Friday, May 06, 2011

Jon Gosselin Suing His Own Brother?

Star Magazine is reporting that Jon Gosselin has been threatening to sue his brother because he thinks that Mark Gosselin has been selling stories to the tabloids. First of all I don't think you should ever sue your siblings unless it is some situation where the sibling has stolen millions from you or something. Second, and most important of all, umm, what is there to sell? How many Jon Gosselin stories out there are worth selling to anyone? His life lately has been go to work, go home from work. Yeah, that is worth maybe like two dollars. Plus, if there were any stories worth selling, I think Jon would sell them himself.


  1. That is not a good picture. Yikes. He's looking a little Jabba the Hut in the face.

  2. "I want my two dollars!"

  3. "Plus, if there were any stories worth selling, I think Jon would sell them himself."

    Exactly. This guy would sell his own mother for a buck fifty.

  4. This guy will try to make money any way he can.

  5. lol pwner, you beat me to it!

  6. I can't tell you how happy I am to hear the last few ticks of the fame clock on Jon & Kate.

  7. Why does anyone ever read Star Magazine? Enty? Bueller? Anyone?

  8. Truth is, Jon is pissed because his brother keeps wearing his Ed Hardy shirts! And returns them dirty!!

  9. I just read somewhere else that he already quit that new "real" job he had.


  10. hahahahaha maybe his brothers the one who came up with the nickname snorlax? LOL

    anyway, he probably sold this story to Star.

    And after having the easiest job ever as a reality star, it must suck having to go back to the real work force.

  11. This guy makes we want to gag up lunch. Gross. He would sell his soul for money.

  12. I read about 2 months ago that he landed a job with Subway. Making money By tweeting sandwich coupons.

    At first I thought it said he got a job AT Subway.

    Which would have made my day.

  13. I had to read that a few times - was confusing Mark Gosselin with Mark Paul Gosselaar.

    But of course Zack Morris would never do something like that.

  14. "He's skiing on one ski!"
    @JBE: Maybe he got a job IN a subway.
    Panhandling, for example.
