Monday, January 31, 2011

SAG Award Photos Part One

Amy Adams
Tina Fey & Amy Poehler
Andrew Garfield
Angela Kinsey
Angie Harmon
Annette Bening & Warren Beatty
Archie Panjabi
Barbara Hershey might want to get a new spot remover or stop drinking coffee in the limo.
Bryan Cranston
Cara Buono


  1. Amy Adams has been upping the glam, lately. Angela Kinsey's dress is one of my favorites from last night, too.

  2. Why can't I like Amy Adams??? Annette looks GREAT! As does Tina and the Kinsey lady. Andrew Garfield-no thanks.

  3. Amy adams looks gorgeous. @MommaSaid to me she always has something in her eyes, a weird look.

    -The more I see Andrew G, more I believe he's the answer to that guy who's *this close to getting fired from that movie because he's smug.

  4. I want the pink feather dress!!

  5. Coke Mom's dress is ridic. I love Tina Fey in red. Amy Adams dress is the worst of the night for me, just awful.

  6. Love Tina Fey's dress

  7. Love love love Amy Adams. But I think her hair and dress are too "severe" here.

  8. i adore amy adams and she looks great.

    tina fey is always a disaster. she finally got it right.

  9. Love Amy Adams, bud did not love her dress. I always wonder why chicks with little boobies wear dresses that just shout, "I'VE GOT NEXT TO NOTHING BOOBIES!"

    Annette looked absolutely REGAL!

  10. i wish christina hendricks was wearing the dress cara is wearing

  11. I have no clue who Cara Buono is, but I'll take that dress in fatty size please!

  12. Tina Fey looked GREAT!

    Angie Harmon annoys me.

    I just saw Black Swan & Barbara Hershey scared the beejesus out of me.

  13. nunaurbiz--Small boobs (That is, a tight, sleek, flat body) come into fashion once in a while---20's, some 40's, some 60's & 70's. Right now, I find the small-boob pride to be really attractive when everyone else is so plastic.

    FYI- I myself have perfectly medium boobs, enough heft with low maintenance, so no personal issues involved there. Actually, I like the look so much that I've always wanted smaller boobs.

  14. Angie Harmon and Debra Messing (and Kate Beckinsale, for that matter) ALWAYS dress like it's a contest. A real contest--like biggest & flashiest & most overdressed wins.

  15. hahaha@libby, I love how you wanted to make sure you were not just arguing for smaller boobs because of personal issues.. No worries!

    Now, I am one of those people with small, and I like it when i do sports - but not really any other time... :)

  16. Yeah, linnea. Sometimes I forget that the regulars on CDAN wouldn't jump to the worst conclusion, unlike MOST internet sites.

    It's why I like it here.
