Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kelsey Invites Camille To His Wedding

As I countdown the hours to the first part of the reunion show tonight, there is other Kelsey & Camille news. According to PopEater, Kelsey has invited Camille to his upcoming wedding. Wow. I would find this hard to believe except for the whole inviting her to The Tony Award thing immediately after telling her their marriage was finished. Of course, PopEater is a big Camille fan so she might have just said this to get some sympathy. I would expect their kids to be there and in fact Kelsey's kids are with him right now, but I don't know if Camille would show up. The more I think about it the more I think Kelsey would be insensitive enough to invite her. Did you also see that Kelsey has set up a production company to produce reality shows? Maybe something for him and his new bride. He probably wants to capitalize on the ratings it would probably bring. Oh, or maybe he is going to do something with that Alison psychic person. If I had to sit through five minutes of her sucking on that e-cigarette I would have to hunt her down, pull it out of her mouth and jump up and down on it until it broke.


  1. I think Alison DuBois would drop her bestie Camille like a hot potato if Kelsey offered her a show of her own.

    Can't wait for part 1 of the reunion tonight.

  2. I can't believe I forgot that the reunion starts tonight!!! I got a snow day (thanks for once, Bloomberg) and the reunion show!! It's like Christmas and Halloween wrapped up into one!!

    As for Camille, no clue if she was really invited, but that would be pretty crappy to invite her if its true.

  3. I can't wait!!

    I did hear about the reality production company and also heard that he wants to be in a reality show but I think it is his wife-to-be who really wants to be in a reality show, and this would not surprise me one bit!

  4. Did anyone see him on Regis & Kelly this morning? I had to change the channel he made me disgusted. The first thing he did was mention his fiancee and how much he loves her and all is right in his life... nothing about the fact he IS still married whether he accepts it or not. I feel sad for those kids. He's just gross.

  5. Oh and I like how they ended the show Medium, and I really like Patricia Arquette, but geez after watching the real Allison it was hard to place her in this role, as that character.

    My sister wants one of those fake ciggies! Does anyone know where to get one?

  6. I can see him inviting her to the wedding. After all, he'd want the kids to be there and since she's gotten rid of the nannies and he would just hate to have to attend to such trivialities as looking after his own children while he's cementing his newest happiness in a ceremony, Camille makes a handy baby sitter.


    It just galls me that he is pushing this wedding, saying that they want to celebrate their happiness. OK, maybe it's just me because I'm a spinster, but if you're happy, you're happy. You don't need a ceremony to mark it. Maybe this is why KG has divorced so much. He equates a ceremony with happiness and doesn't know the happiness comes from within, ceremony or not.

    (stepping off soapbox)

    Besides, if he is filming himself for a reality series, what better way to get drama then to invite his ex?

  7. I have been shopping for e-cigs myself. The best place to go is online and to avoid scams that offer free trials. The basic starter kits run about 75-100 bucks and usually include the actual "cigarette" and a charger and some juice. Best to order extra juice. And don't order a really high concentration of nicotine, even if she's a heavy smoker. Stick with low or medium or she could get sick with nic poisoning. (Mainly harmless but makes you feel like crap.)

    Also stay away from any you buy in the stores. Way too much money and usually crap.

    Expect to spend over $100 to get started. But from reading e-cig blogs, most of the people on there swear by it and are very happy and proud "vapers."

  8. No, I did not watch him this morning but when I see him on sound bites etc., I think of his cheating, etc., as if nothing is wrong. I did hear that he does not want to pay child support because the settlement money would be enough, and I get that but it does not work that way nor should it, imo. My dad pulled that crap and my mom got zero alimony with five kids at home including my brother who was handicapped, now he "thanks his lucky stars" that moms lawyer was sh*tty and did not find his "hidden" assets, those are his words and he is proud of that to this day, because my mom never remarried, uh yeah my dad is a piece of work. We weren't even rich, but that is a whole topic altogether.

  9. @ Ice Angel, thank you very much!!

