Tuesday, December 14, 2010

That Whole Lindsay And Dancing With The Stars Thing Was About Dina

Who knows if the producers of DWTS really wanted Lindsay Lohan. I think it would have been a good idea, but Dina Lohan, being the idiot she is turned it down. She says that Lindsay needs to focus on her rehab and getting better. Umm, it seems to me that a controlled environment where she would have to practice for hours a day would probably lead to fewer chances to get in trouble. I am guessing it would also lead to earlier bedtimes.

So, whatever. In an interview with Radar though, it sounds like this was never about Lindsay in the first place. Nope. Who do you know who knows Lindsay who would love to be the center of attention on a national show and get paid for it? Hmmm. Michael is a good guess and they would probably let him wear mesh, but, think Dina. Read these quotes and see if this was not all about Dina.

"We'll watch it, but it is not going to happen. Lindsay actually told the woman at Dancing With The Stars who made the offer that 'you need to take my mom!'"

Uh huh. Oh, wait. There is more.

"Our family loves the show because I'm a dancer, and I taught dance when Lindsay was growing up."

"I dragged her from one dance studio to another, and she sat in front of the mirrors and watched, while I taught."

Note to DWTS. Do not take Dina Lohan. It is selling your soul to the devil.


  1. Hahaha! I KNEW Lindsay wouldn't consider this - it's beneath her. Totally makes sense this was all about DINA getting on the show. GAWD this family is pathetic.

  2. Kee-rist! The woman has NO shame!

  3. GAH! I hate Dina!! All those quotes make it seem as though Dina is the reason why LiLo was inspired to go into showbiz. And even if Dina did slightly inspire Lindsay (that hurts to say), why does everything have to be about you?! Your daughter is (well, was) the star. Get the fuck over it, you evil hag.

  4. Sounds like the producers told Dina that *if* Lindsay was to do the show, both she and Michael wouldn't be allowed on set, and were probably planning to do a lockdown on Lindsay - ie "miss a rehearsal and you're gone."
    And with no potential paycheck from the tabs, Dina of course refused.

  5. Well I'd rather see ANY Lohan on the damn thing than f*cking Palins.

  6. hahahaha...the beginning of the end of THAT show...

  7. I'm surprised Ali isn't doing it.

  8. I don't even watch Dancing with the Has-Beens and Never-Wases, but I would totally make an exception and watch it if Dina was on, just to see her make further an ass of herself. Remember when she claimed to have been a Rockette, only to get publicly told to she was full of shit and to sit down and stfu? Good times.

    Man I loathe that woman.

  9. I think it would be hilarious to have Dina on the show. The thing with DWTS is the celebs don't have control over the editing of the show so every tiny personality flaw is presented for everyone to see. The American public will turn on that woman so fast once they see who she really is (see Kate Gosselin).

  10. I would love to hear hear her excuse for getting voted off the first week. "The dog...ate my dancing shoes! It's a conspiracy!"

  11. dina, swinging around and humping on a pole does not constitute 'dancing.'

  12. I think she still actually thinks Lilo is too big to do this show. NOT!

    I really hope they don't let her do it. It would bring in ratings though, so they might.

  13. @Maja - exactly, or someone would get sued for her getting kicked off. Forget it.

  14. So Dina secretly aspires to go on DWTS. hahahaha

    I don't think she could keep up with the work schedule. It would be very entertaining to watch. You know the kids would all make cameos, too.
