Tuesday, March 22, 2011

David Brent Coming Back To The Office

After spending 30 seconds in a recent episode of The Office and sharing a hug with Michael Scott, David Brent returns to The Office for the season finale. Maybe he can take Michael along with him on his promotional appearances. If you have never seen that final episode of the UK Office, you really need to check it out. It is hilarious. Will Arnett is also going to star in the finale and I think he would be a great boss for next season. Plus, his wife comes on right after him so the Arnett/Poehler clan can take over an hour of primetime NBC. Now, if he could run the company as Gob that would make it even better. No, seriously, Will as Will would be a good fit.


  1. I like the American version of The Office, but I don't think you can beat the UK version. It was completely original and they knew when to call it quits. Of course, I also just LOVE Ricky Gervais.

  2. Will Arnett would be perfect

  3. I loved the UK office, too. Although I think the US version has run well past its prime, I can see Will Arnett breathing at least another season of life into it. He can bring the crazy better than most.

  4. Ricky Gervais is a genius. Will Arnett would be a great fit to replace Steve C.

  5. I am a huge Office fan and I would not like Will Arnett to replace Michael Scott as the boss. I liked him on Arrested Development, but I think he would be too sinister in the Office setting.

    Can't wait for David Brent!

  6. Has anyone seen " An Idiot Abroad" with Karl Pilkington? Absolutely hysterical...........

  7. So off-topic...but I guess I'm going to have to break down and download some freakin' Firefox just to get on ONE site that insists on running what must be a 500,000 gig video game ad. Come on ENT...I've been with you since the very beginning and you know I'm not a complainer but damn...62 times refreshing the page just to get on? Seriously?

  8. deity2, i LOVE an Idiot Abroad. Karl Pilkington is so hilarious. Also, I love the idea of Will Arnett on the Office. I loved every second of him as GOB on Arrested Development, and he's amazing as Devon during his 30 Rock cameos.

  9. Yeah, Will Arnett is amazing, love him on 30 Rock.

  10. I am sooooo sad we even have to have this conversation. Its going to be so odd to me to watch it without Steve Carrell.
    That being said- the best senario is if Will and Ricky tag team it next season and we just have alternating awesome cameo's be the two of them

  11. also I think the only thing steaming the flow of sadness for Carrell leaving is I suspect he goes to be with his gf when she moves back after her job expires there. How romantic is that?! Would be great if he made an appereance sometime next season and we could see how happy he was :)

  12. Love Will Arnett

  13. Another fan of An Idiot Abroad here :) One of my great joys in life is listening to Gervais laugh, and that show provided plenty of opportunities.

  14. I think I'm one of the few people in the world who hated The Office and cannot abide Ricky Gervaise..

  15. Love The Office (both versions), love Ricky Gervais and Steve Carrell, love Amy Poehler, and love Arrested Development ...but I cannot stand Will Arnett. I'm sure he's a very pleasant person in real life, but his schtick just grates on my nerves. I'm sure I'll keep watching if he takes over as boss, but it will certainly dim my enjoyment of it.

  16. I must be the only one who thinks the The Office (US version) jumped the shark a few seasons ago. I think Gervais was correct to have ended the UK version after two seasons before it got tiresome. Loved the show and Scranton is my hometown ( a little nostalgia in the opening credits), but I think it's gotten painful. Having said all that, I'm a fan of Arnett's...

  17. I think the office is still alright. Not great, but ok. Will Arnett rocks, so does his wife! Looking forward to seeing what they do with him...

  18. I can't remember the finale of the UK Office. My favorite episode that season was "Motivation." I think I might have peed my pants a little.

    I love Will Arnett & Amy Poehler so much & I think that's the best idea I've heard so far (as far as a replacement for Carell).

  19. @MCH - is that the one where Brent goes off to be a speaker for a crowd and does a bunch of posing on a table and chair? I want to pee just thinking about that one.

  20. I can't stand Will Arnett either (not the person; haven't ever heard anything bad). Something about his snarkiness gets on my nerves. Still, loved him in Blades of Glory.

    I stopped watching the office before Jim and Pam even got married, so it doesn't matter to me.

  21. I have watched maybe 3 episodes of "The office." One of those shows that everyone likes and I just couldn't get into. Don't hate me.

  22. Enty, with all due respect, I really think you are making a mistake by skipping photos and blinds regularly.

    I understand you have a life, and it takes a lot to put the blog together, but for me - the photos and blinds are the draw to the blog. It's what you do differently from other blogs.

    If you are consumed by the radio show, I can appreciate that, but this blog is the draw to the radio show, and I feel that photos and blinds are a huge part of the fun and enjoyment.

  23. @RocketQueen - YES! And he has "Simply the Best" by Tina Turner on a boombox. ;)

  24. I agree with Cecilia00. I have no interest in listening to the radio show, so skipping the blinds and photos to concentrate on that it quite annoying to me. I don't think I'll read this blog anymore if it's constantly going to be like this. Sorry but it's a bit frustrating.

  25. ok, bye! don't come back now ya hear!!

  26. Was that really necessary? I might just come back every day now to complain! yay!

  27. yes it was, it really really was.

  28. Noted.
    You guys need to learn to just ignore comments you don't like. People aren't gonna leave just because you're hostile and aggressive.

  29. or just learn take snarky comments with a grain of salt.

    geez have a martini and a cookie you will feel better.

  30. I'm sick of people getting shot down for kindly expressing their disapointment with the blog. Just ignore it if it bothers you. It's not even directed at you. Geez.

  31. what Miranda said.

    it's the internet dummies.

    everyone has an opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs. case in point, me calling you dummies ;)

    it's the nature of the beast.

  32. The appearance of another Miranda totally freaks me out, just gotta say :)

    Also, Connie, you are not alone in thinking the show jumped the shark awhile ago. However, the shark-jumping Office is still better than 90% of the garbage TV out there. I'll take it over Real Housewives and Jersey Shore any day!

  33. Love both versions of The Office.

    I am going to miss Michael Scott. He reminds me of a boss I had not so long ago. It was frustrating as hell working for him, but oh! the giggling behind his back at some of the stupid things he said and did!

  34. Christopher Walken. Quiet, maybe creepy but when he talks he's really nice. He would keep The Office staff on their toes. That's my pick. Could open up all kinds of new funny.

  35. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I have to agree with the Mirandas. I've been reading the blog for many years and I really don't care about the radio show, I just want to read the posts and see the pictures. And I definitely want the blind items. Please don't choose the radio show over the blog enty!!

  36. Whenever I click on this site, it comes up with a white background first so I have to click on it again to get the black background, is this a way to increase traffic?
    I have been reading this site daily for many years but this is getting ridiculous.

  37. Enty,

    On your second radio show, you stated that you would give your readers some kind of treat on the blog (which would have been two weeks ago). What was it?

  38. K, I don't like The Office, either. Not my kind of humor.

    ***RIP Elizabeth Taylor

  39. @jannjeanettej:

    when i use firefox or explorer i get the same thing.

    i recently started using google chrome and don't have that problem now
