Monday, January 10, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This one is almost too odd to be true, but it happened. This couple with a short lived relationship that recently split claimed to do so amicably, when in truth the male was a hanger-on that had an annoying habit. The story goes that he was constantly leaving items at her apartment so he’d have a reason to stop by. The final straw was when she made sure to clean up all of his stuff and return it to him so he wouldn’t find an excuse to show up for no reason. After a long day on set, she returned home to find several urgent messages from him (while high) claiming that he desperately needed to get in to her apartment to retrieve his…….. teeth. After that, she dumped him.


  1. Nikki Sixx and Denise Richards?

  2. I'd love this to be Nikki Sixx and Denise Richards. I know it's probably not, but a girl can dream.

  3. and I say it's probably not Denise because....."a long day on set" ????

  4. but with the retrieving the teeth clue, it's probably one of the vampires.

  5. Jake and Taylor! I always thought he looked like a total weirdo. He's one of those guys that was cute when he was younger, but the older he gets he's just going to look crazier and creepier. Madness usually does show more with age. Just look at much of the "once hot" hollywood heart-throbs. Young Tom Cruise-Hot. Old Tom Cruise- CRAZY. Young Mel Gibson-Hot. Old Mel Gibson- CRAZY! Even Johnny Depp just looks like a mentally ill derelict.

  6. I thought concensus of opinion was that Jake called it off because of all the publicity that surrounds Taylor?

  7. I immediately thought of Nikki and Denise, but ... she lives in a house, not an apartment.

  8. Bizarro! Maybe it was one of those temp teeth things that he was using until dental implant surgery that he needed because he's a meth addict and his teeth are rotting.

  9. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Eeeewwww at Dentures hahahaha

  10. Kim Kardashian and Gabriel Aubry?

  11. rihanna / matt kemp?

  12. never mind, I forgot how long they dated.

  13. Is the teeth thing not a reference to toothy tile? Jake and Taylor ftw

  14. I doubt it is Taylor Jake. Highly doubt it. Besides, when is she ever "on-set"?

    It probably isn't Denise & Nikki either though, they both have houses and I think Denise would be the crazy/clingy one.

    Gabriel & Kim K?....

    I think we need new guesses.

  15. Come and get your stuff
    Jakey I have had enough

    You are always in my face
    leaving garbage at my place

    Jakey go home!
    Please leave me alone!
    Gotta get up out of here
    Send a friend to get your gear

  16. No clue, but sure is funny.

  17. On set could mean for a video....

  18. Jesse James/Kat Von D

  19. @Cancan
    All I could think about is Co-stan-za while reading this (sung to the Men-nen)

  20. Or maybe Bosworth/Skarsgaard?? Could HE have been the hanger-on??

  21. It sure sounds like its meant to be Jake and Taylor but this one little blind negate years of toothy tile. That just doesnt make sense.

  22. One little blind WOULD negate years of toothy tile.

  23. Taylor Swift lives in Nashville. How would Jake always be "stopping by her apartment" and leaving his stuff there?

    Please, the only time those two saw each other is when the rest of the world saw them too... getting coffee.

  24. Emmy Rossum and Adam Duritz

  25. 1. How do you leave/forget your teeth? 2. How does someone not realize you left your teeth? 3. How are teeth laying around, ya know, as you throw a hoodie, maybe a ball cap, maybe a magazine, maybe a favorite cup into a box marked LOSER, and you miss them? 4. How do you date someone long enough to have all their shit at your place, be annoyed and ready to dump them anyway, and THEN realize they ain't got theys toofeses?
    5. Aww, that's really sad. I welcome any enlightenment on this tooth issue, so's I will know what to look out for. Thank you.

  26. Shia La Beouf and Carey Mulligan?

  27. Jenny McCarthy and Jason Toohey. they recently broke up after only four months, and aside from being a male fitness model and actor, he's a stunt performer, which seems like an activity in which someone might lose a few teeth.

  28. Almost forgot... And Jenny McCarthy has recently been on Two and a Half Men and The View, both of which would have had her on set. She's also renovating her home, which means she might be in an apartment during the process.
