Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Random Photos Part Two

Billy Dee Williams has had one heck of a career and gets the top spot today.
Alec Baldwin has a unique way of marking which drink is his.
Meet Alec's much much younger girlfriend.
Alexa Chung playing the tourist in Sydney.
Alessandra Ambrosio and Jamie Mazur is like Tom and Katie part 2.
Brad Pitt counts the kids.
Gets them all.
That is Charlotte Ronson being cheered in the middle of the table.
Did not even come close to recognize Drea De Matteo. The only reason I did was because of Shooter Jennings.
Dancing With The Stars needs to invite back John O'Hurley. They have enough winners now for an all-star season.


  1. I think Drea had a baby recently.

  2. I honestly love the way Brad Pitt dresses.

    I know Baldwin can be a jerk, but I can't help grinning every time I see him. I like him.

  3. What did Alec do to his face? I could hardly recognize him.

  4. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Sorry, but my grandfather dresses better than Pitt does in these pictures. The crotch of his pants and the pant legs themselves are about 6 inches too long.

  5. Alecs' gf is adorable. Way too young, but adorable.

    Don't know who the odd couple is, but it almost looks fake it's so strange looking!

    And, yes, they should do a DWTS all star season!

  6. Brad and Alec...all is right with the world. I don't care how old and wrinkly these two get! ; )

  7. Alexa's fame annoys me.

    Drea's current size makes me think she was starving herself before.

  8. Drea actually looks quite healthy and normal. Just not as skinny as she used to be, but she did have a baby recently so I'm sure that has something to do with it. Kind of refreshing, really.

  9. Brad looks strange to me. Like he's got fake hair or something. Something looks funny.

  10. Just to be clear..I whoa'd Drea's face, not body.

    I think Alec looks good. I know he's an ass, but after riding the train to crazyville with Kim, I hope he's happy with this little girl.

    Is Suri dressing Brad too? What's up with the sweater and saggin' pants?

  11. John O'Hurley-best extra character on Seinfeld-best Family Feud host and best Dancing with the Stars contestent EVER!!! I would love an all star season! Great idea!!!

    Julianna M-WOW...love that dress, outfit, hair, shoes...the whole works! Perfection1!!

    Billy Dee-I don't want to sound racially insensitive, but I grew up in an all white neighborhood so did not have a lot of access to persons of color-Billy Dee Williams was my first black man crush and still is!!! My first black boy crush was Michael from Good Times...LOL!!

    Alec-he looks really old in the one picture but quite debonnaire in the picture with his daughter...oh...I'm sorry...isn't that Ireland??? Oh sorry..probably one of her little friends from down the block!

  12. Alec's hair...??? Hmm...
    I kind of just discovered him on Twitter. He's pretty entertaining, esp. his Q&A he does w/ other Twits.

  13. Enty, thank you again for Alec Baldwin. I just wish he hadn't done the much younger girlfriend thing, but as I am happily married, I wish nothing but happiness for him. Should my husband and I break up, I hope he becomes single and takes an interest in middle-aged fat chicks.

  14. Alec's lost weight. Or he's had a ton of Radiesse injected in his face. His girlfriend is sure yummy.

    Billy Dee is looking good. One of the few actors from "Empire Strikes Back" I've not yet met, but someday I'm hoping.

  15. Like RQ, Can't help liking Alec ! - Wow, first pic of Brad's child in red, I thought was Shiloh, then 2nd one had a more grown Shiloh, so guess it was Vivienne, they are very alike. Cannot stand the Jolie, but she sure has cute kids !

  16. Is that REALLY Alessandra's man?!?! I thought she was with some tall hunky rugby player or something. As a tall girl myself, kudos to her, I have not yet totally overcome feeling not feeling self conscious with a much shorter dude.

  17. Oh I just google imaged them. That is just a bad camera angle, there's not such a huge height disparity in other pics.

  18. Alec's lost weight! He looks awesome!

  19. Whoa, Alec...looking mighty fine.

    Those Jolie/Pitt children are just beautiful.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I've seen photos of Alessandra and her husband and he's not that short. Probably a bad angle. He's just a little shorter than her.

    Here's a pic:


  22. I didn't know Drea & Shooter had another baby! I remember when their daughter was born, whose name I remember for some odd reason: Alabama Gypsy Rose.

    I LOVE Shooter, or I guess I should say I love his music. Definitely following in his daddy's footsteps in producing "outlaw country" music. Unfortunately for him, he's the spitting image of ol' Waylon.
