Friday, June 24, 2011

Your Turn

Do you believe in alien life? Ever seen a UFO? Has man been on the moon?


  1. I don't believe in aliens, per se, but I don't not believe in them. And man on the moon? Yes I do. If they didn't actually do that, they'd be a lot farther behind in space travel than they are.

  2. Of course men were on the moon, but I'm an open minded skeptic on UFOs. Here's a link to a website I go to often. It's good for "open-minded skeptics" like me.

  3. I believe that Enty really is a lawyer!

  4. 1,.Well, if by "alien life" you mean life on other planets, then of course. The Universe is too massive for there not to be the right conditions for life on other planets.
    2. Nope.
    3. Of course.

  5. how could you not believe. in the vast, never ending universe there would have to be life. it bugs me when scientists talk about what is needed to sustain life. they can't know what is out there. if you had never seen a Platypus, could you imagine it? life may not look anything like our wildest imaginations.

    and i did see a UFO. in college. it was near a naval air base, late at night, very foggy. suddenly all the lights at the intersection were flashing red-green-yellow at the same time and a UFO (just like the movies) came down out of the fog and hovered over the intersection for about 15 seconds. then it darted back and forth, then went up and was gone.

    all of us in our cars were looking at each other like, "holy shit!" i got home and called the base, was told it was a weather balloon.

    for about a year i had a MIB thing going on. i was so afraid that i told no one. when the movie MIB came out i was stunned. the black limo was literally everywhere i went, following me, until one day i thought i would go mad. i literally jumped out of my car and jumped in front of it, screaming like a nut job. never saw it again.

    until the movie MIB it didn't occur to me that the UFO and the limo were connected.

  6. 1) I think it's really arrogant and solipsistic to assume that this planet contains the only sentient, communicative life in the whole entire universe. So, yes, I believe in aliens. Not necessarily little green men with big black eyes and mouth slits, but I think there's definitely something out there.

    2) I have had encounters that were definitely supernatural in nature -- but, alas, never anything extraterrestrial. I'm totally jealous of the folks who can say yes.

    3) Of COURSE. And if you say no, you've never heard of something called "history." Or "the media." Or you're just a conspiracy-loving idiot.

  7. I am a HUGE believer in aliens!!

    Check out the Disclosure Project on Youtube. Lots of good stuff!

  8. And I couldn't help it, but anytime someone denies the moon landing, I think of this video - Buzz Aldrin punching the FUCK out of someone who told him he never landed on the moon:

  9. oh and I also believe long before there was "man" on the moon there were other colonies...there are some compelling NASA pictures that have these structures blurred out. I have been reading and researching this stuff for the last several months..thank you Ancient Aliens!

    And honestly if it is all a hoax..its a pretty elaborate one. And its still fun to contemplate nevertheless !

  10. Do I believe in alien life?
    Oh yes. In the infinite expanse of the Universe, sentient extraterrestrial life has to exist - precisely what form that life has taken has yet to be discovered, but it has to exist.
    Hell, we're only just discovering that some species on this planet are sentient - who knows what exists on a planet 500 light years away?
    Do I believe in UFO's? Again, yes.
    Do I believe they're occupied by and operated by an extraterrestrial intelligence? While that has yet to be proven to my complete satisfaction, I consider myself to be open minded on that subject.
    As for the moon landing, yes, we've been there. And if we ever manage to get our heads out of our asses, we'll go back.

  11. Didn't answer the question about aliens, but of course there's other life in the universe.

  12. 1. Yes
    2. Sadly, not that I can verify. would love to see one. From far, far away.
    3. Yes, of course.

  13. Yes, No, Yes.

    With the vastness of the universe it is incomprehensible that there isn't some form of life elsewhere.

  14. Oh yes, I find it very hard to believe that we're all there is...

  15. There has to be some form of life elsewhere. I have seen something flying that I could not identify but I didn't think it was alien, just weird.

    As far as the moon landing goes, wouldn't the Soviets have exposed any hoax? They were desperately trying to beat us there right up to the actual landing.

  16. Anonymous12:40 PM

    HAHAHA!!! Of course I do...:)

  17. I think we've been to the moon, but I also think some of the publicity pics were probably taken in a studio. Maybe the real pics weren't as clear or romantic as they'd have liked them to be.

