Friday, June 10, 2011

Your Turn

I was going to go with a discussion the Goopster brought up about homosexuality and the Bible, but decided instead to focus on the Russell Crowe rant about circumcision being barbaric. Yes or no?


  1. Only if you're 32 when you get yours done, and your wife doesn't use any numbing!

    Seriously? Dr. Crowe? How is it barbarism when I (as a cut dude) have no memory of it? Maybe forced like they do to girls in Africa? That is barbaric. Sort of like being forced to watch PROOF OF LIFE over again.

  2. I personally think it is healthier and cleaner to circumcise. But, to each their own.

  3. Yes, absolutely, BUT I only prefer to look at them that way. :(

  4. I've wondered about this, but I've had a few men explain to me that the foreskin can get infected. Pipe up, dudes. I don't know, really. I'm female and I don't have a son. No worries in that regard, but I'm also curious to hear what parents/men have to say.

    I *did* think it was a little tacky of Russell to compare the general practice of male infant circumcision to female genital mutilation. The circumstances are just a *TAD* different.

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    So does he remember his circumcision?

  6. Good call about not going with the Bible thing. This place would have gone nuts over the weekend.

  7. I formerly worked in Cardiac Cath and have literally prepped THOUSANDS of male groins. I never saw an uncircumsized penis that didn't look unclean. And the one time I saw one on a man I was going to sleep with,the minute I saw it I instantly lost interest. I'm not trying to be mean to those who haven't been circumsized but it's just yucky to me.

  8. as my mom said to both her baby boys, "it may hurt now but your wives will thank me later."

    or husbands in my bro's

    my friend didn't with both her boys and one had to have it done at 9 because of infections etc. Also had a friend get it done when he was 12 in the Philippines down by the river by some knife happy dude. they told him they were going to the arcade and instead got his weener cut with a MACHETE.Mom was there- all legit. brutal.

    Lastly, also know someone who had to have it done at 23 because of issues and it was the worst thing to ever happen to him for 3 weeks.
    you can't get a hard on or you will burst your stitches. think about that for a 23 yo man. morning wood..

    unless it's against your personal beliefs...get it snipped while they are babies.

  9. I had never seen one before until my girlfriend had a baby and was discussing it with her husband. My curiosity got the best of me and i googled it that night. I can honestly say, that foreskin freaks me out.

  10. and as a red blooded female...prefer cut to uncut but it's not a dealbreaker. that's like not dating a girl cuz her boobs are small...or too big.

    actually nevermind..let's not bring "size" into this conversation. ;o)

  11. I think it's healthier and cleaner as well.

  12. I have a six year old son and we chose not to circumcise..his father is not either so for us it was a pretty easy choice. Our doctor told us its about a 50/50 ratio these days of those who choose to and those who do not. I hope he does not face too hard of a time in the locker room when he gets older , but I think its a pretty archaic practice and by setting the example today perhaps in the future it will fade out other than religious reasons. And my sons father is Jewish..just with new age parents. Since I am not Jewish my son isn't technically , but he still goes to temple with his family, and they observe all the holidays...and don't tell his Brooklyn, NY family he isn't Jewish..they would have a few words! So, being informed of the risks, social and medical..we still chose to not circumcise...and I am happy we made that choice still.

  13. LOL dlisted has a hilarious take on this as well. those last two paragraphs are THE SOLID TRUTH.

  14. According to my son's pediatrician, the healthier and cleaner idea is a myth. You teach your son how to clean properly, which is what we do. It has been explained to me that the decision to circumcise is now a cultural and/or cosmetic one.

    I found out I was having a boy at the same time I found out he had a serious heart defect. Knowing he was facing several surgeries shortly after birth, adding another optional procedure seemed extremely cruel. I've never regretted that decision.