    I will look at the strengh factor, she chews Nicorette like it is going out of style, and she has been chewing for about 5 years or so, and she smokes still too! I'm thinking the motion/activity of smoking might work for her. I was a long time smoker myself and have not smoked in about 12 years or so! Even now I miss it especially in stressful situations!

    And yes Kelsey is an idiot!

  10. Thanks for the heads up on the reunion. I would have missed it.

    I don't know...a 50 mil settlement is A LOT of money. She should be able to raise the kids very comfortably and send them to college and grad school on the interest alone. And it's not like Kelsey won't be spending his own money on them.

  11. Camille would attend his wedding in a minute if she was being included in the next season of RHOBH and they could film it.

  12. I can't wait for tonight's reunion.

    I'm over Camille's crap, I'm looking forward to the Sisters K drama.

  13. I saw that Regis&Kelly bit this morning. It appeared to me as if Kelsey was trying a bit too hard. It was just my opinion. nunaurbiz, you are right -- if you're happy, you don't need all the pomp and circumstance of a wedding. Again, it's one of those things that makes it appear as if he's trying too hard to prove something.

    As far as E-Cigarettes, my husband has tried two different brands, plus one of those that convenience stores carry. The convenience store one was overall more expensive than either of the two that he bought online, and it ran out of smoke quickly. Don't waste your money.

    Of the two he bought online, he prefers the Green Smoke (or whatever it's called). Unfortunately, nothing has helped him quit his smoking habit. He just can't deal with the discomfort that withdrawal brings. It's a common problem.

  14. My husband who is a pharmacist says that his patients have the most success quitting smoking with the drug Chantix (I'm sure I spelled that wrong, but hopefully you know the drug I'm talking about). He says the hoopla that some made over it's possible side effects were greatly exaggerated. Most of them are simply the short term effects of stopping smoking. He's had lots of hardcore smokers be able to quit using it. Oh, and I agree, Grammer is shouting "I'm so happy!" a little too loudly to be genuine.

  15. Camille is a sleaze, but Kelsey is pretty damned slimy also. He knocked up that flight attendant while he was still married. He is seriously damaged.

  16. About those cigarettes, there are fake cigarettes called 'Paipo'.
    For people who would like to quit smoking this link might be of interest:

  17. My husband and I just quit together in October (we split the prescription of Chantix b/w us).I had been a smoker for 25 years. I had a few small side effects, but nothing outweighs the benefits of being smokefree and feeling healthy. And the $ we are saving!!!! We live on the East Coast, and cigs are about $9.00 a pack here!
    I still crave a smoke, every now and then, but I will never become a pack a day smoker again. If anyone is serious about quitting, I would definitely give Chantix a try!

  18. If Camille really loved Kelsey like she claims, she won't be at that wedding. And if soon to be bride is behind the next reality show, then he can probably look forward to divorce # whatever.

    My husband quit a little over 2 years ago, basically cold turkey, although he did use Nicorette in the beginning. I have heard good/bad things about Chantix. I know 2 people that successfully quit but I had others tell me they had to get off of it b/c they kept having nightmares about killing people (WTF?!?!).

  19. @Mango--agreed!! They are both gross!

    Also, I heard Chantix makes you a little crazy, but it works. For me, I quit cold turkey, but I had to REALLY want to quit. Unfortunately it took me a while to really want to. Kinda like any lifestyle change, I guess.

  20. On top of all the other aspects of this fiasco, Kelsey doesn't realize how totally ridiculous he and this teenager look together...

  21. Wanting to kill people = pretty horrible side effect.

    I quit four, five years ago and I just did it cold turkey. It worked out for me, and I just cant smoke anymore, it makes me sick. At some parties, I really want to intellectually, because I would be able to connect with the people who smoke, but the though of inhaling it just makes me gag. So there is hope!

  22. I find it a little strange that their honeymoon will be going across America and seeing different landmarks. I really can't see him driving for long periods of time, or staying in hotels/motels that aren't 5 star.

    I guess that's what their reality show is going to be about.

    Does the production company he has with Camille fold now?

    (btw, do Camille's breasts look bruised in that picture or is it just me?)
