Thursday, March 03, 2011

Bobbi-Kristina Doing Coke

Last week when I posted that photo of Bobbi Kristina and her mom Whitney Houston it looked they were getting along so well. I think the National Enquirer has discovered the reason why. Group discounts at their drug dealer. Joining her mom and her dad, Bobbi-Kristina has now entered the world of drug use. Not just pot mind you, but full on snorting the coke just like mom. Oh how her parents must be so proud. Seriously though, I do wonder if they even said anything or even care. It is tough to get on to your child about something if they learned the behavior from you.


  1. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm not shocked, but isn't she like 13 or something?

  2. How awful, she didn't have a chance with those parents.

  3. Awww shit, what a bummer. I started partying very young, so I understand. I wish her the best in her soon to be struggles.

  4. It's sad that she apparently doesn't have one single person in her life who is concerned about her.

  5. Wonder what they will do when Whitney's recent tour money is gone? Momma's voice is toast, there will not be another one. Mother and Daughter hooking or porn? This girl did not have a chance with those parents of hers.

  6. Now that's just a damn shame! Isn't she still only around 15 or so?

  7. Actually, she's 17. This is such a drag. Hopefully a phase she'll outgrow, but I doubt it.

  8. Where in the heck was this taken? Sad. Did Bobbi Kris see Whit light up the pipe?

    Her grandmother cares very deeply about her, but Bobbi Kris is a young adult now. Grandma can't make any of them change.

  9. 17?! Holy hell I feel old.

  10. Oh God.So sad, so inevitable. Parents,they fuck you up,some poet said. Paraphrasing.

  11. I pray Whitney is sober and that she attempts to sort BK out.

  12. It reminds me of a commerical against booze or drugs back in the late 70's-the dad confronts the kid about his behavior and the kid says "I learned it by watching YOU Dad, I learned it by watching you!!"

    That kid must have seen soooo much shit growing up with those two for parents!! When I watched their reality show, you knew this was were this was headed! Hell to the no, Bobby!!!

  13. Oh no. This won't end well. :(
    There's no doubt this girl saw some THINGS. I highly doubt Whitney is sober these days.

  14. Sad but considering her parents not surprising. I think Bobby might be clean now, but I don't think Whitney is. I hope she gets help.

  15. This is my shocked face.

  16. hey, they set the example.

  17. You really need to take these pictures down. The girl is 17 and tried to kill herself a couple of years ago. She's not the celebrity; her parents are. This should be off limits and it's totally vile of The Star. Please don't perpetuate it.

  18. Not the least bit shocked.

  19. Anonymous11:55 AM

    This is a shame that the parents don't even care.

  20. No one is going to mention, the White arm with a nice watch holding the mirror up to her nose, while someone takes a photo? Was this set up? Is this Charlie Sheen's Suited Coke Dealer with a brief case?

    I know it's her doing it, but I find it repulsive that someone set her up.

  21. Looks like this is a cry for attention.

    This little girl is f'd.

  22. Looks like this is a cry for attention.

    This little girl is f'd.

  23. she never had a chance being the spawn of those 2 whack jobs.

  24. I agree with Cancan. I'm disgusted that anyone would publish pictures of this kid doing drugs. What's that supposed to accomplish? I doubt it will encourage her to get clean.

  25. I think with the arm, it looks like someone is holding up a tray for her. I've heard about parties like that, where "waiters" walk around not with trays of food but with trays of lines of coke. That's what this looks like to me. Well I imagine she's been going to parties like that for a long time, so not that surprised. It's very sad though. I hope it's just a phase and she realizes what this stuff has done to her parents.

  26. I think a lot of kids her age with money do coke, but what's worrisome is that her parents have had issues with drug abuse. Other than that, I agree that the tabloids need to lay off the kids of celebs, especially if they're minors and not in show biz. Leave the girl alone. She has enough to deal with.

  27. she's sitting down, I doubt she's at a party with waitors. (see the photo on the right)