  15. As I don't have a penis myself, I find it hard to comment on this. But since I do enjoy commenting on ahit I don't really know anything about...*L*...I had never met a circumsized man until I came to the States...and I was all like "OMG someone broke yo dick!". It was extremely weird to me at first. It looked...incomplete. naked. Strangely boyish. FREAKY. Nowadays (after a BARRAGE of American dick) I am used to it, and to be honest, I probably prefer it. The uncut guys I know could never imagine having it any other way, and vice versa. Never heard of anyone getting an infection, though. You know you can wash those things, right?

    Wouldn't go so far as calling it "barbaric". Not long ago, I was at Claire's (because I am pure class), and someone was having their infant's ears pierced. I have never heard a child scream like that.

  16. Both my boys are. I felt bad cleaning them with their little tiny wounds but in theomg run probably far less invasive than having to clean it out all the time. My best friend didn't circumcise her son but his father wasn't. No problems for him. And by the way I don't think the procedure is really that painful to them particularly after having just gone thru childbirth!

  17. I don't have any children and never plan on having any, but if I were to have a son, I would absolutely have him circumcised. It is ungodly hot and humid where I live. Hygenically, it would be a nightmare if you aren't circumcised down South if you want to spend any time outside from May through November.

  18. I have two sons and my husband (who is) and I decided that it was their body and therefore their decision as to which parts of it they wanted to keep and which they didn't. In Canada there has been a lot of research and has been determined that it is not medically necessary.
    Of course if my boys reach a certain age and decide they want it done then that's cool with me. As I said, I just think the choice should be theirs.

  19. i think it's a matter of choice, and to call it barbaric is hyperbole. i was an L&D nurse and assisted with hundreds---maybe thousands of them. it takes less than a minute to do, so barbaric? uh, no.

  20. I'm not sure on this one, but leaning towards circumcision for three main reasons:
    1. My brother wasn't circumcised and he had a HELL of a time between the ages of 3-5 with infections because he wasn't able to clean it properly without help. Obviously he figured it out eventually (I hope), but it was a source of great stress to him (and my mother) when it was going on and I remember it clearly.
    2. My second sex partner/boyfriend was uncircumcised and I was 18 and TWICE I got infections from him, presumably because he was unclean. I never had that problem with circumcised gents.
    3. My current boyfriend is uncircumcised and if we, ahem...mess around for two long he sometimes has pain for days. Apparently it has something to do with his skin being really tight.

    So keeping all that in with their heads.

  21. Goodness, this is a horrible topic. On the one hand, people are very committed to their likes or dislikes here. And then there's the religious overtones. Myself, I don't like the aesthetics of circumcised schlongs, but I sometimes recall that it isn't up to me (or some phone-throwing dingbat from Down Under) to dictate what everyone's penis looks like.

  22. oh, just to add---i took care of a 16 year old getting circumcised when i worked in the OR. he was embarrassed and told me he wished his parents had just done it when he was a baby. it's a lot more painful and traumatic done later in life, IMO.

  23. RocketQueen, since you shared so much, I should throw in that my current boyfriend just spent three weeks with a painful infected foreskin. (I usually wouldn't reveal so much, but it does happen.)

  24. 'So keeping all that in with their heads.' <-- RQ FTW!!!

    i'm nuetral on the subject, really...both have their pros/cons.

    and as a firm believer of separation of church and state, thk you, enty. i like separation of church and gossip as well.

  25. Even if they clean it well, sometimes it is unavoidable especially if the guy plays sports, works out alot, etc. Sometimes, it is similar to women in getting a yeast infection.

  26. My son is 10 and is not circumcised. I spent 40 weeks growing him in my body, ensuring he received the best nutrition and start in life, and after I gave birth to that perfect baby there was no way I was going to let someone come near him with a scalpel.

    My husband said he would like it to be done, so I told him in that case he was welcome to make the appt, get the baby to the appt, and pay the surgeon in cash (that's how it's done in Canada). Never did get done and I was happy about that.

