Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You Know That 98 Degres Fantasy You Had?

98 Degrees was kind of a big deal many years ago. They were the bronze medal winners in the record sales charts of teen bands. I kind of compare them to Ke$ha. Not as popular as In Sync or Backstreet Boys like Ke$ha is not as popular as Lady GaGa or Katy Perry. But, even coming in third place brings you a whole bunch of fans. I am sure many of you out there stayed up late at night dreaming of the chance you could meet Jeff Timmons, and if you were old enough, what he looked like naked. Well, many years later and you have your chance. Jeff, realizing the odds of the band getting back together are really slim has moved on to more naked pastures. He will be dancing with Chippendales in Vegas. Yes, for four weeks only you can see the sock enhanced dance stylings of a practically naked Jeff Timmons. I am also sure he will Cherish You. Especially, if you leave a ten spot in his drawers.


  1. I hear the word "Chippendale's", and I automatically think of Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze. And then I get sad. :-(

  2. Well that is just kinda sad for Jeff. Meh. Maybe he'll have fun with it.
    Also Ida, now I'm thinking about that SNL skit, too - RIP dudes.

  3. @ Ida - I know! They were the best.

    Not a 98 Degrees fan, but I would love to rub some oil on that chest. Wow. : )

  4. Chippendales is SO MUCH FUN in Vegas with a group of drunk, fun girls! My brother and soon-to-be sister are getting married there beginning of June and all of us gals are going to Chippendales the night before and I hope he is there for that!

  5. Yay! He WILL be there the weekend we are there :)

  6. Oh dear. How humiliating. This is surely the hardest thing he's ever had to do.

    It coulda been you, Nick Lachey.

  7. Juicy:
    we must have a review here on the blog!! lol

  8. I'll bet he blew all his boy band money. Typical.

    How long until Lindsay turns to stripping?

  9. A couple of years ago riding the Deuce bus down the Vegas strip, some funny ladies (one had a bottle of wine and wine glass in her purse) told my group that the Chippendale show wasn't very good and they were disappointed. I got a picture with one of fellas outside of Harrah's and his bod was to die for. Who cares if they can't dance or follow a routine? Personally I hope more (semi)famous guys follow suit. Remember when Carmen Electra and I think Christina Applegate and others were in that stip show? What's good for the ladies oughta be good for the guys.

  10. @califblondy. I totally agree. If the female celebrities do it, so should the guys. Besides, I don't think the Chippendales strip totally naked, so he is probably going to show off no more skin than we have already seen.

  11. Nope, was never a fantasy of mine. Sorry 98 Degrees.

  12. He looks good shirtless, but I just can't get into watching strippers, etc. Guess I'm in the minority on that one but I would DIE of embarrassment.
