Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

September 20, 2010

This female former A list singer who is probably a B now but with A+ name recognition was in a bar recently when the following conversation occurred with a waitress.

First Assistant - (bends over to singer and listens)
Second Assistant - (bends over to first assistant and listens) Ms. ______ will have a diet coke.

First Assistant - (bends over to singer and listens)
Second Assistant - (bends over to first assistant and listens) No ice.

Christina Aguilera


  1. Ugh, Xtina has tons of talent, but no class.

  2. Muahahahaha!!
    So funny and undeservedly pretentious.

  3. What is wrong with people?

  4. What a delusional twat.

  5. Gross! And to think I actually used to like her...what a trainwreck she is lately.

  6. @Mango--took the words right out of my mouth

  7. What a spoiled little brat. Someone needs to smack her. I'll volunteer.

  8. Hate her, always have. I dont even know why.... this might have something to do with it.
    She looks the type...amiright?

  9. Perhaps maybe all that makeup she piles on, made it hard for her to hear people farther than 4 inches from her? ;)

    I am so over her, even her fantab voice cannot save her now.

  10. I honestly thought she was more down to earth then this.

    Clearly this was before Burlesque came out and her album flopped.

    Keep it up xtina in ten years you could be the one asking if they want fries with their diet coke (no ice).

  11. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I'd have brought her regular Coke with extra ice just to be a bitch. Ridic!

  12. Well, let's face it: there are at least two people who are willing to make their living by enabling this kind of behavior.

    I wonder if her assistants were calling in plays to her husband as well?

    Diva is as Diva does.

  13. Does anyone think that woman has been ordering ANYTHING diet in the last year?

  14. I'm with Mango & RQ. LOL

  15. The endless assistant chains can be fun, like rumor circles. I'd have come back with a pie and joke.

  16. I think I just snorted. Ridiculous.

  17. I think I just snorted. Ridiculous.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I think I just snorted. Ridiculous.

  20. I think I just snorted. Ridiculous.

  21. I think I just snorted. Ridiculous.

  22. I think I just snorted. Ridiculous.

  23. I think I just snorted. Ridiculous.

  24. I think I just snorted. Ridiculous.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I think I just snorted. Ridiculous.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I think I just snorted. Ridiculous.

  29. This is what happens when you have everyone around you telling you what a star you are and granting every wish no matter how stupid. It goes to their heads no matter how nice or down to earth they were before fame.

  30. umm

  31. I generally don't like the athletes / celebrities / actors who make it big from the inner city and then hire their friends/relatives as hanger-ons to run (ruin) their lives. I have no sympathy for the ones who hire their close associates as their money managers if they have no training. Or the ones who hire people because they're of the same race. Not that Xtina is doing this, but having your assistant have their own assistant smacks of nepotism to me.

  32. Sorry! Holy comments! My laptop is challenged today and hasn't been letting me comment. Then it went in the opposite direction and wouldn't stop!

  33. That was just SnowCherries' fifteen assistants passing along the message that she, in fact, snorted, and it was quite ridiculous.

  34. Mango nailed it!

  35. SnowCherries you okay? That's a lot of snorting my dear LOL

  36. I can guarantee her Diet Coke had an addition of "special sauce" from the waitstaff.

  37. There's lots of twits like her - some aren't even famous or in the business.

    Many years ago I was a server at a restaurant/bar/U of T student hang out that was owned by a mother / daughter team. Mother, who clearly thought she was the cat's meow, hired me and I started the next day. My second day there, the daughter shows up and is sitting a table with her mom. The mom calls me over to meet the daughter & co-owner of the restaurant.

    Introductions are made and the daughter refused to acknowledge my presence. I was gob smacked and stood there until she gave me the briefest side eye.

    Mother acted like this was normal.

    Quit during my shift the next day.

    Daughter felt it was beneath her station in life to deal with the little people. She was the working manager on my shift and the Mom had told me I wasn't allowed to speak to the daughter unless she spoke to me. Mom said that was just the daughter's way.

