Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Scarlett Johansson And Sean Penn Now Roomies

Scarlett Johansson may or may not be pregnant, but she does have a new roommate. Barely three months into their relationship, Scarlett has apparently decided that it is better to have sex with Sean Penn and live for free than to have her own place. How desperate would you have to be for free rent that you would willingly sleep with a guy who sleeps with as many hookers as Charlie Sheen? Hell, they have probably exchanged hookers on weekend parties.

Am I missing something? Is he attractive? Does he have a two foot long peen? Lets face it, she was with Ryan Reynolds who is not an unattractive guy and her rebound is Sean Penn?? To me the pregnancy story makes more sense. She says she is not, but, why would you move in with this guy?


  1. OMG....Never, he makes me gag......
    and she looks a bit soft in the maybe pregnant ...but with him...yuk...

  2. See, I thought it was ballsy back when she had her feet in his lap -- as if to say "YES, WORLD. I'm boinking him. Now move along. SKEDADDLE" (see what I did there?). But moving in with him so soon is just STUPID, given the fact that the dust has BARELY begun to collect on his divorce papers.

    I wouldn't have tagged her as a clingy type. Gross. And I wonder what his adolescent children think about this relationship? I guess if you know your dad bangs hookers, you don't really care if he brings home some dumbass starlet. She's like a really pretty stray dog, I guess.

    I honestly think that Sean is hotter than Ryan, but I also think that Ryan looks like a preying mantis with an addiction to steroids and mystic tanning. So whatever.

    And Robin Wright is sitting somewhere being elegant and classy and laughing her perfect head off.

  3. Moving in already, huh? This is not going to end well.

  4. Love Robin Wright, have always thought Sean was a douche. As for Ryan...he is pretty hot to me and considering Penn is 50 and is what a 2 pack a day smoker...I'm on team Ryan all the way!

  5. I hope she can recover from this fiasco because she was making bad film choices before she hooked up with a guy who almost always makes bad film choices. I could easily see her career fall off the cliff as she makes a string of "important" political movies that no one will want to see.

  6. For Penn, it's actually a pretty good choice. Let's face it, before Scarlett it was hookers and models for as short a period as he could manage.
    For her, I'm hoping it's just rebound.

  7. she doesn't look pregnant to me- that looks like a soft jelly belly.

  8. Agree, the belly looks flabby not prego.

    And she's wearing those new running shoes that are supposed to be like going barefoot. Anyone try those? How do you like them?

  9. I also think it's a bad photo - there were others in the series that don't have her belly looking so soft.

  10. I'm curious about the Vibram shoes too, Patty. But I don't run often enough to justify spending that kind of money...*L*

    As far as these two moving in together, fine, They can have each other. I'm sure it'll last forever and they'll be, like, all happy and shit.

  11. anyone wearing those shoes running makes bad decisions. period.

    looking knocked up tho.

  12. She has either been eating to deal with her divorce or she is pregnant. I would not have sex with Sean Penn EVER! Completely GROSS. Robin Wright is smiling and laughing hysterically somewhere as we speak. ScarJo is a fool.

  13. She probably ate a bunch of tacos the night before and was just bloated.

    I don't think she is going to derail her career for a few years to have a baby.

    Sean is very, very, heterosexual and she has always had quirky tastes in men. At least it is a step up from banging Benecio in the elevator.

  14. I would not, even with a two foot Penn peen.

  15. @Patty and Maja, while I dont run, my friend who does is always dragging me around to find a shop with the newest pair of those things and he's really really picky. I trust his opinion on almost everything so I would presume they are really good.

  16. Robin may be classy but she did stick with Penn for 20 years.

  17. The first time I saw this picture I thought I spied a baby belly, and when I showed my friends they agreed. Sean Penn should not have any offspring, and now Scarlett's rebound relationship will turn into someone she'll have to see for the rest of her life. Yuck yuck yuckkk

  18. Ellie, you said it. I think Robin seems classy but when you see someone display such horrible judgment, makes you wonder.

  19. So, is it more offensive to ScarJo to say she looks fat or looks pregnant?

  20. Has Scarlett lost her f*cking mind?

  21. Oh Scarlett, please find some dignity and some decent running shoes.

  22. I guess Ryan Reynolds was too normal to be married to. Didn't she also do Benicio? If she is career-driven, I'm not sure how this helps her at all.

  23. it cracks me up when i see chain smokers jogging. R U serious? c'mon!

  24. Based on gossip, I don't think RyRy is normal by any means.

  25. also, it might just be me, but she does have that weird slightly off-center stance that preggers get. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if she is.

  26. hey, if sean can smoke that much and still run, more power to him.

    odd couple for sure. and yeah, he's a known jerk but i don't think he's repulsive, and he's a real smart guy. i think that's what turns her on.

  27. "the heart has some reasons than the reason ignores"
    and many actresses love him so....

  28. I've heard that those "barefoot" running shoes are really bad for you....oh! and Penn is hideous.

  29. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I think that ol' SarJo is having a food baby to be delivered via one good poop.

    That being said, scroll down at this site and look at the second set of photos. I can understand why there is speculation.

    Team Princess Buttercup all the way!

  30. pretty sure she see's him as powerful, and that 'power' is a turn on to her.

  31. @nancer~ I agree with you on why she is with him, and I can't see RR being that interesting or smart.

    I bet they have been seeing each other longer then 3 months. It was just the first time they were photographed together.

