Thursday, June 09, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This A list celebrity actor has a membership to an exclusive country club membership on the East Coast. Although he doesn’t live on the East Coast, he frequents the club often when he’s on the East Coast. He is said to go to the club for a very special kind of massage from the men at the club that his wife naively thinks is just a massage. It’s not.


  1. Is another Costner blind? He was outed as the jerk celebrity who tried to get a gal fired from the Country Club in Great Britain for not giving him his usual massage special ... (it does say A list celebrity actor, not A-list actor ... so I would think Costner and his oscars qualify?!)

  2. Is this another John Travolta blind? How many actors demand "happy endings"? Glad my niece is a RMT in a smaller town. I'd fear for her if she practiced in Toronto.

  3. John Travolta immediately came to mind, but he has a couple of houses on the east coast so it cannot be him. Costner is a ladies man all the way. So I vote no on him (sorry PS). Ben does not strike me as that way either. Maybe Tommy Boy? Plenty of chatter about that possibility.

  4. alec baldwin has a major fat old queen vibe but he's not married

  5. Travolta. I don't think Alec Baldwin is re-married.

  6. Alec Baldwin lives in NY, so he's out. He's also not married (though I'm totally feeling the old queen vibe, @sandman).

  7. Again, I don't want to nitpik, but is John Travolta still "A?"

    Tom I could see. Or Will even.

  8. Alec Baldwin is a god. I love him. A pox on all your houses!!!!

  9. Ya know, WHO gets off on having strangers jerk them....never mind. Stupid Q.

    What was I thinking...?

  10. 1st thing that came to me when i read this was Johnny Travolta....Costner? interesting..I didn't know he went the other way?

  11. I'm pretty sure Tom Cruise and John Travolta's wives are NOT AT ALL naive about what kind of massages they are getting from men.
