Thursday, June 09, 2011

Weiner Still Finds Time To Get His Wife Pregnant

It almost seems like a cruel joke. Cheat on your wife with half the world and embarrass her beyond belief and to top it all off she is pregnant. I guess we know Weiner's wiener works because The NY Times is reporting that Huma Abedin is pregnant. So, while the Congressman was sending naked pics of himself and sexting women he was going home to his wife and having sex with her. She must feel really loved.


  1. They have not even been married a year until July!!!! I would divorce his lying, cheating ass now. Raise the baby on my own. Get a good attorney and get everything you can as you walk out the door.

  2. What a dick. And what bluebonnetmom said!Good riddance.

  3. Anonymous9:38 AM

    pregnancy, twitter appearances - that's one busy wiener! Maybe he can resign and let his cock hold office cause that lil bugger gets things done!

  4. Anonymous9:40 AM

    BTW Hilary Clinton is probably the father so everyone can calm down ;)

  5. Well yeah, that's what wieners are for!

  6. How can she not walk away?! My GAWD - it doesn't take a strong woman to "stand by her man." To the contrary, no truly strong woman WOULDN'T bounce kick this perverted loser. It's just pathetic that she doesn't have the courage to cut lose this dispicable jackass - and not surprising at all the queen of standing by a louse of a husband is her boss: Hilary Clinton. Then again, maybe Hilary is telling Huma that had she not stood by Bill during Monica-gate, she wouldn't have the political career she does ... so, maybe these women do deserve their spouses ...

  7. Dear god, why are men such douchebags? Seriously, if you're going to cheat, DON'T GET MARRIED! This is why this chick will be single for life, men can't be trusted.

  8. Upon hearing this news last night:

    Me: I'd abort and divorce his sorry ass.

    Husband: Whoa. Harsh.

    Me: Let it be a warning & a lesson.

    Husband: Ok then!

  9. Married not even a year?? Leave his ass. Now. If he's already fucking around like this after LESS THAN A YEAR.

  10. @PS,I had heard his wife was on a trip with Hilary Clinton, and immediately thought, "Now, who is the best person to help her through this public humiliation? HILARY!" Hilary has been there, done that, and has survived.

    HOWEVER... Hilary's douche was MUCH better connected than Humas', and since most of Wiener's party is abandoning him, he will have few friends to help him after he eventually resigns.

    She should definitely get rid of him NOW and don't look back.

    I am really more mad at Wiener for the trouble he is going to cause Jewish/Muslim relationships as now the Huma's family and others will be saying, "see, I told you you cannot trust them." IMO, he really f*cked up in more ways than one. :(

  11. Jang-chub Ozer, did we work together in DC?

    Spot on. Baby to be is another Chelsea.

  12. @Panda-You make an interesting point. My (Jewish) husband's reaction? "His bubbe must be so upset!" :)

    Here's what disturbs me:

    Men who tweet/sext/etc their penises all over the place? Politicians.

    Women who tweet/sext/etc their naked pics all over the place?
    Coked up former Disney child stars.

    Just let that comparison sink in for a moment...


  13. Wow, comments on this story confirm what a disposable society we have become. Do the words "for better or worse" ring a bell? One f*ck-up and you're gone? Did ya'll kick your boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wivesto the curb after they did something stupid? Remember, most of this was done before he was married.

    I would be pissed, sure. But toss him out? Nah, there was no actual sex involved and no matter what Jimmy Carter says, fantasy ain't cheating. And again, stupidity isn't against the law.

  14. I truly hope that the pregnancy is not hurt by the enormous stress that Huma Abedin must be experiencing right now.

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  16. Bless her heart, but I must admit, at least he is getting the blame and not the "other women" like he is some kinda victim.

  17. ^^ To each their own, I suppose. Some of us are just not cool with public humiliation and betrayal. So "better or for worse" are more important than his promises not to betray? He broke those vows and his marriage. I've dated liars before, and I won't do it again. And I certainly wouldn't stay married to one.

  18. (Sorry that last comment was in response to Cindy)

  19. Yes and no. Sex wasn't involved, but this wasn't just looking at porn, it was interacting with actual people. He had relationships, of a sort, with at least one of them. To me it depends on whether he is someone who habitually lies and cheats and if he wants to change and is mature and honest enough with himself to do so. BUT with that said, men are needy creatures and so many of them seem to wander when a baby comes into the picture because suddenly they aren't getting wifey's full attention. So this type of problem is apt to get worse instead of better.

