Monday, April 04, 2011

Just A 20% Discount?

Apparel manufacturer, Ecko has decided that if you get the logo of their company tattooed on your body they will give you a lifetime 20% discount when you buy their products. Huh? This is the worst idea ever. Not a bad idea for free publicity, but if you get one of these tattoos you are an idiot. Most of their stuff costs like $20, so you are going to save, what $4 an item and that is if they stay in business. Yeah, that Enron tattoo sounded like a good idea at the time huh? How is that Friendster leg tattoo working out for you? Thought so.

I think my going rate to be a human billboard would be $100K for a 2X2 tattoo on my body. I would do that. If Kat von D had done that she would be a billionaire and could stop pretending to like Jesse James. Yeah, Kat, we all know about the other guy. Wait, did I say that? Here I was talking about the worst things you can do to yourself and that comes up. Well, dating Jesse James or Kat von D is on that list so I guess it fits.


  1. Ooooh, nice one.

    What goes around, Jesse...

  2. an Ed Hardy tattoo, on the other hand...

  3. I want to know who the other guy is Enty! You big tease you!

  4. Well well! I guess we all *do* know about the other guy now ;)
    And I agree, I might get a tattoo for $100K. Maybe even $50K, but not for 20% off apparel. That's just ridiculous.

  5. A few days ago I saw a woman who tattooed the frickin' Farmville logo on her hand. Way to ruin all your future job prospects, idiot.

  6. @Mooshki--glad to see I'm not the only one who thought that was stupid.

  7. lol as much as i love their hoodies... still no

    remember when ecko was a statement though?

  8. There's a restaurant that does the same thing, lifetime 25% off if you tat yourself. And there are plenty doing it too!

    Now, I love me a good restaurant but not to the point where I will graffiti myself.

  9. Is it Nikki Six??? Does henna count?

  10. Why couldn't it have been ECCO instead, I love their shoes.

  11. Get a stack of temporary tattoos made for $40, and reap the rewards without the commitment. Works for me.

  12. Hey, what other guy? Somebody spill the beans!

  13. Does this mean the option of tattooing Enty Bacon Love on my butt cheek in exchange for an answer to a blind is out?

  14. LOL, CH, great idea!

  15. Mooshki - Oh dear... (re: Farmville tattoo)

    Interesting! I thought KVD & JJ were engaged?
