Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ben Affleck Does His Christmas Shopping At CVS

It looks like CVS has a new spokesperson. Well, if they were smart they would. Ben was on Ellen today and was talking about he leaves all the Christmas shopping for everyone up to his wife because he has enough trouble just finding her a gift.

"It takes her as much energy and effort to buy like the 20 gifts we're going to buy other people, as it does to buy her gift. I spend the whole time, fretting about that and being nervous and hoping she likes that. And then I end up at like CVS on the 24th being like, 'Maybe she'd like a little Godzilla that goes around.'"

Ahhh, the joys of shopping at CVS on the 24th. Been there done that. More than once or twice actually. See, right now, Christmas is still a few weeks away and you feel like you have all the time in the world. Maybe you planned on going to the mall this weekend but you decided that with Black Friday and all there would be too many people so you decided to be smart. Well, that and there were some really great football games on that you just could not get off the couch.

So, then you tell yourself you will go during the week at lunch. There will be less people and you congratulate yourself, sink back into the couch and open another box of wine. The thing is, you can never quite get away from the office and the weekends are filled with holiday parties and more drinking and eating. The next thing you know, you are checking Amazon and seeing when the cutoff is for Christmas delivery. You make a mental note and go on with your life. Then you realize that all that holiday drinking has distorted your mental notes and you missed the cutoff so you find yourself in a CVS or Rite-Aid rationalizing that your mom would like a bottle of the Paris Hilton perfume and that what your nephew has always wanted more than anything in the world is a snow globe and a Classic Westerns DVD.

As for your special someone? Nothing makes a better holiday gift than a CVS branded box of chocolates and some Theraflu.


  1. LOLOLOL Good one Enty as for Ben uhm sweetie WE all know you have a personal assistant who does your shopping for you, but cute story anyway.

  2. If Ben really wanted to give Jennifer something special then why doesn't he just give up the ho's?

  3. Good one, Looserdude!

  4. as the proud recipient of a few of those snow globes...i ain't gonna lie, it's a cute sentiment, for about 5 minutes...i much prefer it when he goes to jared.

    that said tho...am w/ looserdude...now THAT truly be her perfect gift.

  5. Haha Looserdude.

    I don't even know the woman but know enough that she likes to bake. Get some awesome kitchen gadgets and a new KitchenAid.

  6. Money's strapped, so I think I'm resorting to painting gifts for a few friends this year.

  7. I started saving a fortune on Christmas when I quit giving presents to people who weren't giving any to me. I'm down to two. I don't hate Christmas nearly as much anymore.

  8. @Karmen - sounds lovely! I wish someone would do that for me. Do you do landscapes?

  9. My mother used to always ask to borrow my lotion but would never buy any for herself. One Christmas I went to CVS and bought a plastic storage box and filed it with one of every lotion on the shelf. She loved it. My sister is obsessed with her hair so I did the same with hair care products for her. I have spent lots of holiday money at CVS.

  10. @Mikey - Mostly still lifes in watercolor. As for my presents for my friends, I'll be doing something a little different -- mostly images of inside jokes between us. I just hope I can finish them in time, seeing as how I haven't started them yet.

    I painted this tiger lily for my mom. I doubt you'll be able to see it since it's on my FB account, but it's worth a shot:


  11. @Karmen, I saw it and it's beautiful. I think your paintings will be the highlight of your friends gifts. A friend painted an iris for me many years ago - I treasure it.

  12. @Karmen - that's a crazy sexy painting!

  13. Very nice Karmen. Your friends are lucky.

    Gentlemen, as long as you don't get a woman a present with a plug. We really don't want that electric frying pan.

  14. One (really financially strapped) year I bought MOST of the Christmas gifts at the Shell station convenience store. It was the only valid credit card I had left. They have some interesting items if you spend a few hours.

  15. Actually Rite Aid or CVS isn't a bad place for last minute shopping. Tons of feminine products, toys, and booze. What else do you need?

  16. @Karmen. I checked out the link, and you are very talented. I would be very touched to receive a painting from you. It's the time and effort that goes into a gift like that that is really touching and truly embodies what Christmas is all about.

    On a side note to the guys out there. Please don't ever buy your wife the same thing that you buy your mother.

    My husband did that a few years ago, and while it was an overly generous gift ($150 spa card) I was a little peeved that he gave her the same $150 card. He couldn't understand why I was miffed. I kept trying to explain that it wasn't the type of gift as much as it was the EXACT gift he gave his mom, as though he couldn't find the time to find a special gift for me, especially when I gave him a list of things I actually wanted that were much cheaper than what he bought. His big excuse was that he didn't want to have to stop off at another store.

    I mean, hello, you sleep with me, I bore your children, I keep your home clean, and your belly full. And to add insult to injury, I had to wrap the box her gift card came in because my husband is the king of lazy! lol

  17. MommaBear, I have the same problem with my man and his grown daughter. It used to bug me, but now, not so much. Good thing we never married.

  18. Hey Sunnyside,

    It's OK if they ask for it. I want a chainsaw for Christmas. I have a rose bush that is horrid to hand saw through now. My husband thinks I am going to lose a limb, but I can't wait! I have been making chainsaw noises and I KNOW he will bust a gut to use it.

  19. @feraltart, Chain Saw Noises. LOL. Be careful. I once asked for a compost bin.

  20. I asked for, and received, my own weed wacker. His was too long and heavy.

    I received a compost bin for Mother's Day from the kids. Great gift.

  21. Anonymous12:54 PM

    MommaBear that is a funny story.

  22. Looser Dude if you were married to an ice cube, you might have to find a little hotness on the side too.

  23. too cute! ben REALLY wants to be nod for Awards

  24. Walgreens has all those "As Seen On TV" products. I know, it's cheesy, but I secretly want some of that junk myself.

  25. @Karmen - That is great! You are very talented & I would be very touched if I got a gift like that, even if it meant you spent $0.

    I can't say I haven't pulled a Ben Affleck. Sometimes you just run out of time. One year my husband and I swore to not do gifts to try and save money for our house. Christmas Eve I go out with his MIL to Walgreens & get him something similar to a gorilla that goes around. I surprise him with that & he pulls out my gift...a new digital camera. I felt like such an ass. Worst.Wife.Ever.

  26. My husband's first Christmas gift to me was a set of brass picture frames. 1. I hate brass. 2. I saw them at the checkout line at Canadian Tire. They were $2.99. Plus another picture frame from the dollar store. You'd think your first Christmas with your sweetheart you'd put *some* effort into it. I got him a guitar and a camera.

  27. @shakey that is absolutely beautiful!!!!!! I love it! I have bought art off Etsy before, if you ever want to open a store, I think you might have some luck there.

    I usually knit my presents for people *shamefully hangs head* I'm one of those people. And I give them something I canned at home (preserves or pickles or something).

    @looserdude, you are so spot on with that commment!! I mean, it's not about getting something back, but if someone doesn't want to trade gifts, then it is good to know so you don't have to stress about it.

  28. @karmen: My husband is a blacksmith and he makes gifts @ xmas for friends and family. I can tell you that when you are very talented (as you obviously are) that people LOVE this. To give of your creativity and time means more than all the joory at Jared. Please count on giving your art and add me to the list!
