Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Victoria Jackson Has New Career As Hate Monger

For the second time in as many weeks, the former SNL alum, and do nothing since that horrible movie with Lea Thompson and Andrew Dice Clay, Victoria Jackson has managed to tick off a huge number of people. Last week she went on a rant about Glee and the same sex kiss that Chris Colfer and Darren Criss shared on the show. Because she is usually going to say something controversial, Victoria was invited on CNN to discuss her comments and managed to tick off all the Muslims in the world.

She said that the Muslim-Americans in this country are plotting to take us all down and does not understand why people, especially the media are nice to Muslims. "I just want to know why the liberals are pro-Muslim and pro-gay," she said. "Muslims kill gays. That's what's confusing to me. And the only thing I can come up with is the Muslims hate God and the gays hate his word."

The only thing confusing is her argument because it does not make any sense. I do see a career for her as Dennis Miller's sidekick.


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Why would they even interview someone as Stupid as she?

  2. And here I thought that stupid schtick she put on at SNL was acting.

  3. It really is loser day here on CDaN. I'm down with free speech, but this shit is hateful and ignorant.

  4. I don't care for this woman, but why bring Dennis Miller into this? What did he do?

    And while what she supposedly said doesn't make sense, she does have a point about the Muslim community as a whole not doing enough to condemn the atrocities that Muslims throughout the world do-and that includes the persecution of women, gays and non-Muslim people, particularly the Jews.

    Sorry, not politically correct, but I am not alone in feeling this way and becoming increasingly frustrated by it.

    I will sit nice now and wait for the name calling to begin.

  5. I always love hearing ignorant, bigoted comments delivered in a pleasing nasal whine. WTF?

  6. I don't think it's right to throw all Muslims in a pile with the extremist ones. Just like you don't throw all white people in a league with neo-nazi's.

    All the Muslim people I know think extremists of Islam are nuts.

    I didn't edit this so 'scuse any poor spelling.

  7. Wow. I had no idea she was one of THEM.

  8. Anonymous12:34 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I find it refreshing how entertainers in their early years probably fucked and snorted any and everything in their path, BUT

    Once they approach 60 y/o, they turn out like this.

    Can't wait for LiLo!

  10. Not all White People are White Trash nor are all Muslims Extremist. I have no use for Extremists of any kind and no use for anyone that would murder or physically harm women, children or anyone Gay, Lesbian or Transgendered in the name of their "beliefs". Free Speech and Opinions are one thing, physical harm is something else. Nut jobs with scary opinions are everywhere I am afraid, especially on the Fox News Network. Gag. : (

  11. I can see those Palin/Jackson bumper stickers now. Just joking about that scares me!

  12. Ice Angel, there are many Christians who don't behave in a so called Christian manner either so it's not just Muslims who are like this. I have noticed a certain biased towards Muslims though by the media and I suspect it's because they don't want to be accused as being racist or bigoted. Personally, I think it sends an even worse negative message that you and I have detected which is way worse than calling a spade a spade.
    As for normal Muslims not speaking out against the radicals I believe there is also the fear factor, who wants to call out a radical and then end up getting their car blown up? Can't blame anyone for pussy footing around extremists.

  13. The next think you know, she'll be telling everyone the star whackers are after her now, too.

  14. Why is anyone taking her seriously?

  15. extremism is a very bad thing---whether it be muslim or....

    fundamentalist 'christian.'

    the latter are so filled with hate, they really don't differ that much from the terrorists.

  16. She's right about Sharia Law killing homosexuals:


  17. Who? I recognized her, but seriously, who?!

    Honestly when I first saw this all I could think of was great, someone bringing up hate speech to get attention, ANY kind of attention because they've faded into obscurity.

  18. I have to run and tell my dear gay Muslim friend this! He won't know what to DO!

    And Sharia law? Please, there is a huge difference between Muslims who want to practice Sharia law and the vast majority in the Western world.