    I haven't noticed he has any problems with being clean, and certainly has had no infections. Doesn't mean it will always be that way, but I didn't want to take that option away from him to make the decision himself some day. Yes it's easier to get it done when they are babies. I'm happy with my decision.

  27. Hubby is pissed they did his (a Catholic, done as a baby) because he says it took away his sensitivity and (although plenty long as it is...) he says it could've been longer with the foreskin.'s too late now!

  28. Circumcision on infant babies is only acceptable in the US... No one else does it, which is probably why Russell Crowe so upset about this. It's not done here in Europe and I have never heard of any cleaning or health issues you Americans always use as an excuse. The foreskin is there for a reason, leave it where it is... Besides.. it seems to much like genital mutilation to me. If these babies were girls this would not be acceptable. So why is it now???

  29. Rocketqueen and Barton Fink:

    Since you guys shared I will too.
    My mother tells the story of my dad having to get circumcised in his late 20's because he kept passing infection to her.
    She says it was awful for him at that age!
    That was a reason my hubby and I decided for it for our son. That and so he would'nt be different then his dad as well.

  30. I've dated men both cut and uncut, but I married a guy who is uncut. As for cut being a cleaner and healthier way to go, do NOT agree-that's only if the owner of said uncut penis doesn't wash properly.

  31. Oh-and I completely agree with Elenya, too. The US has strange hangups! (Coming from a citizen of ye olde US, btw.)

  32. My 2.5 year old son isn't circumcised. I didn't see any health benefits to circumcision when I researched it. My husband and his family are European and absolutely didn't understand why it was necessary - when I couldn't come up with a reason that made sense even to me, I knew it wasn't going to happen. I am happy with my decision.

    Maja with a J - you cracked me up. Hilarious.

  33. but what do you all think of it being made illegal like in san fran?

  34. lol @ rocketqueen.

    Aside from the fact that being circumcised is aesthetically more appealing (to me), I have never been with someone who wasn't.

    A number of posters mentioned higher infection rates in those who were not cut. I read a few articles that said Jewish women tend to have lower rates of cervical cancer due to the fact that their partners tend to be circumcised. I thought that was really interesting.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Elenya, I think female circumcision is a very different story since it is done with the purpose of making sure they never enjoy sex as women. It is done to take away their power, and it is considered genital mutilation. Male circumcision, as far as I can tell is not as big of a surgical procedue, and also seems to be done mostly for hygiene reasons. I'm sure hygiene was behind the religious ritual as well.

  37. Pookie - your comment was pretty awesome, too :)

    Surfer - that's REALLY interesting.

    On the one hand, I agree with you all that washing is the key to prevention, but like birth control, it doesn't seem to work 99% of the time, and some people are just more prone to infection. This is actually a really interesting topic, and after reading all the anecdotal information from others who shared, I'm more likely than ever now to insist on it if/when I have a boychild...and I'll even pay for it since I'm in Canada :)

  38. Uncut penises look disgusting. No dick cheese for me.

  39. Actually, circumcision was used as a means to prevent masturbation. From there it went to hygienical and health benefits. I believe a large group of very smart American people compared their data to data collected in Africa and concluded that circumcised men in Africa have a smaller chance of getting all sorts of STD's especially Aids. The funny part however is that while there are more circumcised men in the States there are also more men with aids compare to Europe, where hardly anyone is circumcised. That is kind of contradictory to what the study says. As for hygiene, wash wash wash... just like women.

    As for the surgical procedure from what I hear OB's do this without pain medication.. WITHOUT pain medication, pediatrics do use pain medication. Imagine a newborn baby whose foreskin is torn from his penis for minimal health benefits and aesthetics.

  40. All I can say is an uncut penis is a mood killer when you are not expecting it. I prefer cut, and married a cut. If I have a son, he will be cut. But it is a personal decision that should be left up to the parents.

  41. where is Gladys Kravitz to chime in?

    Infections in the penis and bladder infections etc aren't always from poor hygiene,any Dr will tell you that.

    let's not start giving guys a complex.