    I had a problem that needed a manager's intervention (needed something voided from a bill) and daughter walked away from me every time I tried to speak to her. Mom was no where to be found, so I cashed out on the spot and never looked back.

    I'd come across others like that when I waitressed. Customers who wouldn't acknowledge me. All it told me was that I was dealing with a boor whose parents didn't love them enough to teach them basic manners.

    Xtina is clearly one of them.

  38. Awfully diva-ish behavior for a has-been.

  39. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I generally don't like the athletes / celebrities / actors who make it big from the inner city and then hire their friends/relatives as hanger-ons to run (ruin) their lives.


    Not that Xtina is doing this, but having your assistant have their own assistant smacks of nepotism to me.

    ***uh huh...

  40. Ms., I hear ya. it is disgusting. Years ago, I interviewed as a Nanny for a family who told me the housekeepers were not allowed to speak to the children. I was horrified. I obviously passed on the job.

    trinnean, that was hilarious!

  41. I find this hilarious. I admire the waitress' professionalism, because I would not be able to keep it together when faced with a situation like that. I honestly don't think I'd be able to contain my laughter, and I'd probably get fired on the spot.

  42. @Ms - Wow. Good for you for quitting. I don't think I could have put up with that behavior a day either.

  43. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Sean FTW!

  44. Crap, this pisses me off. I have defended her so many times. She has one of the best voices, yet is so underrated, she kissed Madonna too and didn't get any credit (like Britney did) and now I read this. Hell, I even posted that I liked Burlesque. She's dead to me now, dead I say.

    Of course, I used to defend Lindsay Lohan too. Obviously I'm a great judge of character and I've got the ex-husbands to prove it.

    Happy 2011!!!!!!!

  45. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Does/didn't she have beef with Brit Brit back in the day (ashamed that I am even aware of this btw)?

    I would have said,"Oh that is JUST what Britney orders, but SHE has THREE assistans! Amateur!"

    Of course, that is why I never made it as a waitress.....

  46. @Ms: It's amazing how entitled people can act, even when they aren't!

  47. Agree with Valerie-Talent but 0 Class.

    Britney-Met her & she's an A class Cunt!

  48. LOL ridiculous it's so Mimi Carey

  49. oh trinnean, that was effing hilarious!!! @SnowCherries that's okay, we've had someone with the caps lock button broken, so I guess the enter button being broke can be your schtick ;)

  50. @califblondy: you're funny

  51. I was hoping she would have outgrown my impression of her when she dressed like a skank at the 2002 Olympics - no self-respect, no sense, no class. I guess I was wrong.

    She does do a lot with various philanthropies, I will give her that. I just think she never acquired a sense of self as a real person as opposed to "Xtina" and she just has no idea how to live in the real world. With a bomb album, a cancelled tour, and broken marriage, it's high time she figured it out.

  52. Forgot to mention the best part - the restaurant went under 18 months later. Very happy day for me when I walked by and saw the notice on the door for back rent owed etc. I hope Mom & daughter sunk every last dime in the place and were broke when it went under and had to get jobs working for other people.

  53. @Ms - Karma. Awesome.

  54. xtina needs to get way over herself, judging by the way her album sold and her movie tanked, everyone in the world is way over her

  55. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Anybody that looks the way Cristina Aguilera has looked for the past few years (like a cheap hooker) has a lot of nerve behaving that way ~ LOL she really does look like a total douche.

  56. I agree with Moosh this definitely came back to her with a LITTLE something extra. I had a friend who was a chef and would do that to people he hated.

  57. another lameass he said/she said that nobody cares about or will sue over

  58. I'm convinced that Christina's attitude is the reason why her career is for shit right now, and quite possibly will be from now on. She is the kind of person (and I think JLo is in this category too) that when she was on top of the world, people within the industry put up with her because she was at least making everyone around her lots of money, but once she fell off none of those same people lent a hand to help her get back up. People are more than happy to say 'good riddance!' and find the next big thing who hopefully isn't such a difficult, miserable wench to handle. It's a shame, Christina is very talented, but it's going to waste because of her ridiculous attitude.
