Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lets Talk Comforting

I think it is time for a discussion. I saw that Ashlee Simpson has some new guy that she went shopping with and everyone is calling it her new guy. Apparently there was some kissing going on. Kneepads says the relationship is just the guy comforting her because they have known each other awhile. Here is my thing. How many guys do you know that would voluntarily go shopping with someone just to be there for comfort? Ashlee might think this is all about helping her through the breakup, but this guy is probably either trying to get some free publicity or trying to get a whole different definition of comfort. Probably both. Also, if Ashlee does like this guy, why would she date another guy in a band who is always going to be gone? Wasn't the whole excuse for getting a divorce that she was tired of Pete gone all the time? This guy is in a much smaller band and will be on the road waaaaaay more than Pete was or is.

What do you think? Is there such a thing as just comforting with no ulterior motive?


  1. Yes, I'd like to think there is. Or maybe I'm just naive...

  2. Supposedly this guy's band is under Pete Wentz's record label and they were friends. Just skanky.

  3. Because she's just as stupid as her sister?

  4. Ashlee is a tool. Always has been, always will be.
    Team Pete on this one.

  5. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Oh, Lord. You are asking us to think and discourse on behalf of Asslee Simpson? The girl has the intelligence of an amoeba.

    Hell, if she cannot bother to get one single synapse firing on her own behalf then why should we do all the heavy lifting?

    Let sleeping single celled organisms lie.

  6. Definitely Team Pete.

  7. If the guy is gay maybe he is there for comfort & the enjoyment of shopping. But even then I don't see any reason to hang around Ashlee, even if she's paying. Team Pete!

  8. methinks the guys just wants to be the rebound lay. that is all.

  9. I bet she went after him, and this "comfort" bs is so people won't think she's a slut for moving on so fast.

  10. She looks like Lindsay Lohan's boyfriend/girlfriend chick.

  11. Ashlee had a reality show on a few years ago (made around the same time she did that record "Pieces of Me" while she was chasing that Cabrera doofus with the big hair) and she seemed really down to earth and kinda sweet.

    One nose job, some weight loss and a shit-load of coke later, she's a nasty bitch. Sad.

    If I were her I would have crawled under a rock after her SNL debacle and never come out.

  12. Ashlee seems like one of those girls who has to have a man at all times, so now that she left Pete, she has to attach herself to another guy so she looks desirable.

  13. but this guy is probably either trying to get some free publicity or trying to get a whole different definition of comfort. Probably both.

