Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ted Williams Checks Out Of Rehab

I think we sometimes expect too much out of people. I know I am a person who loves a happy ending so I wanted Ted Williams to go to rehab, get sober and then come out and make a million dollars. It would make for a great movie. The trouble is that most of the time reality and that Hollywood happy ending don't co-exist all that well.

Ted Williams has left the rehab program that Dr. Phil got him into. No word was given as to the why, but I am pretty sure it is because this is a guy who was living life the way he wanted to live and suddenly the entire world knows who he is and he was overwhelmed. If Susan Boyle were homeless or a drinker this is how I imagine her life would be too. When you are plucked from obscurity and then a week later the entire world knows you and your business, it can be tough. I feel for the guy and really hope he is happy.


  1. I give this guy another 6 months and we never hear from/about him again.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I figured where this guy was coming he was not going to make it in rehab. Whatever his thing is alcohol/drugs it has to come from him to really want to rehab himself.

  3. I wish him the best, but he's got to want it for himself. He was in a REAL treatment center in Texas, so that was a good environment away from the cameras.

    His cracked out gf is supposedly in rehab as well. I guess she'll be checking out too.

    Yeah, Sue Ellen, six months from now he'll be back into obscurity.

  4. his gf is in rehab in CA and he's being transferred to that one i heard...?

  5. @rebellious, I doubt it will take 6 months

  6. this reminds me: I missed Intervention last night...heard it was good, some guy was so messed up he passed out on a railroad tracks and got his legs cut off?!? I can't imagine being that addicted to something. Hope that Ted's new-found fame is life-changing in a good way.

  7. Yeah, the dude on Intervention was majorly hooked on opiates and benzos. He had passed out on the railroad tracks and had to have his right leg amputated... and he kept doing drugs...

  8. @Amy in MI-dang! I gotta see it!

  9. Is that the guy who wanted to fight Jeff? I only saw a preview for it.

  10. @Sue Ellen-I think so

  11. I hope things turn out good for him. That being said, my first job was in a methadone clinic and of the 50+ people I worked with, only one is alive. And she is addicted to prescription meds.

  12. dang, sunnyside, those are some harsh statistics.

  13. i don't necessarily believe he was 'living the life he wanted to live.' he was living the life he had to live as an addict.
    and unless he wants to get sober, it's the life he'll go back to living.

  14. He and his gf should be in two separate facilities. And if they met while under a drug haze, it prolly ain't real love to begin with.

  15. I hope that he gets sober, just as I would for anyone who has an addiction. I also hope that he is able to get rid of those people-related or not-who now see him as their "Golden Ticket". I hope that he can surround himself with people who can help him. There is alot of "hope" in my comment, but I have seen people come from way worse than his story and end out on top.

  16. @r,can: Kind of like when the lights come up after last call...
    And of all the nights to miss Intervention!

  17. Yeah he threatened Jeff and the producers via email so they were going to file federal charges on him

  18. I never liked the guy and I expected this crash and burn. But not so fast.

    The big dude from Intervention...didn't anybody else think he was kind of a poser? I mean really, 20 pills a day? That's weak. I want to watch really fucked up people like that woman that smoked crack for 30 years.

  19. that guy on 'intervention' was a huge jerk. he'll be a jerk sober too, IMO. but i doubt he ever gets sober.

  20. I still hold to my original opinion of Ted Williams - mental illness is at the root of his addictions. Until that is dealt with successfully, he will self-medicate with alcohol/illegal drugs.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Not to play Devils Advocate Syd , but twenty pills a day is not all that weak :( Especially if you start getting into the higher mgs...take into the face that the acetamenophine content can seriously eff up your liver, I am assuming this guys 20 pill a day habit is bought off the street so thats AT LEAST 100 bucks a day plus...I had a habit for about the same amount for seven years...and the damage it did to my self esteem alone was really pretty bad. I am 5 months clean and sober and its easier now...but a battle still every day. I hope everyone who wants to stop using CAN and will do so when they are ready. No matter how long your addiction has lasted, or what amount you are using...addiction still ruins lives.

  23. take into account** I have no idea where "the face" came from!

  24. From what they showed he was getting some of it legally because doctors felt sorry for him and he played up being depressed and stuff from the amputation. Many people do that nowadays, but this guy was a jackass on top of it all

  25. What Syd said. To the fucking letter.

    And I missed Intervention last night. Who the fuck would try to fight JEFF? The dude's a friggin' Jedi. If I saw him, I'd just roll over and go. You can't beat Jeff. Jeff will mindfuck you and ten minutes later, you're clean.

  26. Anonymous3:47 PM

    wow our racist redneck bitch is back and the resident loser who fucked up his life and shows no empathy for anyone, what a combo.

  27. After reading the documents about this guy on the Smoking Gun, I really started to wonder. Especially about his girlfriend hooking in the parking lot of the tire store.
