Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Lindsay Case

Lindsay Lohan says she did not steal the necklace of which she was charged with stealing. The store says that not only did Lindsay steal the necklace, but four days prior to stealing the necklace she tried to walk out of the store with diamond earrings. Parts of the store's story do not make sense and I think Lindsay actually could beat the charges if she went to trial. The problem is that if she loses she will go bye bye for a long time. So, yesterday her lawyer was already talking plea deal. It will probably be something like no jail and a million years probation and community service. At this rate, Lindsay will be on probation for the rest of her life. You know she will probably screw up the probation so it will get extended. I have no doubts that she could spend 15 years total on probation.


  1. She needs to go bye-bye. She has had enough breaks and has not taken advantage to straighten up her life.

  2. Ditto...well said.

  3. Probation, shmabation. Lock her up. No one else would get this many chances after repeatedly screwing up.

  4. There is something screwy about the store's claims. Did she leave wearing the chain or put it in her purse? Why did they delay the police investigation? She might actually beat this one.

    And why, oh why, did she wear that dress yesterday?

  5. Your Honor, why would Lindsay Lohan steal a 2500 dollar necklace when she could make that much on her knees in just a couple of hours? Hmmmm? The defense rests.

  6. looserdude - it's either her or Dina that's making the money. How can she afford all her legal expenses?

    A friend of mine posted this as her inspiration for the dress:

  7. I have an exhausting feeling she'll somehow escape from this unscathed.

    The thing is, her protestations of "borrowing" are ridiculous. If there had been no evidence that she hadn't stolen it, the prosecution wouldn't have laid charges. She stole it. We all know it.

  8. Seems like everything she does is a cry for attention. I think mandatory therapy if she gets probation...

  9. I think her parents need to be put in jail and she needs to be put back into rehab. Only if the parents never get out will she stand even the slightest chance. And please, oh please don't let her EVER have a child. I see no way humanly possible that she wouldn't screw it up.

  10. Who cares if she spends 20 years on probation, even when she violates it nothing happens! She'll never spend any real time in jail and that makes her feel more entitled and will steal again and again. Or drive drunk or kidnap some kids & their car.

  11. I'm getting sick of seeing her smirk, especially because again nothing will stick and she'll get off again. I also think she just eats off this attention, yeah she's so sick that negative attention feeds her self-entitlement. I used to feel sorry for her, what with those sorry excuses as parents, but not anymore. Well, the good news is that if she gets off this time, she'll steal again and maybe that one won't slide off her.

    And she's not dumb, she probably did that thing with the earrings to set up how "absent-minded" she is.

  12. Dana Plato all over again.

  13. she needs to lay off the lip injections.

  14. Now it emerges that (a) she sent flowers to the store as some sort of apology (that's why the judge ordered her not to contact the store further) and (b) her lawyer asked for a plea deal of guilty in exchange for no jail time and continued probation.

  15. I cannot believe she wore that dress to court! I have seen the hookers that stand on the corner look classier.

    court is not a red carpet event.

    The judge should have sent her home to change.

  16. As someone posted on another blog, if a person not intending to steal the necklace got home and found it around their neck, they would race back to the store and apologize like crazy for walking out still wearing it. However, LiLo goes home and does nothing, and only returns it once she hears there's been a search warrant issued. So how is she going to argue that it was all a mistake?

  17. "Community service?"

    Does that mean we get to daydream about seeing her in an orange safety vest picking up trash on the side of a highway?

  18. @skeeball - I'm really not sure she was wearing a bra, either.
    Although one of the sites hilariously suggested we should all just give her a break: she's probably running out of outfits to wear to court!

  19. Interesting that we haven't heard a peep from Dina or Michael with this latest charge. No Today show appearances, no photo-ops in mesh tank tops. Perhaps they finally realize the extent of Lindsay's illness?

  20. My lord, is she going to get off? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

  21. Turns out the dress she's wearing just sold out online and in every store ($575 by Mike Ovitz' daughter.) Glasses are Chanel. So does she get a commission when she wears something and it sells out? Doesn't hurt that the designer is the daughter of one of the biggests agents in Hollywood, either. No word on her shoes yet. In December she wore Louboutin.

  22. maybe they've talked to different people at the store. whatever. i don't believe the STORE is lying. why would they do that? this 'confusion' sounds like something lindsay's putting out there.

    she's a fucking THIEF. and not a damn thing is going to happen to her.

    as usual.

  23. She will skate but so would anyone else. The jails are far too full and there are far too many idiots just like her to lock them all up.

    Iheartjack: She never claimed to accidentally walk out with the necklace. She claimed it was loaned to her.

  24. I'm confused. Maybe it's because I'm not an American and don't totally understand American laws.

    I thought, if you're on "Probation", that means, you can't get in trouble, or you go to jail. Isn't probation like, we know you're supposed to be in jail but we'll let you stay out ONLY so long as you stay out of trouble. How can she be on probation, continually get arrested, and not be going to jail? I DON'T UNDERSTAND.

  25. @Anotheramy

    According to TMZ, four days before the necklace incident, Lindsay went to the jewelry store and tried on a pair of 18 karat gold white diamond earrings. Lindsay removed one earring and left the other in her ear while she shopped.

    According to the report, "Ms. Lohan gathered her things and started to leave the jewelry store without making a purchase. Ms. Lohan's hair was flipped to one side covering the diamond earring."

    The report states, "[The clerk] stopped her and reminded Ms. Lohan she was still wearing the earring. Ms. Lohan laughed, admitted to her mistake and removed the earring from her ear and returned it to [the clerk]."

    The scenario involving the earrings is similar to Lindsay's conduct in the store when she left with the necklace. And, people who know Lindsay say she's a scatterbrain who forgets basic things all the time.


    I know LiLo started out saying in was a loan, but now she has "friends" or "sources" speaking to the tabs about how "scatterbrained" she is. I think she has figured out that no one is going to believe that she was loaned an expensive necklace without any paperwork setting forth the length of said "loan." And if Lindsay honestly believed she was being loaned the necklace, when she heard there was a search warrant, why didn't she go immediately to the jewelry store to try to straighten out the "misunderstanding," instead of having an assistant turn it into the police department?

  26. She must be a duck, everything rolls off her. And the lips, more evidence.

  27. "Ms. Lohan's hair was flipped to one side covering the diamond earring."

    Scatterbrained? She's a klepto. Plain and simple.

    Winona paid the price with her career when she was caught, but Lindsay does it all the time and she doesn't pay for her actions.

  28. Yes Char, that is how probation is supposed to work. That is the infuriating thing about Lindsay. Nothing of consequence ever happens to her. And she always has a lame excuse.

  29. Her lips look like Taylor Armstrongs.

    The chick had eff you painted on her fingernails for her last shenanigans court time. Nothing about her outfit surprises me. So did all these idiots run out & ask for the Lindsay Stolen Necklace Court Date Dress??