    I've never seen a UFO, but I worked for an org that studied this and other phenomena for almost 4 years. Best job I've ever had. The fact that we had some people from NASA, 2 'ex'-CIA, a guy who'd worked on the Manhattan Project, an astronaut, a couple guys from the National Labs, and a few other prominent scientists on our board tells me there's probably something to it. I heard some really weird stories about government experiments from participants who worked with Uri Gellar. I also know that people were suspicious of the org I worked for and it was pretty non-sinister, so I'm very careful with conspiracies since most are bunk.

    I also transcribed a lot of credible (and not so credible) interviews from Indian Reservations, Military guys and know for a fact the guy who ran Project Bluebook was picked because he wasn't the brightest bulb. I don't know what they are. Maybe interdimensional, maybe interstellar - I'm leaning more towards the former.

    All I know is if the Universe is infinite, then we'd need eternity to even begin to understand everything.

  18. 100% believe in UFO's -- My whole family saw one one night and oddly enough after a couple of days didn't talk about it until years later as adults (most people flat out didn't believe us). My brother who is an engineer remembered way more detail than the rest of us.

    Yes to having been On The Moon

  19. Oh, and before 9/11, one of the guys on our board who worked for the FAA told us about a report (Hart-Rudman, I think) whose findings were that there was a 100% chance of a terrorist event happening on American soil that would kill thousands within the next 25 years, probably in NYC. Freaked me out for days. A couple years later, it happened. We really ought to have been more prepared.


    I've never seen a UFO or had any weird experiences, but that's why it's called "believe" and not "know". Which, incidentally, also sums up of I feel about the possible existence of god *L*.

    RQ, I hadn't seen that video before - rad! Yeah, I'm pretty sure the moon landing was real,'t we go again soon?

  21. MadLyb - Interesting story! I like the concept of "interdimensional vs. interstellar".

  22. 1. As my devoutly religious mother said "Who are we that we think we are the only ones God created?"

    2. No, but I have seen some other unexplainable things. Oh, and I lived VERY near Hanger 51

    3. yes, I do not doubt it in the least. I have been fortunate enough to meet a few astronauts and I do not doubt them.

  23. Yes, I believe in life on other planets. I am a skeptic on whether they have actually visited earth. I think they are so may light years away, we may never know for sure.

    No, I have never seen a UFO. I live way out in the country in the middle of no where with no light polution and I am always looking at the night sky for something odd. So far nothing.

    Yes, I think we did land on the moon.

  24. @Audrey - it seems a lot of UFO close encounters happen with the person experiencing a different consciousness at the time - but that doesn't make it less real for them. There's a well-known story about a guy who had a close encounter who claimed an alien gave him an object to take back with him along with a very important message for mankind. The object was a pancake. Perhaps some things don't translate so well to 3D? Or else the guy was full of it.

    Sorry about posting that 9/11 thing - it was off topic, but I associate those events so clearly as it was the time I worked for this org - long story.

  25. Anonymous1:23 PM

    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Yes
    Wasn't it reported that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin saw UFO after they landed on the moon?

    @Ida Blankenship, after reading Karla Turner's Taken, I'm glad I've never had an alien encounter.

    Once in a while I'll read Chris Holly's paranormal blog for fun.

  26. Bah - I'm really not this inarticulate in real life, just on CDAN in every single post.

  27. Alien life? Absolutely.
    Seen a UFO. Labor Day weekend, 1997; out on the balcony of my apartment at 3:00 am, a large silver disc slowly sailed overhead, following the course of the river we lived near. The next day, my then-wife overheard a girl she worked with describing seeing the same thing at the same time after arriving home from a party. It was BIG.
    As to the moon landing...the jury's still out on that one. There are lots of convincing arguments either way.

  28. @Robert - were you ever interviewed about this, because your story sounds like something I transcribed around '98/'99...

  29. Y'all please don't yell at me...I LOVE MIB II! Love it!

    I do believe that there are other forms of life. Look at humans, then look at alligators. We are nothing alike and live on the same planet. There could easily be another version of human out there. And I'm not talking monkeys. I'm talking 2 arms/legs, and intelligence in a brain.

    I've never seen a UFO. However, we Autism moms think that they may have knowledge to get our kids brains connected correctly, cause Earthly humans don't know crap about it!! Told you, we are crazy!