    He's a grown man and no one made him get married.

    I think his wife can figure out what type of person he is and whether their marriage is worth salvaging. Even though a baby's on the way it's not a bad time time to extricate herself and get used to being a single mother. They can still be good parents together. Getting out will get harder rather than easier, IMO.

  20. @Cindy -- "Do the words "for better or worse" ring a bell? One f*ck-up and you're gone? Did ya'll kick your boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wivesto the curb after they did something stupid? Remember, most of this was done before he was married."

    "something stupid"? Leaving the toilet seat up or forgetting to take out the trash isn't exactly akin to sending a picture of your penis to a college student. Let's draw some boundaries.

    And I don't see why the fact that they weren't married at the time makes it any more permissible. A longterm committed relationship is a longterm committed relationship. Her trust was betrayed, regardless of whether a marriage license had already been issued.

    Huma is gorgeous. She can do SO MUCH BETTER. I think she should pull a Bridget Moynahan -- leave his ass, finish the duration of her pregnancy as a single lady, and give the kid HER last name when he's finally born.

  21. To be accurate, Weiner's correspondence with Lisa Weiss started last August, one month after the wedding, and continued into this year. He started his correspondence with one of the other women involved earlier this year, so yeah, this is a current problem.

    This is a hard one for me because it is not so black/white as cheating. There is a reason that he intentionaly chose to communicate with women who were far away that he would never meet. Unlike so many others in Congress, Weiner did not go by the "Washington Way" and have an escort for every party (obviously hard to do since his wife works in DC too). It wasn't just stupid or careless or his male ego, there was a risk/titillation aspect as well and for that he needs therapy IMO. It's up to his wife to decide what to do, if the pregnancy that has not been confirmed by either of them is true. Her job and all the travel was stressful enough for a pregnancy, regardless of her husband's problems.

    I wish her the best. I think I would know what to do in this situation, but I can only speculate since it's not happening to me.

  22. good grief, imagine how ugly that kid is going to be.
    he looks half birdman & she has an odd oversized mouth also.
    weiner looks like a young larry king

  23. Did you guys read what his ex gf said about the whole thing - after he scammed her too into supporting him? Priceless!

    Put that Weiner away!

  24. Hilary not only survived Lewinskigate - she spun it into her own politcal goldmine of a career.

    Perhaps Huma will do the same.

  25. What's wrong with your people and your gossip? Huma is Hillary's lesbian girlfriend for over 10 years. Why do you think Hillary takes her all over the world? She married Weiner as a cover.

  26. i hate to break it to you marrieds but this is SOOO common today and married men don't see it as cheating. Weiner's prob was he didn't know how to do it on the sly with new technology to protect him.

    i get propositioned on twitter ALL the time in my DMs from guys who are in relationships or married. i can guarantee you at least one person on this website has man at home doing the SAME thing.

    I'm not making excuses at ALL...but let's not be naive. Social Media is a scary beast for relationships.

    As an aside, i think their marriage is one of convenience and she isn't going anywhere.

  27. (and no i don't fux with guys with gf or wives. ew.)

  28. @Jamie's Girl -- "What's wrong with your people and your gossip? Huma is Hillary's lesbian girlfriend for over 10 years."

    You must have whispering insiders feeding you gossip in every city, JG, because you seem to know everything. ;-)

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  30. Jamie's Girl - I will taking ONE piece of proof. Please. Give me one.
    And last I checked, there wasn't anything wrong with most people here. Feel free to disagree, but without calling people idiots, please, without proof.

  31. I just wish all these politicians (who really seem to be more horny than any celeb in Hollywood) would just do their thang and not bring wives and children into it. I know how important the whole "Family Values" thing is for some politicians but where does it get them in the end, when it's obvious they don't really want to be in a marriage? Why can't they just stay single, play the field, send pictures of their penises dressed in various costumes, I don't care.

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  33. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Jaime's Girl, I read or heard that too. At first I couldn't remember Huma but than when I saw that she was with Hilary that triggered my memory. I also remembered that Vogue or some other magazine had a spread on Huma which was very nice.

  34. Jax wrote: "i get propositioned on twitter ALL the time in my DMs from guys who are in relationships or married. i can guarantee you at least one person on this website has man at home doing the SAME thing."

