Tuesday, December 14, 2010

David Thewlis Gets Tired Of Being Cuckolded - Splits From Anna Friel

You know, when a guy moves into a house you own, with your significant other and he is straight and is not a permanent house guest ala Real Housewives Beverly Hills, then it is probably a good idea to divorce your wife. Instead, David Thewlis allowed the live in arrangement to continue and even said the guy was a good friend and he had no problem and trusted, Anna Friel. Yes, this trust continued despite the hand holding pictures with the other guy and the kissing pictures and the making out pictures and probably a good deal of other bedroom activity that was not spotted by bedroom cameras.

Well, even Professor Lupin has his limits and the couple has gone their separate ways. Anna is free to date the 23 year old guy and terrorize waitresses and David can move on to his next project which is promoting a movie that he and Anna starred in together. Awkward.


  1. I never liked her anyway. He, however, is a great actor. But when I watched pushing daisy's all I could think was that she looked ALOT older than she was supposed to be.

  2. I liked him a lot in "SEVEN THOUSAND YEARS IN TIBET"

  3. Isn't she the blind about the woman being so rude to the wait staff in a restaurant? Because she could?

  4. I still don't know who she is. :/

  5. @sunnyside - yep, that was her. She thinks she's bigger than she is, which is funny - because I have no idea what she's even been in??

  6. Just saw her in Land of the Lost with Will Ferrell.......yeah.

  7. She was in Pushing Daisies.

    What about this rumor I just heard of a split between ScarJo and RReynolds?

  8. Loved Pushing Daisies loved Lee Pace loved Kristen Chenoweth, hated Anna Friel and always thought Lee & Kristen had more chemistry then Lee & Ann ever did.

  9. Thanks for explaining, I had no idea who the heck she was and never watched Pushing Daisies. Yeah, she was the revealed blind about making the restaurant staff do stupid things just because she could and when I read that my first thought was 'who?'.

    Come on David, you've got the Harry Potter bump, please find a more deserving woman (or man? whatever).

  10. Love him, never liked her (not because she was with him, but because she is unlikable and skanky and has a rep for being a wannabe diva)...but they have a little girl who I feel very sad for right now. Still, the cheating on camera started a year ago and carried on, so obviously they (or at least he) tried to work it out.

    I hope he finds someone nicer.

  11. Grrrr, Anyone who terrorizes waitresses (or waiters) is out in my book. Or receptionists or secretaries or assistants for that matter. That's a real sign of no character.

  12. Hunter, as a receptionist/secretary/executive assistant by profession, I thank you. As I learned when I worked in politics, sometimes the people who really get things done are the receptionists and janitors (and I had all the janitors on my side). :)

    I didn't know they had a child together. How sad for her if she witnessed any of this foolishness.

    Does the ScarJo/Ryan split solve any blinds?

  13. I thought Enty liked her...?

  14. She was in Pushing Daisies and...that's it? I think Prof Lupin deserves better.

  15. I was always curious about how cuddly she was with Lee Pace during the filming of Pushing Daisies while she was with Thewlis. Based on the When Harry Met Sally theory that heterosexual males and females can't be true friends without one or both friends feeling romantic or physical stirrings for the other, it meant that she was either stepping out on her husband or Lee Pace is, in fact, gay like all the rumors state he is.

  16. Since I never watched Pushing Daisies I was like, "Who?". Thanks for clarifying. Agree he could do better.

  17. I think I said this before on her blind, but I watched most of Pushing Daisies & still couldn't remember who she was. Chenoworth was the only one that stood out to me.

    The dude she is hooking up with is 10 years younger. Oh la la
