Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Biggest Idiot In The World?

I know there is a very long list of idiots in this world, but I think I have found a contender for biggest idiot. Let me know hat you think. Miljenko Parserisas Bukovic is a Julia Roberts fan. For the sake of argument, let us not go into why this is a bad decision. I mean everyone has their favorite and for some reason only known to Miljenko he has decided that Julia Roberts is his pick for favorite. Well, most of us would admire the parson from afar. Perhaps we would see all their movies or buy them if we really wanted to contribute, but this guy has gone one step further. He got a tattoo. Well, not just one tattoo. See, one could be forgiven, kind of like you had a really bad vodka bender and you thought it would be a great idea to show your love for Erin Brockovich by getting a tattoo. Well, Miljenko has 82 tattoos of Julia Roberts. Yep. 82.


  1. Refresh your browsers in Firefox, and it should be fine.

  2. But clearly, he covers them up during the day. Pale, inky Julia only comes out at night.

  3. I wonder if he's single.

  4. This is no dumber than many other tattoos I've seen. I mean, it's not as Megan Fox looks any classier with her derpy Marilyn face and that junior high poetry written in Ye Olde Font inked all over her scrawny body.

  5. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Julia must be so proud.

  6. Are you sure they aren't a bunch of horse tattoos?

  7. "Are you sure they aren't a bunch of horse tattoos?"


  8. I personally am not a tat fan, but this is pretty insane. I wonder if Julia has met her biggest fan? lol

  9. I love the fact that on his left should, he has the picture of Julia in the pink dress where she waved at the camera and it was discovered that she had *GASP* hairy armpits. ESCANDALO!

  10. should = shoulder. I got carried away.

  11. Any fan can get one tattoo. Only a super fan would get 82. Now that's winning!

  12. @Maja-- YESSSS!! Now I wish that this dude had positioned that one tattoo differently! That is, I want his own armpit hair to stand in for Julia's. Kinda like this:

    I once knew a guy who had Jesus coming down a chimney on one shoulder blade, and Santa hanging on a crucifix on the other. THAT is the weirdest body "art" I've ever seen.

    And LOL at the horse comment. It's funny 'cause it's true!

  13. @amoteafloat - That "junior high poetry" is actually Shakespeare. #TheMoreYouKnow

  14. @ Paisley - DUH!!!! LMAO : )

  15. @Nightmare -- there is NO WAY IN HELL that "there once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her HEART" is Shakespearean, sorry. ;-) It does have nice meter, though...

    Anyway, when I said "junior high poetry", that's the tattoo I was thinking of.

  16. EXACT same thing I thought Maja and amoteafloat!

  17. RQ, it's been a while since I professed my undying love for you. I bow to your brilliance. :)

    Sorry, this guy does not get the top of the list. All those 40 something women with extensive Twilight tattoos get the top spots, and thanks to the Lord Voldemort twitter for ruining my brain with the fact that such a thing exists.

  18. Most of these are not even up to par with bad prison tattoos. The three small ones on his chest are however the best. They look like they were done with permanent marker.

  19. Julia is probably eaten up with a dumbass over this. It might be her 3rd husband she's so in love with herself.

  20. I'd like to see the Julia tatts on his ass. Maybe it's sideways and his butt crack is her smile.

  21. If I was into tattoos, I would totally plaster Christian Bale on every inch of me.

  22. I am absolutely THRILLED with the bitchy comments! Thrilled, I tell you!
