Friday, April 08, 2011

Robert Pattinson Wants To Beat Up Paps

Most of the time when celebrities say derogatory comments about the paps, I think it is just snoke blowing out of their ass. Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears may say they hate it, but come on, they both go out hoping the paps will take their pictures, and in the case of Lindsay, it is the only thing that keeps her in the news. Tell me the last time Lindsay acted in anything. Machete? Didn't she film that like two years ago and it was a tiny part. I can tell you this too, that if Lindsay did actually get clean and sober and boring, the paps would go away and that drives her nuts.

Now where was I? Oh yeah Robert Pattinson. In an interview with Elle this month, Robert says he would like to beat the s**t out of the paps, and for once, I actually believe someone. Robert is not a fame addicted guy. I think he would be perfectly happy shooting a few movies a year and being in hiding the rest of the year. It is why I can't hate him. Do I dislike the Twilight movies? Very much so, but I don't dislike him. Plus, he looks good in a suit and did a great job as Cedric.

I think that is why he is probably counting down the days until Twilight is done and gone from his life and unless he blows all of his money I don't think you will ever see him at some Twilight convention in 20 years.


  1. Haven't read a Twi book, haven't seen a Twi movie, but I do plan to see his movie with Reese.

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    his new movie does looks good. he should stick around because he has talent.

    he needs to find other places to live.

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    or at least live in a LA high rise condo with great concierge.

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    You think he could beat up anyone? I bet he would start crying if he broke a nail.

    Kristen Stewart could kick some ass, though.

  5. I just can't feel too sorry for him. He could live in dozens of places in either the U.S. or Europe and be a part of really good theater groups and pursue his craft without the hassle of "fame." He knew the hurricane of fame that the "Twilight" books were before he agreed to do the movies. He could have passed. Sorry for the snark, but I live in a really, really economically depressed area and see people everyday struggling with real problems and these rich actors wearing their free haute-couture suits and gowns whining about people taking their pictures to magazines who, guess what, take their picture and put it on the cover, just don't push my sympathy button. He needs to put on his big-boy boxers and deal with it.

  6. With a bit of shame damn it, I love to go see the Twilight Movies with my teenager. Team Jacob! Here is hoping that he can escape being Edward forever and be known for other things.

  7. I agree, Enty. Pattinson made a dishy Cedric. Actually, I really don't hate any of the Twilight kids even glum Kristen. They don't seem like awful people, maybe just a little socially awkward. The movies and the books they are based on are ridiculous though.

  8. At least his acting is improving and the movie with Reese actually looks adult and interesting.

  9. I just can't muster anything for this guy. He's just so BLAND to me.

  10. I don't want my vampires to look constipated and sparkle. Give me True Blood anyday.

  11. He didn't do much for me as Cedric. Kept thinking they should have gotten someone... hotter?

  12. He doesn't do anything for me but the pic Enty posted certainly gives me a different view on the guys looks. I like my men rugged and his 5 o'clock shadow is doing something for me, but I'd like to mess up his hair... *down girl*

  13. He is much better looking when he's not Edward Cullen.

    I didn't love Remember Me and only lasted 5 minutes in How to Be so I REALLY hope Water for Elephants is good!
