Friday, June 24, 2011

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Three parts today.

Master Chef (which is a great show by the way) was busted for claiming they had thousands of people lining up for auditions when it was just not the case.
Marcia Cross has the world's smallest cup of coffee.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Wow. Raven Symone has dropped a bunch of weight. Looks fabulous, but she looked good with curves too.
It was take your daughters to the red carpet day yesterday. Stephen Baldwin with his daughters and
Kirstie Alley with her daughter.
Happy birthday Selma Blair. Now go have the baby.
Trace Cyrus and Brenda Song talk tattoos. Like what else does he talk about? Miley?


  1. Oh lord Trace is FUG!

  2. Kirstie Alley really does look fabulous.

    I can't get over how much Raven Symone looks like Nicole Richie in some of her pictures now.

    Hi readers!

  3. I actually really like Kirstie's dress, but I can already anticipate how many other readers are gonna hate it. ;-)

    Oh my God, I LOVE Master Chef. ALL of my favorite contestants this year are missing teeth. I love the backwoods underdogs who cook things like alligator kabobs instead of steak au poivre for their signature dishes! And I want someone to toss a pan of hot oil in that rich teenager's face. Or Gordon can just call him a fucking donkey and emasculate him on camera. That'd be fine.

    Reader #1: my college photo albums are full of pictures just like yours. :-)

    Reader #2: adorable family!! I want your little girl's dress. :-)

    Daaaang, those Baldwin genes are strong! Cute girls.

    Raven looks fantastic, and Trace looks like...a Cyrus.

  4. Poor Selma. I think I was pregnant for like a year once, too. And just as big.

    I love Alec. Stephen, not so much.

    I'm absolutely shocked that Fox would try to deceive us like that, with a bad photo-shop to boot. Shocked! It's not like they haven't been caught doing this before. I mean, I could do better than that with Gimp.

    Beautiful readers, as always.

    I'm not normally a person who cares about a person's looks, so why do photos of Trace Cyrus make me queasy?

  5. Wow, Kirstie, you're looking good...better. I'm happy for her. That is all.

  6. Ida - I love Masterchef too, even though they all cook meat ;) My bf and I always choose who we think will win all these cooking competitions at the beginning (Food Network Star, Top Chef, Masterchef) and I've picked Christian, the stay-at-home-dad to win this one.
    And I hope that Max douchebag steps on a rusted nail.

  7. I'd bet money ALL the networks/reality shows fake pictures like this.

    Yeah, I like Kirstie's dress too!

  8. YAY! I finally made the reader photos! That's me and my family! Reader #1: I'm from Chicago too and love the picture, even though I am a South Side Bud Light girl, Chicago love to ya!

  9. I don't think Kirstie's "dress" is a dress. On another site it looks like a jumpsuit with VERY wide legs. Reader #1 - Cubs Fan! I'm going to the game on Wednesday.

  10. Kirstie does look good in that picture, and dare I say, lost more since DWTS ended.

  11. That right side Baldwin child looks like she's gonna be trouble (trying to be sexy? or just a bad photo?). The other has a great smile.

    If my father was Billy Ray Cyrus and my sister was Miley I would do whatever I had to do NOT to look like either one of them. Trace did a great job. Too many tats for my tastes, but he ain't trying to appeal to me :)

  12. I really like Brenda Song. She's so beautiful. Please tell me she's not dating Trace Cyrus. His band was the opening act for Miley a couple of years ago ... my husband took our daughters to the show. He said Trace was either high as a kite or mentally disabled.

  13. raven lost her sense of humour as well...anyone see her on Joy Behar last night? wow..catty lil thing.

  14. God that Cyrus kid. OMG, AHHHHH. I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING AND FEELING HORRIBLE ABOUT IT! But J.H.Christ is he ugly.

  15. @MadLyb, lol! i know i pregnant for a year at least twice! hahaha!

    Kirstie Alley looks amazing, and i'm sorry but i love the dress!

    Raven Simone is very beautiful...unlike that poor Trace Cyrus. why draw MORE attention to your horrible face by tattooing up and giving yourself a horrible hairdo with a 'not found in nature' color?

  16. Hey, Enty, when you gonna post my pic? :(

  17. Anybody else think that the lady in the first reader photo is one of the chicks from that Drew Barrymore/Jimmy Fallon baseball movie?

  18. I knew that was Ice Angel when I saw it!! You have a beautiful family.

    Raven -- WOW.

  19.'s probably cuz she's hungry! (read in Mo'Nique's voice)

  20. Why is Stephen making that stupid fish lips look? God, I hate how my 14 yr old daughter and all her friends do that in so many of their pictures. So dumb. LOL

  21. Kirstie looks amazing. Good on her.

    Poor Selma. Holy schnikes, but my vajayjay hurts just thinking about that baby coming out. Yeesh.

    I love Master Chef. But watching that damned show makes me want to cook. And eat. As in, I'm finding the weight Kirstie lost. Thanks a lot, Kirstie. Curse you, you donkey Ramsey.

    I don't even know what to say about the Cyrus offspring. Maybe he has a nice personality.

  22. Didnt Raven say something about not being super duper happy about her new body cause she was basically cajoled into losing weight?

    And Jax- I saw her on Chelsea Handler and while she was nice-ish, she was unnecessarily catty when Chelsea asked innocently about her dating life. She snidely said something it being a topic off the table. I get that it is her private life BUT she just seems totally like she would be exactly like what a child star who continues to be a disney whore would be like- overegoed and coddled so much they think the world is their to induldge them.
    -She does look great tho

  23. oh boy- spelled so many words wrong this time.
    -over ego ed
    -there (not their)

    Sorry, word nerd alert ; P

  24. @Ice Angel I thought that was you! Beautiful family. :)

  25. @Ice Angel - You've got a beautiful family!

    Stephen needs to stop w/ the Renee Zellweger face.

    Kirstie looks FABULOUS. I'm not a big fan of yellow but that cut on her is great. She definitely looks tinier than in other photos I'd seen from DWTS.

  26. Raven looks BEAUTIFUL. Wow.

    I like Brenda Song too!

    Kirstie does look great. I wish she would stop lying about what sizes she can almost fit into now though. I'd be a hell of a lot more supportive of her then.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Awww... Thanks so much for all the kind words guys!! I am truly blessed!!!

  29. Marcia Cross's photo reminds me of my joy when I discovered the word "short" at Starbucks. It isn't on the menu, but when I don't want a Gigantic Freakin' Bucket of Coffee, I ask for a short drip coffee.

  30. Actually Enty, that is the size of a regular coffee here in Australia. Because we don't have the "drip" coffee... it's all, a shot of espresso topped up with steamed milk. And a cup that small is stronger than a normal sized cup of regular coffee in the US. (although not from Starbucks - that stuff is STRONG)
