Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Today's Blind Items

With her now busy schedule on that very very popular television show and him having lots of time alone to ponder how he likes being the bigger star, it was pretty inevitable that he would start stepping out on her. She might want to talk to that backup singer of his. Just saying.


  1. Gotta be J-Lo and Skeletor, no?

  2. J-Lo and Skeletor!

  3. Come on..who in their right mind thinks Skeletor is a bigger star?

  4. Oh please, who in their right mind would actually *do* Skeletor?

  5. Sorry, I don't think Skeletor is the bigger star. Unless EL was being facetious.

  6. I think this BI is suggesting that the husband THINKS he is the bigger star. And unless I'm mistaken, Skeletor is huge in Latin markets. Much bigger than JLo.

  7. Mark Antony is a HUGE star in Latin markets. J-lo not so much.

    I can DEFINITELY see this being them.

  8. Yes, Skeletor IS huge in the Latin markets/worldwide.

    But I ditto the question: who the HELL would have sex with that puny, scary thing?

    Of course we all know the answer: just about any gold-digging whore out there. Take a pick.

  9. This is a case of love is blind. He is scary looking.

  10. I would go with the GOOP and Chris Martin...she is on Glee and he is out to lunch (hopefully he is eating an extra rare steak)

  11. don't really like JLO, well her 'work' her attitude, etc. but, if skeletor is sleeping around, hope she kicks his scrawy $(#$ to the door and has a great pre nup. He is DISGUSTING ALL AROUND. anyhoo, just came from P. Hilton, who is obsessed with outing everyone, including pregs. and yes, I know Vic is pregnant, but Perez was using THAT OUTFIT, not same shot of her, POINTING OUT HER BABY BUMP. Starting to think he is jealous and wants to experience pregnancy himself. So enty, Victoria, is having a girl, what are the chances, other than 50/50 esp after having 3 BOYS? She have any science help with the matter? OR SCIENTOLOGY, WHO SUPPOSEDLY CAN INCREASE THE CHANCES OF CERTAIN SEXES TOO?

  12. don't really like JLO, well her 'work' her attitude, etc. but, if skeletor is sleeping around, hope she kicks his scrawy $(#$ to the door and has a great pre nup. He is DISGUSTING ALL AROUND. anyhoo, just came from P. Hilton, who is obsessed with outing everyone, including pregs. and yes, I know Vic is pregnant, but Perez was using THAT OUTFIT, not same shot of her, POINTING OUT HER BABY BUMP. Starting to think he is jealous and wants to experience pregnancy himself. So enty, Victoria, is having a girl, what are the chances, other than 50/50 esp after having 3 BOYS? She have any science help with the matter? OR SCIENTOLOGY, WHO SUPPOSEDLY CAN INCREASE THE CHANCES OF CERTAIN SEXES TOO?

  13. bj-

    I have 4 boys. When I was pregnant with #4 the odds were less than 20% for it to be a boy. Who knows if she got pregnant the "natural" way...

  14. Sorry mean for it to be a girl.

  15. @bj the chances of having a girl is around 50%. For each pregnancy. No matter how many boys you've had before.

    Maybe she used medical science for a guarantee, maybe not. I don't think someone's medical history is fair game.

  16. 50% per pregnancy, although there are some, er, natural ways to try and swing the balance in your favor. One of them worked with our third child, but they sure as heck aren't full proof.

    This is hardly a blind, who else could it be but Jlo and her semi-animated skeleton?

  17. Actually, pegd, if all of your kids have the same father, I think the odds were even better than 50/50 that your fourth would be a boy, because the first three were a sign that he has a genetic predisposition to father sons.

  18. I agree- J. Lo and Skeletor for the win. he is HUGE in the Latin market!

  19. This isn't even a blind! Jennifer Lopez / Marc Anthony. But, re the conversation about the Beckhams - read my previous post to Enty's pregnancy annoucement, if you are really that curious about the sex. (IT IS A GIRL -- TRUST - how many weeks ago did I write this? Yeah, mates - TRUST). And, p.s. it is not true whatsoever that each pregnancy has 50% chance. Google (altogether now: you dumbf*:) The more children you have successively of a single sex, the greater your odds of continuing that pattern. It is not just the male that determines the baby's sex; it is also the condition of the womb - boys are faster swimmers but don't survive as long in noncondusive environments; girls are slow and steady and can by-pass the weaker speadsters to fertilization... Nonetheless, the point of this post: I TOLD YOU POSH WAS HAVING A GIRL! THERE'D BE NO PG IF SHE WEREN'T ... (again: trust).

  20. @parissucksliterally, He isn't just huge in the Latin market. My Panamanian says that he's also famous for being huge in the pantalones, too.

  21. FU Mark, I don't care if she's a diva, cheaters suck.

  22. LOL, I totally just tried to figure out which commenter lanasyogamama was mad at.

    Barton, Ugh...now I just see a skeleton and a sausage.

  23. @Barton Fink, not to be crass, but he'd have to be pretty huge in the pantalones to offset the rest of the package.

  24. @Kid Sis, It's a horrifying image, that starved thin body --

  25. Barton Fink, it doesn't surprise me- all skinny dudes I have dated have had huge schlongs!


  26. Odd guess, but Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minillo? She just guested on 30 Rock, he's fading (faded?) as a singer, but had been considered the more famous of the two of them at least because of his divorce.

  27. Yes Mooshki, you're right, my ob/gyn told me I had less than 20% chance for a girl with the last one (think the actual # was around 15%. My boys have the same father.

  28. I have ZERO sympathy for JLo. He was married Dayanara Torres when J.Lo moved in. Sorry, karma's a bitch.

    I've said this before and I'll say it again: Marc Anthony is HUGE, both as a singer and "down there". His voice is beautiful and his music amazing.

    There is a picture of him pumping gas and flipping the bird to the paps while also grabbing his crotch. google it.

  29. Marc Anthony is a megastar, music-wise as well. J Lo...meh.

    I'm just proud he is hetero...in and out of his marriage, instead of having a beard.

  30. I think Marc Anthony is very unattractive, but considering his romantic history: kids with 3 different women, married 2 women that were not slouches by any means, guy has to have a lot of charisma, sexuality or a world class romantic nature...

  31. Marc Anthony is very unattractive, but after I saw his guest run on Jada Pinkett Smith's show, Hawthorne, I totally understand how he's such a player. The man has charisma for days.

  32. come on people..it doesn't say he IS the bigger star, it says he PONDERS it....it's his ego!!
    Chicks still do Hugh ...chick's will do anyone!!

  33. Oops, pegd, I missed your second post with the correction. :) My aunt had 3 girls, and when she was pregnant with her fourth, the doctors said it was a girl too, but when the baby popped out, it was a boy. You can imagine how thrilled my uncle was! :)

  34. not marc/jlo. one, he's the bigger star internationally, and 2, he doesn't have lots of time alone. he just left yesterday for a full february of sold out dates in south amer. not to mention his b/u singer is this super-talented girl in her own right, who's been with him pretty much the length of his career...she has solo projects and has been in long-term relationship w/ one of marc's go-to producers...very on the up-and-up, definitely not a skank type.

    and yes, the rumor about him and his long schlong are permanent fixtures of tabloid gossip in latin market. i pretty sure there's truth to it, from the stories i've heard.

  35. Isn't being on tour the perfect time for Marc to stray? Just because he's not "physically" alone doesn't mean he doesn't feel alone/want a warm body.