    For the ladies: there is a greater risk of cervical cancer as well as HPV which can lead to cancer..or even penile cancer for men. scary...snip.

  42. I've been with guys who are circumcized, and those who aren't. I'd rather be with a guy that is snipped - even if they keep it clean, perception is 9/10ths of the law around my house :)

  43. they say uncut for f*cking and cut for sucking. since getting f*cked is pretty much a given, give the boys a chance for more head I say and snip away!

  44. In the Jewish faith, a circumcision (bris) takes place eight days after birth, by a mohel {pronounced moil} (someone specially trained in this procedure). Prior to the procedure, the mohel usually dips a cloth or napkin in wine, which he then puts to the baby's lips, to sort of numb them (I know, I know, wrong area to be numbing, but whatever...).

    And Elenya, I'm just curious. Considering that most circumcisions are done not long after birth, what baby is thinking of masturbation?

  45. With the rise of diabetes there will be more uncircumcised men needing adult circumcision--not cool. I say cut, for infection control reasons.

  46. @Surfer. I'm quite well aware of the fact that there is not a single newborn baby out there who masturbates. But... circumcision makes sex in general less pleasurable for men (just like it is for women). Besides.. I didn't come up with this stupid idea. Doctors in 18++ thought masturbation was to blame for everything wrong with mankind. Insanity, asthma, you name it. One of these doctors said circumcision would be the perfect cure for it... No more masturbation, no more illnesses.. Hey, I never said it made sense. ;-)

  47. I've had both, I have no problem with cut or uncut. I personally think uncut are cut when flacid, like little savloys.
    If my husband and I had been able to have children, we were not going to circumsize. It was my strong belief in not doing something that I felt was unnecessary. Also, if females can keep themselves clean, so can males. Having written all that, my husband is circumsized.

  48. That is supposed to read cute when flacid.

  49. But I do wonder about the longterm ramifications of causing great pain in a baby's genitals at an age where they can't understand explanation. The body remembers pain, as does the psyche. For these reasons, I do think performing this surgery WITHOUT NUMBING is barbaric (With numbing is probably fine).

    Don't you wonder about the psychological longterm affects? There are a lot of guys out there with hatred of women, intimacy issues, etc. so why aren't we looking at circumcision as we look at female circumcision? Many of the same issues are present, we're just assuming men don't remember the pain and betrayal by family members. I call bullshit.

    Anyone know what Freud said about the subject?

  50. Here are some Freud quotes, along with other psychologists, historians, anthropologists, etc. I like Sam Keen's take.

    I do think it's bizarre that it's A) not talked about B) assumed to be an experience boys don't internalize

  51. I'm more concerned with the anti-Jewish sentiment that is quite explicit with Crowe's comments linking circumcision to "rightness with God." That's not an argument against circumcision, that's an argument that slams Judaism. Keep 'em separate Russell!

  52. Elenya, one more question. You said:

    "But... circumcision makes sex in general less pleasurable for men (just like it is for women)."

    Why would you think it makes sex less pleasurable? A man can't miss what he never had, and therefore he wouldn't know differently.

    As a woman (and one who has only been with cut men), it has always been pleasurable [well most of the time]. I honestly find it hard to believe that an extra piece of skin on my partner could or would make it any less, or more, pleasurable for me.


    I kind of got that vibe too, but I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not. A number of years ago, a Jewish day school in Montreal was fire-bombed, and their library was destroyed as a result. Russell Crowe donated a lot of money to not only have the library re-built, but to replace the books that perished. I think that one act alone speaks volumes about his character (even though I do think he is a bit of an ass, lol).

  53. I've never had any complaints about pleasure from the cut men I've been with.

  54. I've never had any complaints about pleasure from the cut men I've been with.

  55. My daughter researched it when she was pregnant with my grandbaby and she and her SO decided not to have it done. Her SO is not cut, either. There has been no mention of infections.

