Monday, February 28, 2011

Academy Award Photos Part Four

Melissa Leo
Michelle Williams
Mila Kunis
Natalie Portman
Sandra Bullock
Sharon Stone
Susan & Robert Downey Jr.
Virginia Madsen
Erin Andrews


  1. Favorite dress - Mila Kunis!

  2. I thought there were going to be blind items revealed today?

  3. Mila Kunis, Melissa Leo (fabulous for white), the blue dress Anne Hathaway wore for about 20 seconds after the In Memorium part.

    Worst dress - Oprah's. When you're plus size and busty, don't wear something that looks like pleats on top. She looked very wide in that area.

  4. Mine too, Nosey Parker! It was the first one I saw, too. Nothing topped it. SO insanely pretty. Mila looked flawless last night.

    Melissa Leo. No. So obnoxious, and she blatantly kissed some Academy ASS in that speech last night. Good lord.

    Natalie looked adorable. She's one of those women who can probably wear every single color in the spectrum.

  5. Who invited Cruella DeVille? Oh wait, that's Sharon Stone. Never mind.

  6. Mila Mila Mila! What a gorgeous gal in that dress. I'm girl crushing!

    Michele Williams is a timeless beauty. Simple and elegant.

    WTF is up with Sharon Stone? Good grief what damn mess!

  7. @Patty - lol, that's exactly what me and my friends said last night!

  8. It was fun to watch Michelle Williams pretend she could walk in that dress. She had such a hard time working the red carpet.

  9. Mila is just ridiculously gorgeous. Love her.

    Sharon Stone looks kind of Patricia Arquette-y in the face here?!

    Also, JT and Mila are totally doing it. That's what I took from their presenting together.

    Loved Leo's dress and her acting in the Fighter...but yeah, she's kind of obnoxious. We here in Canada heard that F-bomb loud and clear.

  10. Hated Mila's dress. It looked like she had stickers on her boobs ala Lil' Kim on the MTV music awards that one year.
    Was pretty low-class.

  11. Melissa Leo's feigned surprise at her win was obnoxious and gross as f*ck. "Oh, I won?? You mean me, the person who paid for her own academy award ads?"

    And I like Mila Kunis, but I thought the dress wasn't that great. It made her boobs look funny. But her and JT are totally doing it

  12. Did Melissa and Cate Blanchett raid the same doily factory to make their dresses??

    Michelle-I think it would look nicer if she didn't look naked.

    Mila-I love her and she is gorgeous, but it looks like she raided my 6 year old daughter's bedroom and took all of her purple tafetta and netting from her bed and made a dress out of it but almost didn't have quite enough to cover she raided her shower and found those cute liitle skid guards from the tub and stuck those on.

    Sandra-gorgeous, but just a wee bit obvious on the 'look at me" front.

    Sharon Sharon Sharon Sharon many times must we tell you not to blow dry your hair in the shower!

  13. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I was dreading having to sit through another awful acceptance speech if Leo won, but Kirk Douglas made it all worthwhile. He totally upstaged her and I thought they were going to have to get out the ol' hook to get him off stage.

    If he could have he would have been tap dancing in the background. Awesome!

  14. Can you believe Guiliana and Kelly oooh'd and ahhh'd over Sharon friggin' Stone?

    E! needs Joan Rivers back on the red carpet.

  15. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Califblondy - WTF? My family, too! They thought Stone looked amazing.

    I thought she looked like Madeline Kahn in that last scene in Young Frankenstein. Or Lisa Marie in Mars Attacks.

    Only bad.

  16. I have to say, most of the dresses were quite underwhelming.

    Loved Melissa Leo's F bomb in her speech but yeah, she was pretty bad at faking being surprised.

  17. I didn't watch the Oscars but now I'm looking at pics of Mila Kunis' dress I don't see how the lace looks like tattoos. I think it's lovely, but I confess that I adore her.

  18. Sharon Stone and Rese Witherspoon made me think of Sharon Tate in Valley of the Dolls. (with apologies to Sharon Tate)

  19. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Ha! I thought Reese was totally channeling Barbara Eden in 'I Dream of Jeannie'. I kept thinking she was going to cross her arms and grant somebody a wish.

  20. I liked everything about Mila's look except that fabric that peeps out the chest part b/c it looked like something growing from her chest.

  21. I liked Natalie's dress and thought it made her pregnancy body look fabulous, but hated how it was styled. Matching shoes and earrings? Please. This is the time to punch things up a bit.

    Liked Mila's dress, but it looked a lot like my mom's favorite lilac teddy. Don't ask me how I found that out. I was scarred for life.

  22. Mila and Natalie were stunning. I didn't like the lace on Mila's bust line either. It reminded me of pasties. Otherwise the dress was beautiful.

  23. I initially thought Mila's lace on her breasts was a tattoo.

    As for Melissa Leo. I'm trying very hard to reconcile the fact that the brilliant actress I first encountered and adored on Homicide is the same person who posed in two tacky ads wearing fur. Her outfit at the spirit awards... jeezus. Girl has no taste.

  24. I think Mila looks gorgeous in spite of that dress, not because of it. Michelle Williams, the opposite.

    Natalie's is one of the best maternity dresses I've ever seen. Way too much boob shoving, though.

    I heard RDJ was probably under the influence. :(

  25. Mila looked amazing - loved her dress.

    Love Natalie Portman's as well.

    Melissa Leo's speech made me hit mute and then I basically turned off most of the rest of the Oscar's..with very few exceptions.

  26. @Mooshki - more info on RDJ, please!
    I noticed his upper lip was quite sweaty while he was presenting with Jude :(

    @Ms. Totally agree.
