Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Susan Boyle Stops Mid Song

Did you watch The View this morning? I did not, but apparently one of the people in the office was watching and said that Susan Boyle was on the show, was singing O Holy Night and just stopped halfway through so I went searching for the video. I feel so sad for her. She has one great performance and then has something like this happen. She is supposed to sing tonight on NBC at the tree lighting ceremony at Rockefeller Center. Keep your fingers crossed.



  1. I just watched this on TMZ it seems she didn't realize the show was live. She stopped becuase she wanted to do it over.

    If you are on the West Coast it will be a do over song.

    I doubt it will be a live song tonight. I will assume it's pre-recorded.

  2. We miss this kind of stuff on the West Coast.

    I think most, if not all, singing during the tree lighting ceremony is lip synched.

  3. Maybe she should just stick to records.

  4. awww...poor lady. i almost hate to say it, b/c truly she is talented...but i hope they have a contingency plan and backup over at rock. ctr.

  5. I watched it this morning...giggle.

    I thought it was funny.

  6. What sunnyside said. Forget live performances and touring. It's just not for her.

  7. Aw, poor Susan! She handled it with grace, though. And it does look like she didn't think it was live (I live on the West Coast so I didn't know the East Coast version was live, either!)

  8. stop exploiting the fuck out of this woman and let her be with her damn cats at home. jesus,let someone with talent AND the emotional capacity a chance. stop pandering for god's sake,its doing her no good.

  9. I agree that she probably thought she could get a "do-over". Big deal, I like hearing someone sing live versus lip synching. She's good, she's a perfectionist and if she knew it was live she wouldn't have stopped. I lurve her!

  10. thank you, jax, for speaking the very words i came here to say.

  11. Susan Boyle was unprepared for fame and has no media training that is necessary for this kind of career.

    I like her, but that is why these incidents keep occurring.

  12. so she was forced against her will onto the view? Explain

  13. I agree with jax and Cecilia00.

    I understand Susan's psyche. Scottish people are by nature, generally very self deprecating, so the pressures must be enormous. I always thought the way she was introduced to the public (the sneering edit) set her up for a fall. She doesn't have the personality to say 'fuck you all, I'm going to show you'. I'm not even sure she understood what happened to her on that stage, how she was set up in the edit? She seems to have a big heart and a love of singing - great! - but she also doesn't seem to have that inner steel that you need to survive the industry, so I don't think stardom is really for her. I do think she has a lovely voice though and it's nice to see someone with talent being given a chance but the pandering is not helping.

  14. I think she's just a "delicate flower." To put it mildly.

  15. She looks really good there. Someone dressed her well. Bless her heart.

    I almost downloaded her version the other day but went with an older singer.

    It looks like she thought she could do a do-over to me.

  16. I think she wanted it to be a better performance for the audience and I appluad her for having the guts to ask to start over. As a singer there is nothing worse than not being able to clear your throat. She handled it with much grace and did it regardless of what others may think. She is truly a class act IMHO.