    You can count me out of this equation FOR SURE. LoL.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. HAHAHAH sorry i forget dudes read gossip too, Jason!

  37. She's somewhat attractive. Her smile is way too big but still. I'm getting kind of a Freida Pinto vibe from her.

  38. @jax - yeah, there's not a lot of us. And a lot more that are afraid to admit it.

  39. I have a friend who stayed with a cheating husband (actual sex with another woman). They have children. I don't know if it was the right thing. They don't seem happier, don't seem to have worked through any issues, just seem to have gone back to not being satisfied. They met young, were each others first and only (until he cheated). They were not compatible past having a nice first relationship. He likes to travel, she doesn't. He likes to go out and eat, she doesn't. He likes physical activity, she doesn't. She needs alone time, he likes company. I hope whatever Huma decides it is a decision that is good for her and enhances her life in years to come.

  40. Huh. I thought the fact that Huma was Hillary's girlfriend was common knowledge. Hasn't another gossip blogger outted them?

    I, too, think it's a marriage of convenience.

  41. It is common knowledge in DC. Ever since she was an intern with Hillary.

  42. I would like to believe that (it would make him seem like less of an ass, at least) but is there ANY proof of this? And would the baby then be his or just some sperm donors? Confusing.

    Oh, and I would have thrown his ass out in a heartbeat. My trust could never come back after a blow like that. I would always question and wonder and drive him and myself crazy.

  43. ok, here's a possibility. Huma is Hillary's main girl (have no idea if the pun is intended – don’t really care). If she backs out of the marriage the message I would read is that she is stronger than her “manager” (a person perhaps running for president soon). How would that play out during an election year?

  44. I left my husband after something similar. There were lots and lots of side activities. People don't stop at sending pix. It's almost like an addiction, the behavior gets worse and worse. This instant gratification that the Internet gives us access to now is dangerous for some people. Like a bar that never closes.

    It's not "one mistake". The first time maybe, but then it's achoice and then it's a habit. I was not willing to stay with a man who lied about who he was and what his values were. It was as if I had married a man who never really existed.

  45. Enty told us Hilary and Huma had been lovers a couple of days ago!!! Come on now. Are the CDAN readers really that ADD???

  46. @Kid Sis -- "rumored to be a special friend" is hardly a confirmation.

    I've heard that gossip before about Huma and Hillary -- mostly from Conservative news outlets who wanted to smear Clinton's rep. I call bullshit on that rumor, and probably always will until I'm presented with conclusive proof.

  47. HELLO to my friends out there i am testifying about the good work of a man who help me it has been hell from the day my husband left me i am a woman with two kids my problem stated when the father of my kids travel i never help he was living but as at two weeks i did not set my eye on my husband i try calling but he was not taken my call some week he call me telling me that he has found love some where easy at first i never take to be serous but day after he came to the house to pick his things that was the time i notice that things is going bad i help he will come back but things was going bad day by day i needed to talk to someone about it so i went to his friend but there was no help so i give it up on him month later i met on the the internet a spell caster i never believe on this but i needed my men back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it for doing sake but after three day my husband called me telling me that he his coming home i still do not believe but as at the six day the father to my kids came to the house asking me to for give him the spell work to said to my self from that day i was happy with my family thanks to the esango priest of (abamieghe)esango priest he his a great man you need to try him you can as well to tell him your problem so that he can be of help to you his content email is this indeed you are a priest thank you for making my home a happy home again. remember his email is

  48. HELLO to my friends out there i am testifying about the good work of a man who help me it has been hell from the day my husband left me i am a woman with two kids my problem stated when the father of my kids travel i never help he was living but as at two weeks i did not set my eye on my husband i try calling but he was not taken my call some week he call me telling me that he has found love some where easy at first i never take to be serous but day after he came to the house to pick his things that was the time i notice that things is going bad i help he will come back but things was going bad day by day i needed to talk to someone about it so i went to his friend but there was no help so i give it up on him month later i met on the the internet a spell caster i never believe on this but i needed my men back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it for doing sake but after three day my husband called me telling me that he his coming home i still do not believe but as at the six day the father to my kids came to the house asking me to for give him the spell work to said to my self from that day i was happy with my family thanks to the esango priest of (abamieghe)esango priest he his a great man you need to try him you can as well to tell him your problem so that he can be of help to you his content email is this indeed you are a priest thank you for making my home a happy home again. remember his email is

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