    Yes, we went to the Moon. I live 5 minutes from NASA in Houston. Know several Astronauts.

  30. Yes, I beleive we were in the moon.
    I also beleive I alliens. We did not see their univetse because human has not ventured beyond our backyard, the moon. Our technology is still antiquate in space travel perspectives or to detect other civilization. But if the government is aware of such existence - I think they would keep it underwrap bc of all the civic unrest it may cause with this huge existential loop hole. I can't imagine such discovery would do for faith and religion. It would cause a mass panic and depression all over the world if there is definite proof of other live forms in the universe.
    Yes, I did see UFO or something very close to it. It was more than 25 years ago, and I was living in Poughkeepsie NY. It was a summer evening. The sky was clear and I was driving home after picking up my husband at JFK. We were entering I-84 when I saw an oval shape "thing" hoover above us. The shape for this thing was "defined" by lights which was about 2-3 ft apart. I can't remember the color of the light. But it looked fairly close to us - abt the distance/height where a helicopter might be; ie it was lower than an airplane. It made no noise. It didn't really move. Looked like it was in stationary position. I felt shock and bewilder. I looked at my husband and asked, "do you see it?". He said," yes - I see if.". It spooked us out so much that we continued the rest of our ride, 30 min, in silence. I just didn't know what to think. But a feeling of slight panic and blank depression seemed to seep in. But I still hoped/thought it was some mistake, some optical illusion until I read the next day newspaper. Lots of people saw the same thing and called in to report it. The cops normally ignored this type of calls but there were so many that came from professional people like engineers and executives from IBM, teachers, fire fighters.
    I few days later, the newspaper printed an apology frm a group of pilots w small airplanes who said they were pulling a prank.
    Am not big in conspiracy theory. But this incident stayed with me.

  31. @Jamie's girl - I am with you on the Autistic child has specially wired brains. of course, I also believe infants see spirits so you might not want my endorsement. LOL

  32. Yes, Yes, and Yes.

    I did see a UFO once - I was driving home on a highway in the Ozark Mountains near where I live, and a large, cigar shaped object slowly came from the left across the sky above me. I can't really say how far up it was - probably about 60 stories or so - and I didn't get much detail - only that it was glowing red, then green, then white. Sky was blue - not a cloud in it. But after this thing hovered over the highway for about 6 seconds, it suddenly shot to the right and disappeared behind a mountain at the fastest speed I've ever seen anything move, and then it was gone. I pulled off the road and just sat there for about 10 minutes - stunned. I got home and called my Mom and told her about it - and later that night the local news said the airport had had reports about "something" in the sky around the same time I'd seen this. After that night the news kind of dropped it - never mentioned it again.

    To this day when I drive past that spot (which I do about once a week) I always think of that thing and can see it in my mind as clearly as I did that day - but I've never seen it again since. So yeah, I'm pretty positive there's alien something out there - and as long as they leave us in peace I'm okay with them being out there :)

  33. 1. Yes. This universe is too vast for there not to be some other form of life outside of Earth.

    2. No, but I have seen a ghost.

    3. Of course!

  34. Yes, there is other forms of sentient life out there.
    Saw strange lights at the tower of our local TV station when I was in my teen years, one of my friends saw them too. No explanation for them, I took it as a UFO sighting. There was no storm front etc for it to have caused these lights, clear day.
    Yes I believe we have been to the moon and I would love to travel into space.
    Also, if I were single I would love an intimate encounter with a sentient life form from another world, but this could be based on all the sexy story lines from Star Trek The Next Generation.

  35. Yes. No. Yes.

    I saw an alien when I was too little to doubt it.

    My dad worked for NASA at the Houston Command Center. We were on the moon.

  36. Yes. If we are the top of the intergalactic food chain, then I am VERY disappointed.

    Unfortunately no.


    Has anybody heard about those Italian brothers in the early 60s that built a radio and listened to the Russians testing rockets and cosmonauts? Freaking cool.

  37. In 1974, my mother watched a ufo over Lake Michigan Lighthouse for 3 hours. In 1994, I woke up and looked out the window at 5 am. and saw hugh orange ufo. Then in 2008, my husband and I saw one while driving watched it for 1/2 hour. We even pulled over got out of the car and watched it. I saw bright white object flashing brighter white. My husband saw it change colors. He was a sniper in the army, so his view was better then mine. I have also seen some wierd things. I have a friend who sees aliens alot. The road to her house makes my hair stand up on my neck and arms. Always, US government vans going up and down her road.

