Friday, May 06, 2011

Robin Quivers Going Out On Her Own?

Radar has an interview with long time Howard Stern sidekick Robin Quivers. In the interview she says that she really wants her own talk show on television to discuss lots of things that interest her which she does not get to discuss on the show. She says she has been putting out feelers for her own show. I wonder if there would be an audience for her. She has been with Howard for 30 years and is such an important part of that show and is so associated with that show that you wonder if people are ready for her to do something on her own.


  1. Anonymous10:41 AM

    she has a face for radio. and should stay on radio. i never cared for her since she made those comments about gabby aka precious.

  2. Robin should have her own show bcause after years of providing cover for Howard Stern's sexist remarks she has so much credibility?

  3. What did she say about precious? I don't listen to his show.

  4. Anonymous10:53 AM

    basically howard was poking fun at gabby's size and robin seemed to join in on the fun. granted because of her size it would be hard, but she can still try to fulfill her dreams. robin didn't seem to try to come to gabby's defense.

  5. Oh. Part of me wants to say that's it? No, it's not nice, but it's Howard Stern. It's about T&A, you know?

  6. Anonymous11:10 AM

    true, however, i did not like the fact robin didn't at least half-heartedly try to get at howard. it's all good because i doubt we'll see robin's ugly mug on tv. ;)

  7. actually he didn't say that at all and neither did robin. his remarks were directed at the people telling "gabby" that she was the brightest rising star in hollywood" and that she had a "big career" ahead of her. he commented that hollywood was too judgmental for anyone of her size to be anything other than a charachter actress, there would never be another leading role for her unless she lost weight.

  8. no it is not about T&A it is so much more but that would take a real listner to understand it.

    Robin tried to get a talk show off the ground a few years ago but nothing came of it.

  9. Thank you Rickatoo.

  10. Oh. Sorry timebob, don't mean to offend if you're a fan. I'm just basing my opinion on the t.v show he had a while back. Seems that I remember a lot girls in bikinis and some questionable material etc.

    I do remember that RQ would attempt to corral HS, but he usually just talked over her or trailed off.

  11. as for robin, i think she would love to do something on her own, if she can find a niche, but she would never leave the stern show and the new contract assures she wouldn't have to. how many actors have worked on multiple series at the same time, even on different coasts? many NY based soap actors also star on broadway after a long day shooting. they now work (at most) 4 days a week and are done at 10/10:30. most talk/game shows tape multiple days/episodes in one day... she'd have no problem fitting it in if she chose to try.

  12. She should give it a try. She has the experience. She's hung in there with HS forever. She certainly deserves a chance. Good luck Robin!

  13. ea17, I was going to say the same thing. The way they talked about Gabourey was incredibly rude and I had hoped she might defend her...but no, they called her "fat", "enormous", and joked about how she would need TWO chairs at the Oscars and blah blah blah. And whenever Howard said any of these things, she just agreed, agreed, agreed. I've despised her ever since. Then again, that rewally is all I've ever heard from her, I don't listen to his show. Ever.

  14. Robin's had offers before to have a talk show, she had some kind of deal with Sony that never came to anything. She's talked about it on the show in years past.
    She has a five year contract with Howard that they just signed, so she's not leaving the show.

  15. @ Rickatoo and Maja -
    Rickatoo, I agree that Howard's remarks were taken out of context, and were simply that Gabby was getting a snow job from people telling her she was the next big thing when actually Hollywood rarely has a successfull young actress who is exremely heavy.

    Maja, you probably heard only part of Howard's remarks.

  16. @ Rickatoo -
    the new Howard schedule is 4 days one week / 3 days the next week.
    Pretty sweet!

  17. @ ms snarky - and more vacation time :(

    i've been a listener since he moved to FM in NY, early 80s, and i never realized how much i enjoyed him until he went to satellite.

  18. This is what I heard:

    I especially enjoy the part where he calls GS "the most enormous fat black chick I have ever seen". Nice.

    I also heard them talking about it the day after, about the reactions they had, and how they both feel like they're "the only ones who are telling her the truth" and how Gabourey Sidibe is "killing herself". And again, Robin Q is all like "yaaaaaah, yaaaaah, like I toooootally agreee with you".

    It is not your job to "help" a fat person, and the fact is, you know NOTHING about her health. Yes, obesity and health problems often go hand in hand but they're not necessarily related. I know plenty of skinny people who have all sorts of health issues, and I know many overweight people who are really haelthy. The fact is, these guys just don't like to look at "fat, black" people.

    I know this is off topic, by the way. *L* I will leave it alone now.

  19. I never "got" Robin. It seemed like her only purpose was to laugh at and encourage Howard. I haven't listened or watched in years. I think I'd like Howard as a person, he seems really nice. But his radio persona is too "immature adolescent boy" for my taste. As fawning sidekick, Robin really doesn't have much of a platform from which to launch her own thing

  20. Is someone filling Robin's head with the idea of being the new Oprah? Dream on!

  21. I haven't listened to HS in years, so I would not be interested in Robin in anything. She is pretty much type cast as a second banana at this point.

  22. I also remember her having a tv deal that never got enough interest a couple of years back. I think she would want to do the talk show in addition to the radio, not instead of.

    I've been listening to Howard for 20 years and I honestly wouldn't miss Robin a bit if she left.

  23. @B626: Maybe they're filling her head with the idea of being the new Gabourey Sibide!

  24. Robin has the personality of a rock! She is nothing without Stern. All she does is laugh at his stupid jokes and never says anything interesting. She is the radio version side kick like Ed McMahon and Conan's whatshisname.

  25. Early 80's: A friend of mine worked at WNBC in NYC and knew her. He was able to get an autographed picture for a friend of my brother. The guy getting the picture was majorly excited until he saw it. Turned out he was a rabid racist. Oops.

  26. Interesting to read comments by people who don't listen to the show.
    This is the reason I don't comment on the RH posts - because I have no idea what I would be talking about.
    Robin is doing a ton of charity work now, and is really forming a completely new identity. My guess is the new show (if it exists) will be a cross between Joy Behar's (which Robin has guest hosted a few times) and Rachael Ray's. Her focus over the last few years has been health and healthy eating. There will be plenty of time to film the new show and stay with HS, and he encourages her.
    If you want to see what Robin has been up to, her website has a number of webisodes of a cooking program.
    About Gabby - get over it. She IS humongous - scarily so. She WONT get leading lady roles because of it. Everyone knows it, Howard was the only one with the balls to say it out loud.
    To all the haters, do you disagree with him? Is she skinny? Would you cast her as a romantic lead? Of course not.
    FTR - I am also overweight, but I am not delusional enough to believe no one notices or ever comments on it. I am responsible for and accept the criticism of my size. Period.

  27. @Farmgirl-she still has no personality. Whatever "it" is, she doesn't have, hence why she has been Stern's sidekick for 30 years.
