Friday, August 19, 2011

Kat Von D And Jesse James Having Ex Sex

On the day TLC showed mercy to the world by canceling Kat Von D's show LA Ink, it was also announced that Kat and Jesse James were engaged again. I don't really believe they are engaged again. I think that Jesse was having a hard time finding an Aryan in Texas to have sex with so called up Kat and the only way she would let him have sex with her is if he said they were engaged again. I think as soon as Jesse finds his Eva Braun, then Kat will be sent packing again. It is obvious that she is way more in love with him than he is with her. That is always a recipe for disaster, because the one person usually will do anything to save the relationship and that is not an equal thing which relationships need to be. Jesse is just using her like he uses everyone in his life because he is a selfish prick.


  1. As stated before Enty: Do not post a wedding pic of KK on Monday or I will go bacon on your ass!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM

    He has never looked happy in pics with KVD

  3. She's an idiot..

  4. The whole tats-all-over schtick has jumped the shark, IMO. Meh.

  5. What Diane said. Just pretend it's not going to happen. 'kay, Enty?

    "I think that Jesse was having a hard time finding an Aryan in Texas to have sex with.."

    I get your meaning, but this made me chuckle a little. I'm pretty sure Aryans are plentiful in the Lone Star State.

  6. @ Ida, not as much as you think. There are more people that are not white than are. Kat is continuing to prove my theory that she does not have a brain in her head. Sigh.

  7. We don't want any KK...any KK kin, or anyone associated with any K. Don't give a damn about the dress, the flowers, the guest list, and wouldn't have even posted if I wasn't worried ENT would cover it.

  8. Ida - He's in AUSTIN. It's a whole different country!

    And yes, please no KK pics Monday. Or Tuesday. Or ever. It's enough with the Jersey folks, thanks.

  9. Enty- I am also in the club that is putting our fingers in our ears, hiding our eyes and singing "lalalala" at any mention of the KK wedding.

    We don't want to hear about it...unless of course there's a juicy blind item :)

  10. Sigh. My real-life initials are KK. Maybe that's why the Kardashians piss me off so much.

    As for this slimy couple...ugh. Anything to stay in the news, I guess. Or maybe they were never broken up??

  11. Did you see the logo or whatever it is called? I took one look at it and thought it said KKK. Tacky? Nah....

  12. Lets just all plan on completely avoiding the KK post on monday in the event that there already is one planned. I am sure there will be 2 or 3 people who comment on it, but if we all ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist, maybe she will also sorta disappear.

  13. These two are revolting. Definitely in the top 10 biggest pieces of shit to ever walk the planet, imo. Well, at least he is. I can't stand her but I guess I do feel a fraction of a fraction of a percent sorry for her because she does seem so desperate.

    Then again, it might be just her overwhelming stupidity, and I find it very hard to feel sorry for people who are stupid.

    Serious question: What's up with her perpetually slurred speech? Is she a raging drunk? Drug addict? She always sounds like she's talking underwater. Does she have brain damage? I really want to know.

  14. @shiny - stupid is something people can't help, ignorance on the other hand...

  15. You have a point, feraltart (always wanted to tell you that I love that name, lol). So which do you think she is?

    I do think that the mumbly-jumbly way she talks makes her sound like there's something wrong with her. I would not find it as irritating if that really were the case.

  16. Anonymous2:29 PM

    What Lauren Said. I no longer comment on anything Kardashian. If no one comments, maybe they will go away.

  17. I disagree - I think the break up was staged for her reality show, and once it was canceled, they dropped the pretense.

  18. Although, I'm sure they're still both seeing other people even if they are together.

  19. Don't take this offensive Mooshki but some people have open relationships and it works very well for them. They could very well be sleeping with other people in addition to being in a relationship with someone else.

    I loved this post and it made me laugh thanks enty!

    I am also on the Kardashion boycott and will be plugging my ears this weekend won't comment to their posts. I'm voting for no mention of them either but I find it hard to believe that it will be ignored come Monday.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

  20. oops I meant to say they could very well be sleeping with other people while in a relationship with each other

  21. LOL Ida!
    I came on here to say the exact same thing! I was like, Aryan's in Texas? C'mon! They cant be THAT hard to find! :O

    Oh and Kat is looking trannylicious here, whoa.

    also, dont hate me for this but I would sorta be down to seeing Jesse in FFF (member that?)

  22. That whole photo needs to be sprayed down with Lysol it's so skeevy.

  23. when i read this, i immediately thought that kat was in freak out mode from knowing her show was being canceled and jessie dumped her (after getting that last tat). kind of thought this was like a pity thing. so yeah, pity sex works.

  24. Show or no show, I still think "she" is a man.

  25. Go bacon on your ass? I'm so confused.