  32. It looks like she is hiding a snack in her shirt. Scarlett is very short in the waist. I can't tell if she is pregnant or just has a protruding stomach. Sean must have a lot of charisma in person. I find him repulsive.

  33. Maybe she sees beyond what is on the outside and admires him for his talent. He may be a jerk,but he can act, and that isn't something a lot of people in the movies can stand up and say these days. She could be like a lot of women, even though we try to pretend we aren't this way--we all tend to fall into the pattern at one time or another--where we think it may be different, that he's not as bad a everyone thinks he is, or that the therapy helped. I'm sure his ex wife thought that too.


  34. I agree with Chrissy Buns. I doubt she's pregnant. She's probably just packed on a few "I'm so in love wit you" pounds that she'll quickly shed when she a) sees these photos or b) realizes Penn is human just like every other guy.

    Personally, I've always found him pretty hot, despite his antics and douchery in real life. And compared to her soon to be ex, he would seem very worldly and experienced, which again, I see as a turn on. I don't know, I'm a product of the 80's. What can I say?

  35. Oh - and Ida, I love what you just did there. Great follow-through!!

  36. Chrissy - ITA.

    I would hate to have paps snap pics of me when I am running - few people look good while doing it!

  37. If she's a bit 'butcher's hook' (crook) and is 'worshipping the porcelain god' (vomiting into the toilet) then she could be 'up the duff' (pregnant), which means Sean might turn her into his 'eggs and kisses' (misses (wife)).

  38. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Wow this is super fast and I have a feeling this is going to end very very badly.

  39. The heart wants what it wants, and so do the loins. Don't play like you haven't made bad decisions and look back later and say, "WTF was I thinking??"

    Oh, that Irish Lad of the Wandering Penis when I was 18. *sigh* WTF was I thinking??

  40. No Scarlett, just no. How can she be with someone that trussed up his first wife?

  41. Netta - I swear to God, I met that guy when I was 18 too.

  42. Girl, I wouldn't be a bit surprised. That asshole really got around.

    Fucker was the best I ever had, may his mega-weenie rot forever.

    But honestly, I'm over it. Heh.

  43. the power of the vagina works wonders don,t believe ask melanie fiona it got her a music career thanks to csi actor adam rodriquez.

  44. Ive made some pretty stupid moves myself but I wasn't dumb enough to move in with him! He also didn't have a history of beating his ex wife and I dont make a living based on peoples opinion of me and how I look.

  45. Tell ya what, if she's pregnant, I look like I'm about to birth a baby. I'll take her gut over mine any day!!!!!

    And, I've said it before and I'll have to admit to it forever -- he's f'ugly and I like my f'ugly. Thankfully, I can't count Scarjo as one of my friends, we could never be each other's wingman b/c I think Benecio is hella f'ugly and that's a good thing in my book! :>)

  46. eh, coke bloat. I bet these two hoover it up by the boatload.

  47. I never comment on this site, because I find the moderation horribly annoying, but this blind SCREAMS Scarlett:


  48. I thought she was wearing a fanny pack (is that what you call them?).

  49. @Ida - the link doesn't work...

  50. @KLM - I think if you just copy and paste, the link *does* work, but I'll just make it super easy: :-)

    BlindGossip – Well, we finally have an explanation as to why she keeps popping up with seemingly random celebrities. She doesn’t just want to be a famous actress. She wants to be taken seriously as an actress. Yes, folks, she’s aiming for Oscar gold! To that end, she thinks that the more Academy Award winners she kisses (at least four), sleeps with, attends parties for/with, etc., the more seriously people will take her. Girl, Oscars aren’t won by osmosis. if you want to be taken more seriously, dye your hair brown, put the twins away, and try doing more than one film a year. Oh, and try to avoid getting knocked up by men to whom you’re not married.

    As the Aussie commenter above said: she's up the duff. Totally.

  51. Oh - totally ScarJo!!! Ida - every time I tried to copy and paste it, Chrome would re-route me to Google and some weird Queer as Folk link... No se, no se...

  52. I thought Robin stayed so long as she was in an abusive relationship with Sean?

  53. @Ida - I'm pretty sure the answer to that one is Blake Lively. The "Girl" kinda gives it away.

  54. Not a fan of Scarjo. Never was. Always thought she was completely overrated as an actress. Never thought she was attractive either, and always had a pig look to her. The fact that she's with Sean Penn is disgusting. Not only is he gross...but it makes her look like an even bigger fool. She thinks she can tame any man. Good luck. You better pray you don't walk out of the relationship with a genital disease.

  55. @RQ -- Blake? Maybe it's because I don't want her to be the answer to YET ANOTHER FRICKIN' BLIND, but I don't think it's her. For one thing, I think the girl knows her limits. She ain't NEVER gonna win an Oscar. Did you see The Town? Everytime she said "I wanna go wiffyou" I wanted to strangle myself. Tooootal mumblemouth.

    ScarJo is a terrible actress, but she's been kissing all the right ass for years and her ego is monstrous. I can see her thinking that she COULD win an Oscar someday if she's "coached" by the right people in real life. She HAS kissed plenty of Oscar winners onscreen (male *and* female) and I think that bitch is fibbing about not being pregnant. She's openly talked about how little regard she has for the media. Why not lie? What does she care? That little bulge is NOT a food baby or beer bloat.

    And moving in with someone you've only been dating for a few weeks? Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant. Mark my words. Bwah ha haaa.
