Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jennifer Love Hewitt And Her Rings

Jennifer Love Hewitt is at again. At this point I think she should just marry herself. She would be happiest and could continue living with her mother. She could get a nice male plastic blow up doll and tell him what to do because that is basically what she wants. Jennifer was on Ellen and said she has three different engagement rings picked out. You know, just in case some guy is crazy enough to ask her to marry him. Beware those who ask with a different ring than one of the three she has picked out.

"If it gets to that conversation. If marriage comes up, I'm like, "You know what's so weird. There is this store [Tiffany's] and there are three rings in it... And if you chose one of these three, I'm going to be really excited. And if you go off on your own, we can have an awful, awkward moment. So why would you want to do that?"

Umm, why would you even want to be with someone who does not want any input from the guy at all.


  1. I think she's missing the whole point of getting married. It's not about a ring, or a dress. It's about a committment to each other. That's why chick is destined to be alone. She's too immature and emotionally stunted for something big like that.

  2. Woe to the guy who has an heirloom ring passed down from his beloved grandmother.

    Pathetically desperate.

    Perhaps with 3 rings, she's predicting 3 marriages for herself.

  3. man, I know people like her. Seriously, and they can not be persuaded that they are wrong

  4. @BigMama-I neither like her nor don't like her (that crap about "I'm fat? Girls, I'm a size 2!" whatever made me want to barf) but I don't really get what's wrong with this comment. Yes, she seems immature, yes, she moves from relationship to relationship, but I don't get why many people dog her out all the time (like many female celebrities who are strong, "mouthy," etc. etc.). Don't get me wrong, I can see the other side, but so she has her "dream rings" picked out. As for "why would you even want to be with someone who does not want any input from the guy at all?" I ask "who is going to be wearing it for the next 50+ years?" Ok, that might be stretching it for her, but bottom line, it is on her finger.

  5. "It's not about a ring, or a dress"

    It ISN'T???


    Just kidding. I got married in a Motorhead t-shirt and my ring cost 30 bucks, and I am just happy as a clam! *L*

  6. @Maja

    And that's why you and your husband will be dancing the macarena at your 50th aniversary and not on your 4th or 5th marriage.

  7. I hated my first engagement ring. It wasn't what I wanted at all and pretty indicative of the entire relationship - he didn't listen or care about what made me happy.

    I agree with chihuahuense. It's her ring, her finger. I like JLH - don't understand the hate. She's young and a bit impulsive, but so what? I've been engaged half a dozen times.

  8. I never cared about the ring. Much preferred matching bands.

  9. She reminds me of Mariah in a lot of ways. Kind of emotionally stunted with everything coming up rainbows and unicorns.

  10. JP- one of the guy's she's been engaged to previously did give her his grandmother's heirloom ring.
    It was kind of hideous.

    I do think she's high-maintenance as hell, but I can understand her wanting a ring that she thinks is pretty, since it is theoretically going to be on her finger for the rest of her life.

  11. I've only been engaged once so I don't have much experience, but I maybe left a clue about what I liked (does a magazine advertisement slipped into a book he was reading count)? My subtlety was rewarded with a beautiful engagement ring that I adored. I'm not sure I would actually go to the lengths of reserving three rings just in case someone pops the question, though! That seems extreme - what if they are more money than he wants to spend? Also, by talking about it on a talk show, isn't that applying a LOT of pressure to a seven-month relationship? I waited 2.5 years before I dropped a hint or two. Even then he waited another 3 months to pop the question...

  12. I don't hate her. However, my perception of this article is that she isn't even dating anyone but is planning her wedding (more or less) and frankly, thats kinda skipping a few steps. It's one thing to be 12 and day dream or even (as the case of my long time friend) keep a scrap book. but to go to a store and actually pick out rings...just seems weird. She needs to grow up a bit and maybe, like @Maja - be prepared to get married in a Motorhead t-shirt with a $30 dollar ring. Now, having said that, I do agree with the "It's her finger" concept. So, pick them out AFTER you have a guy crazy enough to marry you and your mom.

  13. Sue Ellen said "It's not about a ring, or a dress. It's about a committment to each other. " I think that's what's annoying and sad about her, I don't hate her (hate is a very strong word). I just feel like marriage to her is about the party, the dress, the flowers.... basically the perfect magazine wedding and it doesn't matter who the guy is, it's only important to get a guy, just a guy. That's why she comes across as ditzy, shallow and desperate.

  14. I don't have a problem with her picking out a few different styles...I definitely dropped hints as to what I wanted. But why would she ADMIT THIS ON NATIONAL TV??

