Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Jon Cryer Has To Pay Child Support

Even though Jon Cryer makes well over $2M a month, he still has been trying for over two years to not pay any child support to the mother of his child. Previously Jon had been ordered to pay $8K a month, but at one point, his ex-wife lost custody and was only seeing the child rarely. So, Jon said he should not have to pay. I could see that. But, he has kept fighting for it even though the child is now with his mom almost 40% of the time. An appeals court has ruled that Jon needs to keep paying $8K a month and that it is not about how the parents feel, but rather what is best for the child. $8K a month is a lot of money but when compared to how much Jon makes, it seems kind of ridiculous to spend more in legal fees fighting this than just paying the bill.


  1. I feel bad for the child, really.

  2. That's no way for him to behave what a jerk

  3. Perhaps the money is not going to the child and the mom is keeping it.

    Also, if he has the child 60% of the time, why should he have to pay the same amount as he did when his ex had the child the majority of the time.

  4. Sounds like Mom is living off the child support money. I thought that only happened to athletes and rap stars.

  5. I thought it was 4% - not 40% ? (As in he has the kid 96% of the time)

    I think his payments should be lowered and then readjusted if she sees the kid more.

    Other than safety and necessities, I don't know what else the child would need 1 day a month or however long they are at the Mom's house??

    At that level it seems like he is paying for the ex-wife's lifestyle. I don't see that as fair.

  6. Let's also not forget that this is the ex-wife that tried to take out a hit on him... can't blame him for not wanting to give her a single cent.

  7. And Cecilia - I read somewhere else that it was 4% as well... not sure which of the figures is the typo.

  8. I thought it was 4% too.

    The amount of money he makes shouldn't matter. Why should he pay child support when the majority of the responsibility for the support of the child rests with Jon?

    Maybe momma needs to get a job?

  9. Cathy, I was just logging on to mention that little tidbit.

    He always said he would pay for all the child's expenses, he just doesn't want to send her the money.

  10. "The child is now with his mom 40% of the time." So where is he the other 60% of the time? Does Jon have primary custody? The article doesn't make this clear.

  11. Wasn't there an issue where his ex-wife tried to have him killed? I'm sure there's more going on here than we know.

  12. She has the child 35% of the time, per TMZ. She only had 4% of the time when the original papers were filed. I think this is more about her maintaining a good home for their child when she has him. I think Jon is being a bit of an ass here with as much money as he is bringing in. But, the ex is a piece of work.

  13. What a mess. Poor kid.

  14. I really don't see how not wanting to hand over money to a woman that tried to have him killed makes him an ass. If she were in prison right now (as she should be) he wouldn't be giving her any money.

  15. Enty, please explore this a little further. Cryer has been in court trying to get full custody for a couple of years now because the ex is accused of neglecting the child, big-time.

  16. I doubt his child doesn't have everything and more, except a good mother. This seems like an issue about giving the mother the money.

  17. I just don't think we are getting the whole story here. I don't feel comfortable voicing an opinion based on this article. Especially since so many of you say the percentage is wronge.

  18. You know what, I am all for calling a deadbeat a deadbeat, but in this situation I just don't think Jon is one. I think he is trying to do his best to make good on a situation that obviously is Bad without having to give a cent to a woman (not the child) who tried to have him killed! I can understand he is a little bitter about that.

  19. Enty,

    I am seriously disappointed in you.

    Jon Cryer has always paid for his child and has always taken care of his child. He has never ever fought to remove any actual support for the well-being of his child. He pays all the child's expenses and agreed he always will. He is a great dad, and he has primary custody of the child, legal and physical.
    His ex, on the other hand, is a raving, evil lunatic, who has been arrested for child abuse (uh - ROPE scars on her other child's neck?! F**g evil B*TCH), ordered a hit out on Jon, has stalked him, harrasses him, belongs in a mental hospital, if not jail, and has never seen that one cent she has gotten from Jon has gone to the child. So, Enty, I don't blame Jon AT ALL for his fight to keep his child safe, nor his desire not to fund that psychotic woman's unearned lifestyle and legal delusions.

  20. It sounds like Jon is trying to get his child away from his crazy mom. I bet she's using the child support money on herself. Poor kid. And don't tell me there's not a lawyer in CA who can help him get his child back.

  21. I too read 4% and that the Mother is messed up.

    If he has custody I don't get his paying her that much.

    I don't think it's the money with him but the point.

  22. wow...PS...that's putting great prespective on things. thank you. #damnitentyyouandyourslants

  23. I'm still in love with Ducky...*sigh*.

  24. Yeah, if my payments were possibly going towards her successfully hiring a hitman, I wouldn't want to pay either.

    On the subject of child support, is there anyone who doesn't get totally screwed? A friend's husband was paying his ex wife 55% of his salary, even though their custody was split straight down the middle (mom one day, dad the next). Then there's the guys who complain about paying $300/mo for a kid they see on the weekends. Frustrating.

  25. Exactly, Cathy.

    I wonder if this is on top of alimony?? Seems a bit high to me.

  26. Feisty, I agree. I think men get screwed with child support big time. I don't understand why they can't pay for school fees, clothes, food etc for the child. Maintenance payments for an ex-wife are a different issue. Is there ever any follow-up to check that the money for the children goes for the children? They can pay a percentage of rent or mortgage as well, but why should the child's money go to the other parent? Also, I don't think men get given enough custody of their children. The system for custody of children and child support is still very sexist against males.

  27. If the mother lost custody why didn't he take the child? He acts like it's not really a human being, more like a credit card debt that won't go away.

    If he was concerned about the $$ supporting the mother when she lost custody, he should have put the child's $$ into a trust account. Some type of trust account needs to be established for this child even if the mother gets full custody again.

    What an ASS! Just another reason to not watch that stupid show.

  28. @thisoldbroad - child support does not go into a trust, it goes to the other parent to pay for the cost of taking care of the child while the child is in that parent's care. 7,000 for a child she has maybe 10 days/mo is excessive, especially if she has a history of using those funds for things note exactly related to fulfilling the child's needs

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  31. I raised three kids without one dime of child support because it wasn't worth the fight with the Lunatic From Hell. It was hard, and it sucked in a lot of ways, but as a female *I* was the one who got screwed and not in a good way. *shrug* It's only money. What's important is the kids, and I did what I had to do.

    I don't blame him for not wanting to contribute to that mess. If someone wanted to kill me, I wouldn't want to give them any money, either. Maybe he needs a new lawyer.

  32. In 2009, she had custody 4% of the time, but since then its 35% of the time. (Per TMZ).

    But she also put out a hit on him (allegedly, also per TMZ) methinks the lady might be a little cuckoo. I wouldn't want to give any money up to her either and DEFINITELY wouldn't want her taking care of my kid.

  33. You know, if she has a history of disappearing, maybe she's not the most reliable person and he feels that much money burns a hole in her pocket and she buys drugs or alcohol with it. For it to be such a small amount of money, it almost makes me think he's not a jerk, but doesn't want her to be loaded when his kid is there.

  34. if there is a court order he should pay it. if he thinks its too high he should try to get it reduced. i have special hatred for people who don't pay court ordered child support.
