Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Jennifer Love Hewitt Looking For Love

Another boyfriend of Jennifer Love Hewitt has bit the dust. According to her rep, the pair stopped dating awhile ago. Of course they are still friends. I think we should have known this one was not going to last very long because Jennifer did not even bother to buy this guy a Cartier bracelet. I am sure that was a disappointment to the Cartier people, but don't worry, Jennifer will have someone again very soon.

This breakup comes just a short while after she told Ellen that she had her engagement rings all picked out. She had three that he could choose from. Now she will have to wait a little longer for one. Despite her proclivity for not having a long term relationship, I will give JLH props for not marrying each of these guys. She seems like the kind of person who would be willing to be a serial marrier. Is that a word?


  1. I read somewhere shes still a virgin ?

  2. Poor JLH she is going to end up living with her mother in an old mansion in Beverly Hills a la Grey Gardens lol

  3. Can she please just not be famous anymore?


  4. Good lord. She must really be a head case. I mean, if Jessica Simpson can find someone to deal with her for the money, Jennifer shouldn't be that hard up. That girl must be sitting on a pile of Ghost Whisperer money?

  5. with her over-the-top, constant marriage talk, i'm starting to think she might be gay.

  6. Maybe but at least Little Edie was a hoot(also tragic)....Jennifer not so much....

  7. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. Jennifer Love Desperate.

  8. I'm pretty sure she has all three engagement rings previously purchased, tastefully displayed in a bedazzled case in her fairy princess bedroom, all ready for the prospective groom to choose from. Except when he picks the wrong one, her sparkly claws grip his arm with a twinkly fist of death, as she sweetly smiles to him that he might want to pick a different one.

  9. @ ms snarky - that was LOL FUNNY!!!! : )

    I think this girl is really screwed up in the relationship department and might want to get some therapy before she becomes the neighborhood, crazy cat lady. She will be in a floral housecoat on the front lawn, dragging on a cigarette, screaming "you kids get out of my yard".

  10. Anonymous10:04 AM

    maybe she likes the thrill and doesn't really want to get married.

  11. @Klondyke - likes the thrill of getting engaged and pressuring men to marry her, then having them call it off? ;)

  12. Have you been noticing what Jennifer has been looking like out in public lately? Mumus, sweats and no makeup? I bet this was his doing. Telling her not to dress sexy so as to not get attention from other guys. I've known guys that tell their girlfriends to be like this. Makes no sense to me. Nothing feels better to me then walking down the street with a hot woman dressed to kill on my arm.

    I'll bet Jennifer breaks out the sexy clothes now. Low cut cleavage baring t-shirts and leather pants. Kitty's on the prowl. Rowr!

  13. If she's gay, that would explain Jamie Kennedy.

  14. NOTHING can explain jamie kennedey. so much eewww.

    isnt she the answer to the blind about being disturbingly close to her mother, living with her etc? oh shit.... was that britney murphy????

  15. I was just thinking about Brittany Murphy last night.

    Sad :( Loved her.

  16. I believe she wrote a book on relationships, but yet cannot seem to get it right. I always imagine she's like Ginnifer Goodwin's character in "HJNTIY" - clingy. She might be one of those girls that keeps holding out for perfection or have ridiculous expectations. I have friends like that & guess what, they are STILL single.

  17. Girl must have some huge, pink, Hello Kitty bedazzled neurosis that makes men flee her like the plague.

  18. I think she's smart to not get married but it's always unfortunate when relationships don't work out for those who want them.

  19. She is trying too hard. She has one of the most incredible natural bodies and a very pretty face. She also seems very personable on the talk show circuit. If she just relaxes, she will find a guy.
