Thursday, March 03, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This underage B list actress from television and film is currently not speaking to her parents because of some sort of falling out. She ran away several months ago and lived in her car for a few days until friends took her in.


  1. taylor "cindy lou who" momsen

  2. Taylor's not B list.

    Selena Gomez? Miranda Cosgrove?

    One of the Modern Family Kids? that doesn't seem right though.

  3. Dakota Fanning? Not sure if she has done tv or not.

  4. Taylor is not B list, and I believe she is legally emancipated, so it's definitely not her.

    I'm not very up to date on my tweeners so I don't really have any guesses.

  5. Hope not Abigail Breslin, but I would imagine her brother would help her out if needed.

    How about Chloe Moritz? Has she done TV? Come to think of it, neither has Abigail.

    Salena is not underage.

    Let's go with the Taylor one. She's B list-she's on a popular show and gets her picture in all the mags. I would say that fits. Oh how I miss her Cindy Lou Who days...

  6. Taylor is more of a musician than actress now. I believe she's no longer on Gossip Girl, and good riddance. Producers? Please send Vanessa after her.

  7. Thanks RocketQueen...I've actually never watched the show.

  8. I wouldn't start now ;) I watch cause I love Blair (Leighton Meester) and Chuck (Ed Westwick), but the rest is pretty weak.
    Taylor was being a brat last year (remember Tim Gunn's comments about how unprofessional she was on the set?) and never came back for this season beyond a couple of episodes where it was explained she's going away to school.

  9. FWIW, Abigail Breslin was on an ep of Law &Order SVU: when she was about 8 (and was excellent!) but I think she's considered a film actress. I sure hope it isn't her.

  10. Taylor Momson is not even close to a B list. She couldn't act her way out of a box anyway. She's a complete joke. She's also not a draw...definitely a D list actress who will soon be a Z-list. Dakota Fanning is a B list, but she's just film. Breslin is a B list but just film. It's probably that chick who's dating Justin Beiber. She used to be on TV and is now in Film.

  11. Below is a link to all the current big name child actors/actresses and their current age.

    FYI...Taylor Momsen is now 18 and therefore no longer a minor.

  12. Chloe Moretz isn't old enough to drive, much less own a car--she's 13, maybe 14 by now. Don't know who it is, but it's still sad.

  13. @crila16 Selena Gomez - dating Justin Beiber - is 18. Not underage.

  14. Momsen doesn't turn 18 until July.