    Also, she was really pissed at Glee for "promoting" homosexual values and anti-bullying. Great girl, this one.

  19. The Muslims are taking over the world. We're fiddling while Rome burns.

  20. Muslims kill gays. She is right about that. They killed several Muslim teens who shaved their chest. That's all they did, shave their chest, and they died for it.

  21. Is it just me or has the writing taken a turn for the worse around here? I am finding a lot of the posts poorly written and/or oddly worded. I am not trying to be a jerk, just wondering if others have noticed it... I could take or leave the random photos, so I don't miss them, but the posts themselves have left a lot to be desired. Eh.

  22. We had a speaker at my uni last semester who spoke about Islamaphobia- and it was such an eye opener.
    American govt supports some of the most radical evil people who happen to preach their version of Muslim values which include anti-gay and anti-women's rights.
    There are SOOO many Muslims who do not agree with this sect of the religion- which has been created much more recently than the original Muslim religion which used includes having some of the first women in power.
    Muslims are also denied their voices in the media- often after 9/11 riots or attitudes about Muslims were happening and yet to this day reporters often dont ask the Muslim community about this.
    As for Glee--- I defy anyone to watch that tiny segment and feel anything negative. It was a simple thing about 2 people realizing they had found love right in front of their faces and admiting it.
    For this woman to see the bad in this situation, for this woman to ignorantly cast aside the vast history of the Muslim people who have in some cases paved the way for women rights... fuck her

  23. Hey Nancer-how many fundamentalist Christian groups have enganged in funded terrorism. Now I am not talking about lunatic fringe crackpots working on their own. I am talking about the ones funded, backed and supported by they local mosques.

    And the organized Christian religious organizations that I know, such as Catholics, Lutherans, Methodist, etc...have all spoken out against them for their despicable and cowardly acts. Not quietly funded and/or privately condoned them.

    The difference is that the Muslim extremists have hijacked the faith and the regular Muslims have allowed it to continue. You are walking around with blinders on if you truly believe that Christian extremists (and who are they anyway???) are worse than the Muslim extremists!

    I would love to see some links to support all of these Christian extremists carrying out horrific terrorist acts.

  24. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/globalconnections/mideast/questions/women/
    This is a little bit about how Islamic women have had rights to ownership far before Western women.

  25. @Jasmine-I read and appreciated your well thought out and written post...that is until you ruined it at the very end.

  26. @Jasmine-OK...so you are correct...Muslim women have a lot of rights and power....let's go talk to some on the streets of some of these theocracies as they walk around in their black burkas in the middle of the desert.

  27. Christ on a pony, she's not even a mildly entertaining crackpot. It's hard to hate vapid; I just lose interest half-way through my rebuttal.

  28. @Jasmine. Thanks for the link. I did look at it and although I don't see PBS as necessarily a bi-partisan unbiased source, I'll take it. That said, it discusses the difference between culture and religion. But in most of those 3rd world Muslim countries, the religion IS the culture. They are theocracies! And those that use Sharia laws, i.e. the Taliban, think nothing of stoning women to death for adultry.

    Women and children have very little rights in these countries.

    But the bottom line is that everyone is afraid of them and they are afraid of each other. It a culture of fear. It is their product. They wish to place fear in others and guess what...it is working! So when someone stands up and calls them out on it, they become the "fear-monger." Really? Then call me afraid...because as soon as they are able, they WILL blow up the entire planet if given the opportunity. FACT.

  29. Ice Angel, what about the church that protests at military funerals? How about the church/pastor that decided to announce that he was going to burn the Koran? How about the churches that fund the abortion doctor killings and the blowing up of abortion clinics? And Catholics? they have quietly supported and funded the most terrifying crackpots of all....the pedophile priests. I don't see any difference between Christians and Muslims and Jews. They all have their nutcase extremists and they all have a majority of peaceful followers. I have many Muslim friends and they were as horrified as I was to hear about the OK City bombing and 9/11. They cried when their loved ones were lost. Just because you don't agree with them and they don't behave as YOU expect them to, doesn't make them wrong.

