Thursday, October 07, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This one involves a Real Housewife. Kind of. Yeah, that is the big clue. Anyway, this Housewife is working feverishly to try and steal away the girlfriend of Kim Z from RHATL. Apparently our unnamed Housewife thinks it will be great publicity and she does not mind being portrayed as a bisexual if she can make a few bucks off it. Oh, and it is no one in Atlanta or Orange County.


  1. I don't watch Housewives but it I think its one of the ones from New Jersey or NY

  2. gotta be Danielle. Right?

  3. Danielle Skank. No question.

  4. Terry Hatcher? She's a Desperate Housewife. I think when Enty writes, "This one involves a Real Housewife" he's referring to Kim Z, not the person who is trying to steal her GF.

  5. I read it as if it was a former RHW which I immediately thought was Danielle. She's so fame hungry, this would be a way of staying on the franchise.

  6. Totally Danielle. Thus the "kind of" - she was sacked.

  7. Didn't Danielle go bi for a short time just like Kim?

  8. Danielle FTW.

    Wonder if she's getting a show of her own on some random channel no one's ever heard of....?

  9. She prolly has goons she needs to pay off, and they can't stomach the square tits and lock jaw as repayment...

  10. Danielle is pretending to be bi to get attention. I can't believe she still has friends that don't realize that all she does is take, take, take. Or maybe they don't care as long as they have a chance to get famous too.

  11. I so think this is Octomom.

  12. MinaBat's got the best answer so far.

  13. WAY OT here, people/CDAN old-timers...

    Where has Harriet Hellfire been???

    I just realized I have not seen her comments lately... or am I imagining this?

  14. Our beloved Hellfire is posting as "Maja with a J" now.

  15. I'll see you Bumblebee, and raise you a Nicolette Sheridan.

  16. I believe that would be the Prostitution Whore from New Jersey.

  17. It's about the Housewives series on Bravo, hence the Kim Z reference. That said it's Crazy Danielle who still is filming her own reality show without a deal in place. She wants back on Bravo, badly.

  18. Has to be Danielle. She went bi around the time she recorded that song with her LOVAH.

    I loved the conversation between NeNe & Kim re: the ex girlfriend.

  19. The party crashing fame whore, (or PCFW) Michaele Salahi.

  20. Definitely Danielle Staub. I feel so sorry for her two daughters, they seem like the sweetest girls and have a f*cked up hooker for a mother.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Yep, it's definitely Danielle!
