Monday, August 08, 2011

Elin Doesn't Care About Rachel

Apparently despite the entire world knowing that Elin Nordegren's new guy had a thing with Rachel Uchitel it does not bother Elin and she will continue seeing him. Hmm. Maybe it was this kind of attitude that got her into the whole trouble with Tiger in the first place. She must have known he was cheating. There were just way too many women for her to not know. At some point though she finally just could not handle it anymore and exploded. When I first wrote the blind item about Tiger and his cheating ways, the person who gave me the info was Swedish and said that Elin's dad was a big cheater too. I don't know if he is or not and that could all be fabricated, and I only bring it up because maybe it would explain some of her thoughts about men and cheating and perhaps she expects it. The fact that her new guy may cheat does not bother her, but he had a relationship with Rachel which is disturbing. Of course there are probably not that many billionaires who Elin actually wants to date so she might be able to see past all that.


  1. Actually I think she just wanted out, and found the perfect opportunity.

  2. I'm more inclined to think "good for her for not staying with him". I think she sets a better example for her children that way.

  3. I thought the Post article claimed that new guy didn't really date Rachel? They had a business deal or met only once, you know, the usual flimsy excuses.

    Okay, I went to the article...

    While it was claimed that he once was "an item" with Tiger Woods alpha mistress Uchitel, sources confirmed to us that they never dated, but did spend time working on a business deal together in Florida which never came off.

  4. Was her new guy involved with anyone (and I mean a serious relationship, regardless of a marriage certificate, because I personally think that cheating is cheating) at the time he was seeing Rachel?

    I just think it's unfair to judge your current mate by the people they've dated in the past. My man has got a few dumbass floozies under his belt, too, but they're ancient history, so who really cares? People change, and so do their tastes.

    She just needs to find a nice, unassuming gardener or something. Someone sweet and modest who's comfortable with the fact that his woman has a kajillion dollars.

    And I honestly don't see how growing up with a philandering dad would make a woman more tolerant towards similarly duplicitous behavior in her own husband. If anything, I'd think it would make her more cautious.

    Thankfully, my dad was never a dirtbag, so I guess I wouldn't know.

  5. She certainly has a type. Very weatlthy men who cheat and hump rachel.

  6. Ida, I had a close friend (a Cancer btw) whose father cheated on her mother and they eventually divorced. For as much pain as her dad's cheating and her parents' divorce caused her, she dated married men exclusively. She always ended up hurt and even though I loved her as a friend, I could not feel sorry for her.

  7. I always,always, always said that Elin knew about Tiger's escapades. That wasn't the problem. The problem was US Magazine planning to expose it all. She was fine with Tiger's sidepieces; it was the public "humiliation" that she wasn't down with.

  8. I don't think Elin knew about Tiger cheating and I don't understand why her guy having dated Rachel makes him a cheater? Maybe I missed something?

  9. I agree with Ida. My honey had a slew of women in the past, none of whom lasted more than a few months. I set out to show him I was a keeper and he was worth keeping and we've been together almost a year and a half (a record for both of us!)

    I'm sure Elin made sure the new bf was tested. Just because he slept with Rachel doesn't mean he's a cheater, which is an unforgiveable crime (in my book).

    FYI: Read something over the weekend about lousy Hollywood lovers and one of them was Tiger Woods. Some doc apparently chimed in at some point that despite having so many lovers, Tiger probably isn't very good in bed. Apparently, when women have real orgasms, they release pheromones that make a man even more attractive to her. So Tiger wasn't getting Elin off, she was faking Os and he strayed. Interesting theory!

  10. I don't understand why so many people think she "had to have known". Because there were so many girls on the side? Um, the guy is a professional athlete, I assume this involves a lot of travelling. He never brought any of these women (and I use that term loosely) home, and maybe he was good at acting normal when he was home, so how would she have known? It's not like she ever had to do his laundry or anything...*L*

  11. Elin Doesn't Care About Rachel

    Really? I'll bet Elin refers to Rachel as... wait a sec...

    Hey, Maja, what's the Swedish word for "cunt"?

  12. What this tells me is that Elin has horrible taste in men and I officially couldn't give a shit less about her.

  13. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I concur with Maja. Tiger's lifestyle affords him a lot of space to do as he wants. He flies around the world in private jets. He owns a yacht. He's driven to and from wherever he goes in luxury SUVs by folks who are paid for their silence. His inner circle of friends/associates is very, VERY small--likely the smallest among pro athletes. And let's be honest--Tiger is decent looking, but he sounds like a nerd with a sinus infection. If he was Eldrick Woods--accountant, few women would give him a second look. I doubt even Elin would have.

    Keeping his affairs secret wasn't that hard for Tiger. He has the money and access to pull it off. And he did, for a while, until he got sloppy and Elin found out.

    I've always believed that if it had been just 2-3 women, Elin would have stayed with Tiger. But 14-15 floozies was too much for her to ignore. She had to leave. There was no other way to save face.

    How strange is it that Elin is beginning to show signs as being at least as somewhat loose in her life philosophy as Tiger?

  14. I have heard that about Elin's dad too, but I dont know if that has anything to do with her choices.

  15. Ida -- Have been told that if you've got a parent with a problem/dysfunction/whatever, you'll most likely follow that path or do a 180 and go the opposite direction.

    Not sure what the percentages are WRT a child's chances of having the same dysfunction, but i'm afraid they're higher than going the opposite way for a couple of reasons: The example [s]he grew up with [both by the errant parent and the accepting or enabling parent] and the desire to find a partner just like your daddy/mommy and then [maybe] reforming them.

    And this doesn't even take into account the effect genetic predispositions can have on some things.

  16. I hope those of you with devoted spouses that "used to cheat with floozies on others" continue to be true blue to you.

    Good luck.

  17. Meh. Elin knew. Doesn't mean she was deserving of being cheated on or humiliated, but she was aware.

    Hell, I was aware and I am not in their circle. But I have family that is in an outer circle of that sporty-world, and mentioned the behavior years ago.