    It's kind of funny b/c I was obsessed with the ring, the dress, the wedding, etc. & then after the fact I was like "Who really gives a crap about any of that at the end of the day." I don't think it's clarity that most women have until after the fact.

  15. This just shows how narcissistic she is.

    That said, I loved her in that movie with Sigourney Weaver (never can remember the name).

  16. lol@Big Mama, yeah, agreed.

    I think that she comes across as very immature and yes, desperate. Kinda makes me feel bad for her though.

  17. I just got engaged over the summer. No ring, but with a promise to shop for one TOGETHER....just like our lives together. What's so wrong with that? And I have a ring we both really like.

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    Maybe it’s because I’m now at the age where my friends are getting married, but before I never noticed how much attention (negative and positive) is geared towards the ring. I’ve become aware that all my girlfriends ask to see the ring before hearing the story and I just find that incredibility ass-backwards---the ring is just the physical manifestation of their promise to love one another; it doesn’t convey the depth of their feelings so why has it turned into such a big thing? I’ve heard women talk about how the ring has to be made of such and such metal with x amount of carets because they deserve it and I just find it disgusting. With everything that’s wrong in the world, I find that level of materialism to be very uncomfortable.

    Personally, whenever the marriage question pops up, I state that I don’t want an engagement ring. I don’t think it’s necessary.

  20. But this ring won't be on her hand the rest of her life - it will only be there about 1.5 years or so. Isn't that the average length of the young Hollywood marraige?

  21. She is in a race with Jessica Simpson on who validates themselves more by being with a man.

  22. Stupid, stupid girl...the only reason diamond rings are the current "traditional" engagement present is because the De Beers company launched a massive campaign back in the 1930s promoting diamond rings. She's just fallen victim to the marketing machine fueling the billion-dollar wedding industry.

    But, hey -- if she wants to be stupid, let her.

  23. Jennifer. Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer. Shhhhhhhhh. These thoughts are for INSIDE your head, not for saying out loud. You'd think she'd have learned by now...
    I can smell the desperation seeping out her pores *cringe*

  24. @Treesap becuase people equate how big the diamond is with how much the man loves them.

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  27. My niece's soon-to-be BIL gave his girlfriend an engagement ring and she told him she hated it. My niece was horrified by this, so told her BF if they were to get engaged, she would like them to design one and that's what they did.

    I think it makes a ring more special if they pick it out together. It sure beats dragging the intended to a store window to tell him that is the ring he is going to buy and this is the restaurant he is going to propose to her on that date, etc. etc.

    I have a claddagh. Engagement ring/wedding ring rolled into one.

  28. Ms. Cool, it's 'Heartbreakers.' One of my favorites. I just re-watched it a week ago.

    My friend has a stepmother who told her dad flat out "I'll only say yes if the ring is at least 3 carats." Why would you marry someone who said that. Why? And yes, the stepmother is as narcissistic as she sounds.

  29. I think engagement rings are like a modern-day dowry to some some women. My late husband and I had a very "untraditional" marriage. We lived together for years and then decided to get legally married. One day he showed up with an engagement ring and wedding band (one of those styles where they can be worn interlocked together or separate). I am very picky and my first thought was "yuck", but when I put it on -- it actually looked good on my hand!

    He died 2-1/2 years ago and I still haven't taken it off. Maybe someday I will fall in love with another man and it will be replaced on my hand, but I will cherish this ring forever. My husband was not a wealthy man and for him, the ring cost a lot. For me, it showed how much he cared to take the time to pick it out and to spend his hard-earned money on it. BTW-I ended up buying him a coordinating wedding band which was buried with him.

    My advice-- don't sweat the small things like the ring. Just be happy you are both healthy.

  30. @penelope - I'm so sorry you lost your husband.

    I'm surprised JLH hasn't found a guy looking for a free ride and a little fame, a la Jessica Simpson's guy. I bet she will in the next couple years.

    I love my ring. My husband bought the best stone he could afford, and it's gorge.

  31. yeah, this one's interesting. I have a diamond (not a big one) sitting in my jewelry box from my soon-to-be-ex-husband, and the man I am with now, who I love beyond measure, will probably never be able to afford to buy me a diamond. It's given me something to think about in terms of what's important. I have learned about myself that I don't need a diamond -- I just need a good man, and THAT I have. Rings are just rings. I have plenty of pretty jewelry I can wear whenever I want. What matters is that I have a man I can come home to who loves me the way I need to be loved.
    (sorry for the rant. have spent much time thinking about this.)

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  33. My husband asked me what I wanted and he went out and got it. I designed his rings. I had them made when I was 23 and living in Asia.

    I don't think it is a big deal to dream of your wedding, but don't discuss it on national television. This is stuff you talk about at a sleepover with your girlfriends.