    That being said, cut or not, I am scarred for life with the discussions about to cut or not to cut and I could have lived the rest of my life not knowing about my daughter's SO's state of his winky. *shudder*

  56. I just watched the Seinfeld episode "The Bris" a couple of days ago, and Elaine was asking Jerry if he'd ever seen an uncircumsised penis; when he said not, she said, "It looked like a Martian!" My BIL compared his to an anteater. I guess if you're not used to it it can seem odd...but that's just a conditioned response. Snipped, myself, so I don't know any different.

  57. Maja - I TOTALLY have had the same experience, coming from a country where noone is cut to this country where it is super common.

    Alright - some gross language: (please feel free to skip. :)

    My experiences are totally anecdotal, just like everyone elses, but there was a h*** of a lot more d***ch***** in Sweden than I care to think about.
    Cut ones, never really experienced that problem.

    Also, as for the "sex is better uncut" - studies made on people who get it done later in life show that the majority of them don't experience less pleasure after the procedure.

    I am not religious, but I have also seen what happens to some people who don't have it done. My cousin had to have it done when he was five or six and he was in so much pain for so long without being able to talk about it before they figured out what was wrong with him.

    So yeah... I am not sure. I guess I would listen to my husband in this matter, because I dont have one myself I will let him have the last word.

  58. 3 letters ladies


    Stick with snipped.

    This is certainly not a comment on the male readers who aren't or the people who are with folks who aren't. It's just coming from someone who once dated a guy who wasn't. Apparently his parents skipped that whole 'hygiene' part with him (at least for the lower part of his body)

    If I were to have a son, indeedly do he would be circumsized

    Hi Himmmm :) Great to see you!
    And agreed, Proof of life was not one of Mr. Crowe's crowning achievements.

  59. I left it up to my husband and we circumcised.

    It is not just Judaism that circumcise, so do Muslims.

  60. @Elenya, I have a friend who was uncircumcised but got circumcised at 19 because he tore his foreskin during sex. He told me that he finds sex much more enjoyable circumcised than uncircumcised, and that he would have preferred being circumcised from the start.

    I prefer it cut, hubby is cut, and most of the guys I've dated have been cut. I just find uncut very unattractive. All this excess skin hanging down over the tip, flapping in the wind, and then the head poking out the top during erection like a head coming through a turtleneck. Yuck. It's rare down here in New Zealand to find a circumcised male, but hubby and I plan to do it if we have a son.

  61. I'd always heard you should b/c of health reasons but when I moved here I knew of some moms that opted their sons out of the snip. I guess there is no way of really knowing how much it might infect them later.

    I'm a little horrified at the idea of excessive dick cheese. Is an uncut peen really super difficult to clean??

  62. @MCH-for your average person, probably not. But I have seen way too many patients that have NOT been cleaning properly for whatever reason and it is truly disgusting.

    My father was a type 1 diabetic and he had to be circumcised as an adult, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

    To me, the people that say circumcision is unnecessary and purely cosmetic are much like the people who don't believe in vaccinations: will you surely suffer a horrible fate if you don't circumcise/vaccinate? No. But why risk it?

  63. I had my son circumcised, and they did it the day after he was born. For sanitary & aesthetic reasons, I chose to do this. A few weeks ago my now-22 year old son was talking about a friend’s reaction to having circumcision done (the friend was in his 20s and his fiance was insisting he have it done) and I explained to my son that mothers are given the option to have it done after the baby is born. I told him why I had them do it, and after he saw some photos of what an uncircumcised penis looked like, and the possible bacterial build-up etc, he said he was glad that I had had that done when he was too little to know the difference. He doesn’t think I had him mutilated and that’s good.

    As for personal preference, I am very sensitive in a certain place and get infections easily so the choice for me is always cut.

  64. What does developing diabetes have to do with a man needing his peen circumcised later in life???

    I used to be 100% for cut but now I lean towards leaving it natural and letting the guy decide later in life.

