Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Great eyebrows on Melissa Etheridge as she premiered in American Idiot last night.
Michelle Trachtenberg and Nicole Fiscella. Take your shoes off Nicole if you go back to her place.
Nigel Barker having breakfast this morning. Breakfast is the best. It is one of the few meals where they don't look at you funny for eating bacon and sausage. I also need to find a new IHOP. That all you can eat thing does not seem to apply to me.
And Nicole Kidman demonstrates how she gives oral to a piece of straw for Marie Claire.
Meanwhile, George Clooney's girlfriend is now modeling underwear.
Stephen Baldwin and his non underwear modeling daughter.
Can't wait to see Sunset Limited with these two.
50 Cent went to the premiere but brought his own headphones so he could look like an idiot.
Josh Lucas was also there.
I have now gone permanently blind and will have the image of Snooki on a bed burned in my retina forever.
Tom Sturridge does his Robert Pattinson outfit with Rachel Bilson.


  1. Did they photoshop Elisabetta's cheesy 90s armband tattoo out of the ad?

  2. snooki looks different. Not better like some have said, but definitely different.

    Josh Lucas is losing his hot!

    Stephen b.'s daughter looks like Kate Hudson.

  3. I wouldn't have even known that was Josh Lucas. He looks almost Gosling-like.

    I'll take Barker in bed over breakfast or bacon anyday.

  4. Nigel Barker has hair?!?!?!?! This is very exciting!

  5. with hair...without hair....nigel is HOT.

  6. I thought that was Gloria Estefan with Steven Baldwin

  7. I like Nigel better bald. Yummy!

    I can't hate on Nicole Kidman as long as she has her gorgeous red hair back.

    Elisabetta was so annoying on 'Leverage.'

  8. Noted fashion photographer Niigeelll Barkerrrr, like Tyra Banks says, lol.

  9. I don't get the Michelle T shoes comment...

  10. I'm with Char....Scratching my head. Michelle T goes both ways???? or is this an answer to a blind? Very interesting....

  11. Earlier today Enty posted a BI reveal for Michelle T.

    On that same almost network from #1, there is an even more popular show. They had a female in a recurring role who is a B- list actress known for movies and television. She tried to have a production assistant fired because he came in her trailer without removing his shoes.

    Michelle Trachtenberg

  12. I love Josh Lucas! He looks good. Nigel Barker is SOOOOO HOTTT!!!!
    Rachel Bilson reminds me of Cindy Crawford...hooded eyes, smile, cheekbones, birthmark/mole.

  13. Agree that Nigel Barker is hot. I saw him once on TV with his mother, who is gorgeous and Indian or Sri Lankan, and that gives him that slightly exotic look.

    Question: When was the last time Stephen Baldwin had his eyes fully open? Anyone??

  14. What the fuck is wrong with Melissa Etheridge's hair???!
    Nigel IS hot. And he's part Sri Lankan.
    Nicole Kidman has always bothered me; she's too pale and too pointy. I'd pick her over her insane ex Tom Cruise any day, though.
    Yeah...Jordan Catalano needs to get back to acting. I still can't believe that was him in RFAD.