  30. @kitty, a lot of fundie Christians want to kill gay people, too. Not all Muslims are anti-gay. In fact, I know of a Muslim who IS gay.

    Victoria Jackson is a moron. If she can't figure out that whole "tolerance" thing then there's no point attempting to decrypt her insanity. At least she's just stupid. Dennis Miller is a sell-out.

  31. I'm with you, Jasmine. It upsets me that a few extremists are taken as representatives of the entire muslim faith.
    I'm also with bluebonnetmom, extremists of ANY faith freak me out and are dangerous.
    @Jamie's Girl - "muslims are taking over the world"?? That's the most unsupported, fear-mongering statement I've heard all day.

  32. *I would love to see some links to support all of these Christian extremists carrying out horrific terrorist acts.*

    It's wikipedia, but feel free to do some additional research.


  33. Christian Extremists = those who bomb abortion clinics or kill people that work in those clinics who do it in the name of God.
    Christian Extremists = missionaries who felt the need to convert indigenous peoples to Christianity.
    Christian Extremists = those who participated and encouraged Nazi Germany.

  34. My boyfriend of 3 years is Muslim. I have to be honest, they do think very differently than Americans.

    The Mulsim religion isn't just a religion...it's a way of life. It's a very strict and controling way of life. Some more so than other, but overall...it's strict, fight it all you want. My boyfriend wants to marry me, but only if I convert and promise to raise my children muslim. I'm catholic and I refuse and will never raise my children Muslim. I personally do not like the religion at all. It's not the religion necessarily, it's the way you have to live your life day to day. He is the nicest guy that you could ever meet, but he does say that the Muslim religion is the right way and should be the main religion of the world. His family and friends all have the same views.

    As for Jasmine...I disagree with you completely. Sorry.
    don't care what article you bring to the table. You are completely wrong. Women in the Islmic world do not have the freedoms and have not paved the way for women's rights. In the arabic world, women are not equals.

  35. @ Cindy - As a Pro-Choice Christian Woman, I Absoulutely do not support any of what you have listed above. Believe me, I would march in the streets and picket all of this. I would consider all of this extreme, fringe behavior by nuts that don't have a clue about what Christianity is. Do Muslim Extremists scare me? You bet they do because they think I am a Infidel and want me dead. It is shame what is done in the name of "religion".

  36. Melody the First...you may know a Muslim who is gay, but I guarantee, he's living in the US or some other western world. Muslim countries do not accept it and he would never be open about it otherwise.

  37. Crila16, why do you still date him if you have fundamentally different belief systems?

    BTW, my mother had to agree to raise her children Catholic to marry my Catholic dad (she was not Catholic).

  38. @ Cindy. I'm curious if you or any American here (especially a female) would walk down the streets of Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran or Lybia by yourself/themselves and feel completely safe and comfortable. Keep in mind, these are 90 - 100% Muslim countries. Would you feel as comfortable or uncomfortable walking down the street of Vadican City?

  39. @crila16 - appreciate your viewpoint very much, but to be fair, adherents of MOST religions believe their religion is the right way and should be the main religion of the world. That's the thing about religions - they're right and everybody else is wrong.

  40. As a gay Muslim, I am extremely saddened and offended by Jackon's comments (I enjoyed her performance in an episode of the X-Files,) and by the general ignorance and misinformation out there about Islam and American Muslims.

  41. He was amazing to me at the beginning. I didn't realize the religion would eventually become a problem, because he wasn't a strict Muslim...or so I thought. It only started becoming a problem in the last year, and we have had our fights and broken up and gotten back together. He's become a bit more controling and possessive, where he was never like that before. he's also my neighbor, so breaking up is a bit difficult.