  65. Personally, I prefer cut to uncut (although the men I've been w/were all cut), particularly when oral favors are involved, and if I had a son (not gonna happen at my age), I'd probably go for the snip, although I'd insist that they at least use a little numbing cream or something to take the edge off. (Oh, dear, the jokes just write themselves...) Then again, I'm a woman, and it's not MY penis that's getting dealt with, so it's not really my call to make. I've heard from men who've had it done when they were older, and no one seems to have noticed any issues w/sensitivity, so it's probably a YMMV situation.

  66. FWIW, I have seen photos of a circumcized woman in a psych abstract many years ago, and it truly is horrifying--the clitoris and vulvae are completely cut off, and the remaining skin is pulled together and sewn up, leaving a perhaps pencil-width (if they're lucky) hole to pee and bleed out of; very often women have to be cut open to have sex and give birth, and then get sewn right back up again. Any men of the batshit-crazy anti-circumcision persuasion who think just having a foreskin snipped is equivalent to this has NO idea what he's talking about...and if by some chance he does know the difference and just doesn't care, well...I think I don't have to say any more, right?

  67. I think both are fine if you care for them properly. If you circumcised prepubescent boys and it caused them excruciating pain for the rest of their lives whenever they had sex (or not), then I would call it barbaric. It seems most circumcised men are perfectly okay with it. However, I'm just glad I had a daughter because I don't think I could go through with it.

  68. Whatever I said up there doesn't make sense. Sorry. What I meant is that I'd call female circumcision, 'barbaric'. Male circumcision is barbaric for a couple minutes while it's happening, but after that, the child does not seem to have any ill effects. My nephew was fine when my sis brought him home - she wasn't, though, LOL.

  69. @MadLyb: I was the same way as your sister. My husband and I were in total agreement about having our son cut. But after I got him home, I cried every time I changed his diaper. I'm okay now. He's 14 and I haven't seen it in a long time, but I'm guessing he's okay with it being cut and harbors no ill will against us.

    Many years ago, a friend had a VHS of a documentary, I think called "Dick." It was close-ups of penises of all shapes and sizes, some curved (so weird), cut and uncut. As far as lookin' at 'em, cut's the best.

  70. Any medical pros out there know why a local numbing cream isn't used during circumcisions?

  71. Being a woman, I have no idea. But I have heard that adult circumcision is painful, so maybe would take that into consideration. It's probably less traumatic for a baby than to grow up and feel embarrassment & have it done later.

  72. both my sons are circumcised, and the decision was based on the cleanliness factor. but i must say, i have friends whose sons weren't, and it really doesn't seem to be an issue.

  73. I never considered having my son done at birth. Children need to be taught to clean their bodies anyway, you don't just hand a toddler dental floss or Q-tips and expect them to know what to do. I'm also Canadian and we don't stress about it as much as the rest of the continent. I think the male body is beautiful natural and I like how an uncut penis looks different when it goes from flacid to erect.
    When cut penises are flacid they just look like little woodies while a natural penis actually changes, cool.
    As for infections, judging by advertising and shelf space in the pharmacy, women seem to get them a lot. We don't advocate altering them at birth b/c of it.

  74. maybe women would get less yeast infections, vaginitis, urinary tract & bladder infections if we took care of their hygiene problem soon after birth?

  75. Circumcision protects the man from a lifetime of urinary tract infections. When a man gets them, he ends up in the hospital with Sepsis. When women get them, we have pain, and are inconvenienced.

    Nothing pretty about having to have one as an adult, because you can't stop massive UTI's.

  76. I don't know if, as a man, I would understand women who feel grossed out by my uncircumcised penis just as I wouldn't understand if a man tells me that he wouldn't want to have sex with me if my inner labia are longer than the outer ones because, as you may know, vulvae can look weird, too.

