Friday, January 07, 2011

Rielle Tells John Edwards's Kids To Call Her Mommy

The National Enquirer is continuing their fascination with all things John Edwards. In their issue this week they claim that John Edwards proposed to Rielle Hunter over the holidays. You know, just three weeks after his wife died of cancer. He also thought this first Christmas without mom would be the perfect time to introduce Rielle to all the kids. You know, so they could all get past the whole mom dying thing and focus on things that are important like Rielle and the baby she had with John.

During this encounter with the kids, Rielle allegedly told them to call her mom. If this is true and I put a big IF on it, that would be gall of epic proportions. Hey kids, I know your first mom died, but go ahead and call me mom because I will be moving in and trying to convince John to send all of you away to school while I make myself comfortable here.


  1. If interviewed from Rielle Hunter, this is probably accurate.

  2. Just another confirmation on the location of John's brain.

  3. I'm not surprised. The man has no sense. We should just be glad he's not President.

  4. If this is true, they are both disgusting people (but we already knew that). Love that Elizabeth left him out of her will entirely.

  5. Oh man...this is getting insane...and exactly how stupid is he....?

  6. Misch, he is WAAAAAAAAAY more stupid than any of us ever thought. May he never hold another political office... EVER!

    Those poor kids.

  7. I did read somewhere that all decisions concerning the two younger children had to be run by Cate, the eldest daughter--according to Elizabeth's wishes.

  8. My head just exploded. Those poor kids.

  9. I seriously doubt that any of this is true. I sure John is ready to move on to other skanks by now. No way is he going to marry this nutjob. I think she fed this story to the Enquirer to get one last fameride on the dead Elizabeth press train.

  10. Oops, should have said "I'm sure" not "I sure".

  11. @Connie? Elzabeth Edwards would have been mighty smart to leave all decisions to Cate, but can she? With the mother passed away, doesn't Dad become automatic legal guardian? Unless he's signed away his parental rights, I was under the assumption that custody would automatically revert to John.

  12. I wouldn't put it past Rielle Hunter to ask his kids to call her 'mom' (although I do doubt the authenticity of this story) - that interview she did, where she posed all sexy with the muppets, she really sounded like maybe not all of her horses are in the stable. Or some clever, animal related saying like that. I think she's a dingbat, it what I'm trying to say.

  13. On the Enquirer cover, there is a story about how Tiger broke into Elin's house looking for her diary..

    Now thats the story I want the scoop on!

  14. i don't believe that.

  15. I totally believe that she would say this! she is a slut of epic proportions and she feels she deserves the man, the money and the kids even though they all belonged to someone else.

    And he is the biggest douche bag for letting his dick do the talking and cheating on his wife and making the last year of her life a hell that no one should have to endure.

    I am soo glad she left no money to that piece of shit and because of his actions his children have to bear the brunt of everything. They essentially have lost both parents.

  16. come on, enquirer. that's really reaching, even for them.

  17. I hope Rielle is ready for all this. I think we know how it ends. I'm voting for prostate cancer. We'll see...........

  18. I'm hoping for a stint in Federal prison

  19. Here is what I want: John in prison until Elizabeth's children are out of college, Rielle alone, homeless, broke and fricken miserable (but not her innocent child) and Cate to raise her siblings like Elizabeth would want. There is a special place in HELL waiting for John and Rielle. Low life white trash.

  20. @JoElla - Me too!

    @MacVixen - Cate is Mrs. Edwards' executor of her will and will serve as guardian of her siblings. She is 28. Smart move on her part vs. John, IMO.

  21. His camp is denying it. Time will tell. I think he is probably on to other skanks train.

  22. I would love this to be wrong, but sadly, I can absolutely see both of those sociopathic narcissists doing this. I think Rielle's been modeling wedding dresses around her house since early December.

  23. This whole sordid mess has managed to move beyond the pale.

  24. If this is true (big IF) I would love to know his children's response to her request. The amount of respect and opportunities this man has lost because of this dalliance are all worth it I'm sure.

  25. Edward's people are denying the proposal story.

    Who to believe? John Edwards or The National Enquirer? It's a toss-up.

  26. I believe I read he had a 20 something girlfriend in the wings...that is def not Rielle

  27. I was 26 when my Mom died and my Dad ended up getting engaged the month after and she wanted us to be one big happy family. I resented her from the beginning until the day my Dad died. I would NEVER let anyone call her my Step-Mother. My dad just thought we should all carry on like she was our mom. Ugh. How is it sometimes such intelligent men are such idiots when it comes to certain women and their (obvious to everyone else) vagendas?

  28. "vagendas," LOL. That's good! I have to steal that.

  29. @MCH - Elizabeth's will appointed Cate the guardian in the event Elizabeth was the surviving parent (meaning John had died before her) ... custody automatically goes to the surviving parent unless that parent's rights have been terminated. Can't take the kids away from your spouse in a will ...

  30. @bajt - I may have misunderstood the articles I read. But to me, they all seem to say that when Elizabeth (not John) died, that Cate was the guardian of the other children. I also read reports prior to her death that she was fighting against John getting custody because she didn't want her kids anywhere near Rielle. I don't know anything about the legal system when it comes to custody issues & I could see where the living parent's rights would trump a declared guardian. Again, my knowledge is only what I read in online reports.

  31. Anyone wanna get in on the engagement/baby on the way pool? I am thinking they will announce engagement within 7 months. It will be a quiet announcement-talking about how all is well and she is helping kids get over the sudden loss etc etc. The story will be with People.

  32. @MCH - I've read a copy of the will online, and I'm an atorney ... it appoints Cate their Guardian if Elizabeth is the "surviving parent" at the time of death, which in plain language means "if John dies before Elizabeth, then Cate becomes the guardian". Unless John has relinquished or otherwise lost his parental rights (which he hasn't), he is a surviving parent with sole custody of his kids. He may be a douche, and I'm sure it makes a more interesting story to say that Elizabeth "made Cate the guardian" and screwed over John, but she legally could not do that ... and clearly did not even try based on what the document says.

  33. @bajt - Ahh! Yes, that is what many of the articles seemed to say, but I guess those twisted facts sell more papers/get more hits. Thanks for the info! Very interesting.

  34. Why would this surprise anyone? I read Hunter's nutty interview and saw her nutty photos in GQ. This woman does not play with a full deck of cards and John Edwards lies about everything. I would believe the Enquirer before John Edwards. None of this is a surprise.

  35. And now a message from my perch as an Old Bat. I am convinced that:

    1. The NE story is true
    2. She complained to Edwards that she wasn't invited to the funeral and that her kid wasn't allowed to spend Christmas with Elizabeth's kids and
    3. Rielle will be pregnant shortly if she's not already -- she has to get a lock on him, fast.

    4. Or he's already on his way to New Skank and Rielle will act out with one or more of the above.

    That is all!