  42. Let's look at the big picture-Religion, of any kind and any degree of practice, pits people against one another. Religion DIVIDES people and encourages the "us vs. them" attitude.

    What this world needs is freedom FROM religion...

    IMHO, religion does nothing for humanity. Free your mind and body from it and LIVE IN THE HERE AND NOW. The world would be a much better place if we all did just that.

  43. @crila16, yes, he's in America. Obviously, fundamentalists in fundamentalists countries act differently. If the far-right denizens of Mississippi had their way and took over the US, women couldn't walk down the street without an escort, without some jackass feeling entitled to rape her. My gay sister doesn't dare walk down any street in the rural south.

  44. BTW, I'm an atheist, I think all religion is hilariously silly.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I want to french kiss blondegossip's comment -- that's how much I love it.

    Toonces needs to get behind the wheel and drive Vicky off a cliff again.

  47. Well, let's keep those tongues inside our mouths here, alright? Chances are that would be a gay kiss and that would REALLY piss Jackson off...

    Come to think of it - kiss away!

  48. As Jon Stewart would say, "Religion is a great comfort in a world torn apart by...religion."

  49. I don't think Glee is trying to "make kids gay." ;-)

    What the hell is going on in her hair there? Is it a headband? A decorative scrunchy?

  50. Lipstick on a pig...literally!

  51. Ice Angel said...

    I don't care for this woman, but why bring Dennis Miller into this? What did he do?

    To answer your question, Ice Angel, Dennis Miller was well-known for his snarky comedic style and verrry left-leaning political jabs back around the time when he was at his peak on SNL hosting the Weekend Update. After 9/11, he had a personal--almost, one might say, religious--"conversion" to becoming a conservative talking head (mostly because of his support of the U.S.'s invasion of Iraq), and that is the viewpoint he put forth on his HBO talk show. I have heard him talk quite passionately about why he felt 9/11 was a crystallizing event for him that led to a complete 180-degree turn in his political views, but I can also see why some would consider him to be a "sell-out" With his switch--which he considers to be toward Libertarianism more than anything else--he said/did what many people would have found popular right at that time, and he kept right on gettin' paid.

    Wiki, for what it's worth:


  52. Ice Angel said...

    I don't care for this woman, but why bring Dennis Miller into this? What did he do?

    Short answer: he deviated from the party line.

  53. This is the woman who once sang,
    "I am not a bimbo.". All I can say To Mz. Jackson is, " Liar.Liar. Pants on fire."

  54. I always thought her schtick on SNL was a joke, then I realized she really was a talentless bimbo. I'm just surprised she gets airtime to voice her hateful and narrow minded views. I mean, who the hell is she, anyway, and who gives a rat's ass what this person thinks?

  55. Do you think Enty does this on purpose?

    The past several weeks with the limited posting/no photos/no blinds and these hot topic posts that will undoubtedly lead to debate in the comments?

    Maybe he's trying to keep us all entertained so we don't realize there are no new posts.

  56. I think "Casual Sex" was a great movie. And I'll fight anyone who thinks differently.

    I'm the best from the East, I'm a wild crazy beast, I'm the Vin-Man.

  57. The blanket statement that "Muslims kill gays" is a bizarre slur. I'm gay and I've known literally hundreds of Muslims, none of whom have killed me. If the haters want to say "Extremist authoritarian societies governed by Islam sanction the killing of gay people," that's almost true. It's also true of atheist communist govt's in the 20th century, and it's true of Christian societies in the 19th and 20th century. But "Muslims kill gays" is an ignorant slur, and only ignorant people make it.

  58. I'll tell you this: I'll bet within five years, Victoria Jackson will reveal that she is suffering from bipolar disorder.

    This won't necessarily change her anti-Islamic views, but it would go some ways towards explaining why she turned into such a Conservative Debbie Downer as of late.

