Wednesday, February 09, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This C List celebrity caught her celebrity B List husband “in the act” while enjoying some online pornography. She allegedly considers it next to ‘cheating’ and denied him sex for two years as penance. He complained often to friends about it, but by all accounts didn’t stray or fall into old habits.


  1. Leoni - Duchovny?

    LOL maybe Ashlee-Pete since they're divorcing

  2. I don't have a guess, but I just have to chime in on how annoying women are who think like this. Men are turned on by physical stimuli; just because they whack off to someone's picture does not mean they have any emotional investment in them or like you any less. This dude needs to leave this idiot and get laid.

  3. This reminds me of a woman I worked with a while ago who called off her marriage (albeit temporarily) when she discovered her fiancee's bachelor party was held at--gasp!--a strip club!
    "I see no reason why he has to celebrate our upcoming wedding by seeing a complete stranger totally naked!"

  4. If she could deny him sex for two years she must not have been into him very much in the first place. So I'd guess Mr B-List Husband is a big fat douche.

  5. Hmmm, "old habits" suggests that the husband used to have a rep for sleeping around or drinking/drugging...

  6. Wentz and Simpson. "Fall into old habits" could be a link to Fall Out Boy.

  7. Jillian, what if this guy was forgoing sex with her in order to deepen his relationship with his keyboard? Should she be pissed off then?

  8. There is nothing more sad than someone being caught masturbating. Unless, as Billy Connolly suggested, the masturbator should immediately jump up and run toward the person who discovered them, shouting, "I'm so glad you're here!"

  9. Lol Barton! I'mma have to remember that one.

  10. K, then there are other issues in their marriage. People don't consistently choose their hand over their partner unless something is really wrong in the bedroom or the relationship.

  11. Two years? And he stuck around?

  12. teehee...omg, i love you, barton fink.

  13. well, if he was withholding sex in favor of masterbating, then I guess she would have a reason to be pissed. But if she were withholding sex as punishment, then he would have a reason to be pissed. I'm glad that regardless of whether I'm irritated at my husband for something or other (or he is irritated with me) we don't withhold sex. I think that shows a deeper level of hate/dislike. If he stuck around for two years he is one loyal puppy.

  14. Does anyone else think she is just using this incident to avoid having sex with him?

  15. I don't think those are the only two reasons...people may consistently choose their hand when they have their own performance issues to deal with. Not that that's what's going on here. (I have no guesses on this blind.) That said, I cannot imagine why he'd stick around for 2 years without getting any. Or why she'd think her "punishment" fit his crime...she's punishing herself, too.

  16. This is very immature. Has to be someone young.

  17. Sounds more like an excuse she gave to end it. She cut the man off for two years and was shocked when he found him pleasuring himself? Am I reading that wrong?

    I could not care less when I saw my husband watching porn. The first time or two he tried to hide it. I was just like "No worries. You watch porn. I read erotica. Same stuff - different medium. Go for it!"

  18. Hmm... I don't know enough about the situation to really be able to comment. I don't consider watching porn to be "cheating" but if he REALLY cheated before maybe it was like...the gateway "drug" to actual physical contact?

    Either way, holding out for two is THAT healthy? They need to go get serious marriage counseling or give it up. That sounds like a completely screwed up situation.

  19. wow, honestly, men do that. Get over it. Women should do it more too, then maybe they'd be less uptight about this stuff!

  20. I give the guy a total pass for anything he does based on his wife not sleeping with him. That includes all the side woman he could bed.

  21. He should have refused her emotional attention.

    It's the only way to fight fire with fire.

    By the way - I believe "old habits" was in reference to his online porn consumption...not drinking/drugging or sleeping around.