  38. I'm with BigMama's mother - I'm not vain enough to think we're the only "people" God created.

    Never saw a UFO, not sure if they've been here or not.

    Of course man has been on the moon. What irritates me is that we didn't stay there - we should have had a base on the moon by now so we could start a launch towards Mars, etc. We just pissed away being first in space.

  39. Yes



    @Me I think you're a bad ass! Love your story, thanks for sharing it.

    @RocketQueen Thank you SO MUCH for the video link!!!!

  40. I'm sure that there is life outside the solar system, but I don't believe in little green men poking their fingers into people's rectums. Except in the Castro district on Halloween.

  41. I do believe in other life "out there" and I cannot assume we are the only ones out there in this wonderful universe.

    I had one experience that was interesting, I was sleeping in my room and woke up to swirling colors of lights on the walls, my blinds were completely closed, I looked outside to see something on the road and the lights outside faded away as I was looking. This was in a rural neighborhood and I asked a few neighbors and one told me he had seen multicolored lights as well.

    That said, I have had more "intuitive" experiences with people and animals than space/alien events.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend!

  42. @MadLyb: No, I was never interviewed about this; I said something to a few people, but the experience seemed so anticlimactic I never reported it to anyone. This was in NE Massachusetts; I knew people in New Hampshire who had more substantial experiences than this.

  43. 1. It's possible. From a Christian standpoint, there is absolutely nothing in the Bible that says we are the only ones God created.
    2. Nope. But I'm intrigued by all the stories that the other posters have mentioned. I don't think I'd want to see a UFO. Things I don't understand scare me. ;)
    3. I guess I'm the only not sure...if we did land on the moon, why haven't we been back? Why hasn't another country gone to the moon?

  44. Have you guys heard about the recent book from a woman who investigated Area 51? Don't remember her name, but she talked on NPR. She talked to someone who worked at Area 51, and he said the "UFO" was a Russian craft, piloted by small people who had an alien look about them. The idea was to cause a panic in the U.S. à la the War of the Worlds radio broadcast. I think that's a completely plausible scenario, and it would explain the persistance of the rumors - there really was a strange aircraft with strange beings that landed there.

  45. Miss X, I think the fact that we haven't gone back to the moon is proof that we already did. Why wouldn't we try it at some point if it hadn't already been done?

  46. 1. Well, I believe in I think life on other planets is completely possible. Both freak me out a bit, but as long as the green men don't ever stick their fingers in my rectum, I am happy to co-exist in the universe with them.

    2. No

    3. Yes

  47. !. Yes .. though it might not be two eyed bi-pedal life ala us.

    2. Nope.

    3. Yes.

  48. I saw what I think was a UFO a few years back. There were 4 bring lights in the sky during the middle of the day, they were randomly in the sky but close together and not moving. I was used to seeing planes going overhead so initially I thought they were planes but they were too close together and not moving so I kept looking at them and after about a minute they started moving very quickly in the sky, like they were playing tag or something chasing after each other. They were moving but staying in a fairly confined area. It was really bizarre watching this because I didn't know what was going to happen next. Then after about 2 minutes of chasing one another in the sky they just vanished. Several years later I was listening to a local radio talk show and the topic of UFO's came up and oddly enough a man who lives in the area where the lights appeared to be coming from called in and reported seeing exactly what I had seen and his timeline would have been the same as mine too.
    Capricorn One is one of my favourite movies, in spite of OJ being in it. But I believe man has been on the moon, it would have been way too an elaborate hoax to pull off.

  49. Do you believe in alien life? That's a hell of a question coming from someone who sees it every day in Hollywood.

  50. @vicki: i read an article about those guys, it was super interesting.

    not sure. may have since then but not when it is reported. i don't know. space is so big that it overwhelms and scares me. i love looking at the sky but how insanely and incomprehensibly huge and expansive it is is mind boggling.

  51. We'd have to be pretty arrogant to think we're the only life out there. Never seen a UFO. We did not go to the moon.

  52. Seen a UFO. Believe man has been to the moon. Sad that the space shuttle is going the way of the Concorde
