Friday, April 08, 2011

Wynona & Naomi Sexually Abused Too

Appearing on The View this morning, Naomi & Wynona Judd were asked about Ashley Judd's recent memoir detailing her sexual abuse allegations and Naomi & Wynona said they had both been abused. Naomi says it happened to her when she was a child and as for Wynona,, it sounded like hers happened when she was older because she says she has still not confronted the person who did the abusing. Oh, and she also said that if you want more details about it you have to buy her book. As much as I like people talking about sexual abuse and bringing it out into the open, I always dislike when it appears they are doing so for a profit. Why does it always have to be in a book? Why can't they just talk about it and express themselves without also trying to make a profit from the experience?


  1. Naomi looks like Bozo the clown in that picture, after using a flat iron of course.

  2. You do have a point about the profit thing, Ent.

    You would think if Naomi was abused that she would be more aware of what was going on with her daughters and put a stop to it.

  3. I think that entire family is COMPLETELY eff-ed up. I don't understand the whole "I'll share my pain, but only if you pay me" mentality. I read once where one in three children have been sexually abused or in a family where abuse is taking place. I believe that is a true number. I wish more celebs would talk about it, not in a book or to promote a movie/record/miniseries, but just to help the millions of people who are going through it or recovering from it. I kind of get the idea that momma and sister really wish Ashley had kept her silence which is really sad, and not at all helpful to others.

  4. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Shakey - I think Naomi was so into herself that she was not paying attention to what was happening to anyone else.

    I saw both days of Juddapalooza on The View and I apologize for my insensitivity but...

    My first thought as I watched them was, “Oh, they have seen how much dough the Kardashians have made so they want to take their craziness to the masses for the big bucks.” Although Wynona says that their show is a documentary and not a reality show. *chuckle*

    My second thought was, “What the hell has Naomi done to her face?” It is absolutely scary and plastic and it does not move.

    And then I thought, “Does the red color of Wynona’s hair ever naturally occur in nature? Um, no.” That is some crazy shiznit on her head.

    I love Wynona’s music but other than that I am not buying what they are selling!

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I should have made it clear and Enty did not mention it but The Judds premiers this weekend on some cable channel so all three are schilling something.

    The Redneck Kardashians. Awesome!

  6. After all these years, the Judds have literally talked me out of liking them.

  7. I so loved the Judds back in the day and bought Wynonna's music when she went solo. I even saw her in concert and she was very good.

    Flash foward and I'm sick of all of them. That whole gang needs to ride the crazy train right out Kentucky and off the face of the earth.

    Now I know why Larry King was so rude to Wy when she was on his show discussing her weight for the umpteenth time.

    They're making a mockery of a very serious matter. Wasn't Wy married to a perv? She should know better or maybe I just had higher hopes for her.

  8. What a family....Thank goodness I have ordinary boring parents....I never realized how lucky I am.

  9. desperate attempt to get back in the public eye-all three of them

  10. This family is responsible for keeping the Clairol Hair Color company in business.

    Sad when a mother and daughters do anything to stay in the public eye, but when the Palins get more publicity than a singing group, I guess anything is possible.

  11. As a molestation victim as was my only sibling (no one in our family) I have been hyper protective of my children. And history has not repeated itself. So, I am calling BS on Naomi's claims. She will do or say anything to remain relevant. Wynonna seems plausable as does Ashley. Could be a lot of the weight issues that Wynonna has had. And the multiple marriages. I think it screwed Ashley up so bad she did not have children. Or maybe she did not want them or couldn't. Just awful and they should share what happened to them to bring more awareness without lining their pockets.

  12. That picture of Naomi is truly frightening.

  13. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Naomi does look horrible.

    If only they were honest instead of making this money, money, money.

  14. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I dye my hair red at home by myself, and my hair looks about 2,584% more natural than that of these two tricks. And you know they pay out the ass for their hair. I don't get it -- an $8 box of L'Oreal Preference in light auburn or copper penny would look so much better.

  15. Naomi Judd is so full of herself it's a wonder she doesn't explode.

    And why do they do that to their faces? It's like Bozo the Clown is their stylist..

  16. i remember the TV movie about them:the legend is prettier than the reality

  17. @RQ -- "I don't understand the whole "I'll share my pain, but only if you pay me" mentality."


    I do think it's brave of them to tell the truth, because people DO need to become more aware of how common it is. Sadly, it's not as if child rape is some horrific anomaly -- nor is rape in general, of course -- but to announce this stuff when you have a show premiering in mere DAYS is kinda shameful.

    I used to love Ashley, even though I liked her T.V. work a whole lot more than her film stuff. Her movies in the nineties were unspeakably bad, but she always presented herself in such an eloquent, gracious way. I dunno. I still don't *hate* her, but she definitely gives out some wacky (and not in a fun way) vibes.

  18. A good friend of mine plays for a famous country singer that was doing the same show with the Judds when Wynonna went missing. Naomi was always keeping watch to make sure she did exactly like she was told. He helped her look and they found her hiding in the luggage section under the bus an she had eaten 3 large bags of mini snickers and her mom was pissed.

  19. No wonder Wynona is effed up. Ashley is a disgusting hangar-on and tramp. Her mother is not much better. They all 3 have messed up their looks with unnatural plastic surgery. Ashley looks just like her mother.

    Naomi and Ashley are trying to look like a 16 year old Cheerleader which is a laughing stock, and Wynona dies for attention with horrible red hair.

  20. Who cares about the Judds anyhow? country bumpkins so I fail to understand how the daughter were abused and then mommy was abused too??
    Isn't there another sister who isn't as famous was she abused too? If not why because she's not above D-list famous? or she was and is not being a douche and crying to the world about it and what about Daddy and are there any brothers?

  21. I wouldn't call Ashley a hanger-on. She's gone her own way by being an actress. I liked her since Ruby in Paradise, but I can do without her self-entitled act. I saw her on Who Do You Think You Are and thought there was something rather fragile about her. She does look older than 43.

  22. I think they both have wigs on. Neither one of them have anything on their head that looks remotely like real hair.

  23. I just saw the commercial for the reality show. I thought it was ironic, given the timing of Ashley's book.

  24. I agree about it being better to simply tell the story than "wait for the book."

    But -- telling it in a book allows the victim to control the story, say everything that needs to be said and get it out there. If you just told it in an interview on the "Today" show,you could get interrupted and the media would spin it off the charts, away from your intended goal.