  59. For God's sake, I wish people would quit comparing "Muslims to Americans". Islam is a religion, and like Christianity & Judaism blah blah, the differences lie in the CULTURE of the people, not the religion. A Greek Christian is vastly different than a Middle America Christian. I know Muslims from Lebanon, different parts of Africa & Canada, born & bred. They are all extremely different in their cultures and they'll all tell you a different story about women's rights, God & liquor.

    Blanket statements about Muslims are as fucking ignorant as this Victoria broad.

  60. Hey, she's gotta pay the bills somehow. Since she doesn't have a discernible talent and apparently thinks she's too good to be a Wal-mart greeter, she's taken to making outrageous statements for attention and some bank. Soon she will release a book. Sadly, many will buy it.

  61. *Le sigh* I was too exhausted after reading the comments to make an intelligent point (other than "WTF?"), but I think I'm now going to piggyback on Mango's brill statement.

    Attention-seeking Z-lister. Move along. Nothing to see here ...

  62. At what point do we stop letting extremists drive our discourse?

  63. Just thought I'd say greetings to you all from the most populated Muslim country in the world -- Indonesia.

    And my cleavage is out. (Which it wouldn't be if I were in a mosque -- or a Catholic church, for that matter.) Don't think that images of Afghanistan under the Taliban are representative of the modern Muslim world.

    I'm really disappointed in a lot of the comments here. As many of you have said already, Islamophobia is a huge problem in America and worldwide, and the extremists in no way represent mainstream Islam.

    Also, crackpots on shows lead to YouTube views; YouTube advertising earns shows revenue.

    Miss you guys. I've been backpacking Southeast Asia for the past five months and haven't had the time to comment here as often. (And I LOVE that so many of you have come visited me on my site!)

  64. DING DING DING @Mango.

    I would be more upset about this woman's comments except I know that sooner rather than later she's going to have to just deal with it. Gay marriage is already supported by half the population and when you ask the 18-34 year olds that networks care about, most of them either don't care if gays are kissing on the tv screen or are in favor of it happening. So Victoria Jackson, who sucked on SNL and is now sucking at being an effing human being, can froth at the mouth all she likes, and probably make a fair bit of money in the process, but the gay boys and girls aren't going anywhere.

  65. Actually...the most populated Muslim country in the world is Afghanastan, followed by Iran and a few other countries, including my boyfriend's country of Morocco (which is an absolutely beautiful country if you ever get a chance to visit). Indonesia is still only at 88% Muslim.

  66. @Z: Careful. Ice Angel hates you no matter what. Ice Angel is as extremist as she claims other people are.

  67. white christians bombing black churches&hang black men...

  68. She ought to get off her damn couch, stop stuffing her face with fried fast food, and get on a goddamn diet. She looks like a fucking boar hog.

  69. Yes, because if she lost weight, she would magically be a decent human being, Oh good ol' Dougie Ken Ken, you are brilliant!

  70. Victoria does make a point, Why does the left support or at least sympathize with those who hate Gays. The same gays that the left puts on some golden pedestal.

    Although most if not all the fanatical burka wearing gay killing Islam comes from the Arab World. Not places like Indonesia.

  71. at crila16 said...
    Don't know where you are getting your facts, but Indonesia is still home to the most Muslims. Here is a link: http://islam.about.com/od/muslimcountries/a/population.htm It has over 203 million Muslims and Pakistan is second.

    My husband is Persian, born in Iran, and he is not Muslim. He is actually Buddhist, but that is another story. His brother is Muslim (married to a Catholic) and his mother is of Jewish decent and his father is atheist, but the family was Zoroastrian(still practiced in Iran today). Outside of Israel, Iran has the most Jews in the Middle East.

    I would move and break-up with the boyfriend.

  72. Gary, I'm not sure it's a "left" thing...it's kind of a tolerance thing. Treating people with fundamental decency even if they don't tow the line of your own viewpoints... Which is maybe a bit more popular among lefty types (though heaven knows not every leftist/liberal is partic tolerant of opposing views these days!).
