their old house?

    These two crack me up.

  14. @blondegossip:
    "naw, he's just yakkin' on a bone."

  15. "they're the gift that keeps on giving throughout the entire year"

  16. Hey don't blame us Canadians for Bieber! Every Canadian knows that we rarely buy our own music and that musicians often have to go to the US for commercial success.

    We'll take Crazy and Crazier for now, but you know their shenanigans are far from over. Oh those Quaids.

  17. I just hope that they begin to reality-test some of their next plans. Evi's assault on the Actors Equity woman (who was like 70 years old) was the first time that their lunacy made them stand out. Lots of people have delusional beliefs -- these two need to learn how to modulate their behavior. Now that they're in Canada, make that behaviour.

  18. I don't want these fools here. Send them back to America to face their charges. Damn!

  19. Is ENTy involved in the Howard K Smith case? Seems ENT disappeared right when it was announced the verdict was to be read early this afternoon and hasn't been heard from since. Hmmmm?

  20. @little miss

    I don't think so. Howard K's lawyer is Steve Sadow from GA. who is a criminal attorney, not an ent one. The DA in the case is a lady.

  21. Still having trouble figuring out how to post the link (Mooskie did it yesterday & I'm html illiterate.)

    We've got extra stuff up on the Crazy Days and Nights facebook page.

  22. On the subject of Canadian things that I miss (I used to live in Vancouver when I was a student at UBC), I still miss George. His syrupy voice, and his ridiculous outfits -- where's my George here in the states? Instead, I get an eyeful of Pam Anderson and the Biebs. Blech.

  23. *Miss_P*, I would pay money for a cable channel that had camera folks following them around 24-7.

    Here's the link to the facebook fan page.

  24. @Little Miss...
    Why do you say that ENTy has disappeared?

  25. Because he didn't post pics or a blind today. Poor Enty must be really busy at work these days!

  26. what's really funny is i know the little guy leading Quaid out!

    hey Dave!

  27. blondegossip - the dog was VERY happy to see them. Check the DListed pic. Makes me laugh even today, thanks.

  28. Here's a fascinating video of a press conference with Randy Quaid reading his statement and his lawyer taking questions:

  29. @lauramart - Seriously?? LOL!
