Monday, April 04, 2011

Tsunami Dog Reunited With It's Owner

Did you happen to catch the video or see the picture of the dog who was found out in the middle of the ocean standing on a roof. He had been swept out in the Tsunami and stayed alive for three weeks. The fact he stayed alive is incredible enough. The fact he was spotted was even more amazing, but the clincher on this trifecta is that he has been reunited with his owner. Amazing!!


  1. Mans best friend.

  2. Awww! This make me want to go home and hug my puppy!

  3. That is what you call a total hottie. I just want kiss those jowls. Oh man, I miss my dog, Henry. He had the best stinky jowls ever. Best looking dog. Ever.

  4. Yay puppy! Yay rescuers! Poor guy must have been so scared for those three weeks.

  5. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I LOVE THIS STORY. So much.

  6. So happy to hear he was reunited with his owner. A measure of comfort in the face of everything they've faced, I'm sure.

  7. Talk about animal PTSD...when you look at that dog's face, you know he's been through absolute hell!

  8. Enty would never use "it's" in place of "its" or omit the necessary question mark in the first sentence. Fess up, which one of you uneducated losers is writing today?

  9. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Poor think glad to hear he is reunited with his owner.

  10. A happy ending...wonderful

  11. There's something in my eye...

    P.S. Sorry about Henry, KLM.

  12. Ah, thanks GoGo! I miss my boy. 4 years and I still get flowers for him weekly...

  13. Did they find any bodies there? I'm wondering if this dog can survive on debris, could humans? Is that the only pile of debris floating out there, or is it the one closest to shore?

    I hope this dog doesn't have any long-term effects from drinking saltwater.

  14. Poor thing. I am sure he is tramatized for life. It is just amazing that he survived and so did his owner. Some good news in the middle of so much sadness.

  15. Shakey, I was listening to an NPR report and one of the searchers said that they are still calling themselves a "rescue" mission - they aren't going to give up searching as long as there is a chance in a million they might find another survivor. I thought that was pretty neat that they refuse to be discouraged even though they're facing so much death and destruction.

  16. Yayy! I'm so glad he was rescued and could be returned to his owner.

  17. I'm totally amazed at the conduct of Japan as a whole in the face of this overwhelming disaster, from the orderliness of the survivors waiting in line for available supplies to the ongoing rescue mission to the "atomic samurai" facing almost certain death trying to stop the leaking radiation at the damaged power plants. It's a humbling experience and a life lesson for us all. Stories like this one are a bright spot in an otherwise dismal situation,and Japan can use all the mini-miracles it gets right now.

  18. How right you are, Robert. No looting, no pushing and shoving, and self-sacrifice. They are to be commended.

  19. The bit that got me, and in keeping with all the kudos to the people of Japan, in the news footage, while holding Ban in her arms, his owner bows several times as she gives thanks.

    I was all teary anyway.
    KLM, I know how you feel, your Henry passed about the time my Moses the Cat, and I can still feel his fur on my face when I concentrate on the memories. Love is a wonderful thing, even though it hurts so.

  20. I did hear about this. Makes me so happy to hear they were reunited.

    My mom forwarded me this story about a little dachshund who survived an apartment fire. The renter came back several weeks after the fire to meet with the landlord & when they went in the apartment, the dog was still alive! I'm still kind of wondering how the fire fighters didn't find it, but...either way, it's an amazing story, just like this one.

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