Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Charlie Sheen Winning On Kimmel

Last night while Jimmy Kimmel was interviewing Mark Cuban, who should suddenly appear but the warlock himself. Taking a recuperation break from his hookers, porn stars, and drugs, Charlie decided to make an appearance that was good, but not warlock worthy.


  1. Why are other celebrities hailing Charlie like he's some sort of hero??? He's a sick, sick, dysfunctional person who needs serious help, and Hollywood (minus 2-1/2 men creators/producers)are enabling him. Charlie is losing it and people are getting a kick out of it and trying to make money, as opposed to giving him a mass intervention. It's really sad.

  2. Hat trick today with the assholes?

  3. I, for one, am sick of Charlie and his "shenanigans"...I don't watch 2.5 Men anymore nor did I or will I buy tickets to his tour. I agree with crila16 - why are people hailing him like some kind of hero? What is that telling the children of this country? I rarely get on my soap box anymore but man, I have had enough of this guy.

  4. All we need is a Mel Gibson post and we'll be four for four.

  5. How come no one told me it was Douchebag Day?

  6. Enough already. No more posts on this tool please.

  7. Backstage Jimmy is vigorously gargling with Listerene!!

  8. How weird is it that this guy can go from being the ultimate asshole to being some type of cult-hero?

  9. I completely agree crila16. I'm so done with him. Unless his "friends" and family plan to do a mass intervention, cut him out of your life and stop enabling him. For the love of God think of his children that are unfortunatley involved in all of this. There is only so much sheltering you can do before they see and hear what's happening. It's sick and disguting that celebrities and Hollywood would rather make a quick buck off him or continue to find amusement in all of this at the expense of his kids. It will be a miracle if his kids come out of all of this ok. I hope to God he is stripped of his parental rights and pray they have half a chance to be raised by good family members who can raise them in a loving home.

  10. Seriously! Chris Brown, Michael Lohan and Charlie Sheen all in a row? WTF is this, domestic violence day? Ugh! It almost makes you wish for a Kardassian post, LOL!

  11. Just to throw something different out there, what is it about Mark Cuban that creeps me out?

    chopchop, national douche day? that's funny as hell.

  12. Cuban Creeps me out too. He's a freaking weirdo. Charlie is just a drug addict who is famous. He's not the only one in CA, that's for sure.

  13. Mark Cuban is almost as repulsive as Charlie Sheen, just in a different way. And I'm appalled that the world seems to have gone from, "Oh my gosh, Charlie Sheen is the biggest d-bag on the planet and needs serious help," to "Cool! I just bought tickets to the Charlie Sheen concert!" in a two-week span. I thought for sure this guy's time in the spotlight was almost over, and certainly I didn't think CBS would be stupid enough to consider taking him back. Crazy, stupid world we live in.

  14. I have always liked that Mark Cuban does not give a rats ass what anyone thinks about him. You have got to love that on some level. But, I live near Dallas and like the guy. He is passionate.

  15. I share a birthday with Charlie (throwing up a little in my mouth) and I used to be on the "I hate Charlie" bandwagon but now I'm starting to think he's a genius. Maybe what you see is not what you get with this guy after all.

  16. @ The Black Cat - I am starting to wonder if this is all some kind of crazy like a fox act myself. He is drug free every time they test him. He has been in talks with the Fox Network.

  17. Yup, I never thought I'd use the word subtle and Charlie Sheen's name in the same sentence but.....

  18. Do OTHER countries humor this same level of celebrity douchebaggery? I'm just curious.

  19. What does his shirt say?? Not the Winning one. Did he just make all that shit on Zazzle before he went on?

    I'm with you, crila16!

  20. as long as you all hate on him and react to him, the longer he's going to be coming onto shows like kimmel, et al.

  21. Amoteafloat asked,"Do OTHER countries humor this same level of celebrity douchebaggery? I'm just curious."

    Well, Italy keeps electing that Silvio Berlusconi dude. Maybe he and Charlie Sheen should go on tour together? They can each bring enough goddesses for themselves, and it'll be like a Bob Hope/Bing Crosby road movie!

  22. Drug free or not, he's as an arrogant ass. I hate when people do that hand motion to get the audience to stand up/clap in adulation. He need's a slap up the head & a big dose of humble pie.

    I would cancel my friendship w/ anyone who bought tix to this shitshow.

  23. And ya, I only made it to the 40 sec mark.

  24. so sick of hearing about this tool. can we be done?

  25. If we ignore Charlie, he might go away.

  26. anyone else think john stamos is the wrong choice as replacement for douchebag sheen? imo i think Balthazar Getty looks more like DB Sheen and he's hardly shy with the ladies (sienna miller hide ur homewrecking ass) just sayin.....