    As to the hygiene; if I take a man home with me it's not because I expect to see the best looking penis when he drops trou but because I think the guy is hot. Are genitals supposed to be beautiful? They're supposed to be clean, I get that, and they're supposed to get me off, but beautiful?

    And I never give head without a condom especially not if the guy is only a one-night-stand or a short affair and not my boyfriend who I'm in a monogamous realtionship with, so that's why I don't see a problem with him being circumcised or not since it's wrapped up in latex anyway. And if I fall in love with that guy, I love him the way he is and not because he's (or isn't) circumcised.

    I also have to giggle about the comments of people who think that it must be so embarrassing and painful for a teenage boy or grown man to get circumcised at that age and not as a baby.
    When I think what girls and women have to go through due to them being female like the very first appointment at the gynaecologist in a long row of uncomfortable, embarrassing or even painful appointments throughout your whole life, pap smears, yeast or any other infections etc. not to mention giving birth and possibly defecating at the same time and perineal laceration.
    So I think those poor men will survive.

    Also, reading about all the possible health issues uncircumcised men are supposed to have their whole life, most of the male European population would be at the doctor's 24/7. And their girlfriends/wives, too.
    If a man has dick cheese it's not because he isn't circumcised, it's because he's a pig. A man who doesn't wash his penis also doesn't wash his ass, feet or anything else properly, imho.

  77. To each, their own. I see both sides to the argument. The idea of it does, seem fairly barbaric. On the flip side, in the 15 years I've been in health care, I've seen plenty of cases where older children and adult men have needed the procedure for medical purposes (phimosis, generally), and I agree it would certainly have been easier to have it done as a newborn.

    Speaking as a woman, I've had a few partners who weren't circumcised. The first time I came across one, I was absolutely fascinated by it. After that, a hard dick is a hard dick, they work the same, no preference.

  78. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Frankly, I am always horrified when I read the rationalizations for MGM (and the jokes about it). MGM IS barbaric. It's about amputating a part of a child, ffs! I don't care what you do with your dick when you're an adult, cut part of it off, cut it in half, I don't care, whatever floats your boat. But mutilating children? That is sick.

    And no, MGM is no less barbaric then FGM. Most forms of FGM are as "begnin" or even less than MGM...and there are forms of MGM that are as barbaric as the worst forms of FGM. (Google circumcision in Yemen.) That being said, even with the worst form of FGM women can still have sexual pleasure, the clitoris is not only the part that shows, you know. Study:

    As for STD's, UTI's, cancer, etc.

    Unmutilated Europeans have a lower percentage of STD's (including HIV).
    Women get more UTI's than men. We don't mutilate them.
    Women's parts are uncleaner than men's. We don't mutilate them.
    Penile cancer is rarer than breast cancer in men. Do we cut boys "breasts" off? Nope.
    The foreskin has 20000 nervendings, the clitoris has 8000.

    There's also the fact, that in infants and young boys the foreskin is fused to the glans, kind of like a nail is fused to the finger. Before being able to remove the foreskin, the mutilator has to separate it from the glans forcibly. Think about that for a second.

    Anyways, mother nature put foreskin there for a reason. Leave it alone.

  79. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I just don't understand how if you were naturally born with can be wrong or unattractive but we do live in a society where having pubic hair is disgusting too so..

  80. I've had boyfriend's with and without. I noticed that the boyfriends who didn't have the circumsision were actually horn dogs...all the time, not that the other werent...i just noticed the ones that hadn't been clipped were friskier...and maybe that had nothing to do with it...just something I observed with my guys.

    On another uncirc penis looks exactly the same as a circumsized penis when it's erect. It's only when it's flacid that it's noticeable.

    One last note...One guy who I dated who was uncirc smelled down there and I wouldn't touch it. It was gross and...if I go on, you'll get sick. 2 other uncirc guys I dated, never ever ever smelled or anything. It was clean and didn't gross me out at all. It's really just the person and if they have good hygene. I don't think circ or uncirc makes a difference in that case.
