Friday, August 19, 2011

Taylor Armstrong Was Hospitalized After Beating

You know that cut over Taylor Armstrong's eye? I am wondering if that was the last straw and what caused Taylor to file for divorce. It looked too fresh to not happen that long ago, but back in June, Radar Online is reporting that Russell Armstrong beat Taylor so badly that Taylor was admitted to the hospital and was there several days while plastic surgeons worked on her face.

If it really did happen in June the cameras would ave still been around although I'm guessing they did not capture the beating because someone would have leaked it at the time. They probably got some aftermath footage though. Maybe the aftermath footage was going to air and Russell knew that and could not handle it. I know the guy had some financial problems but I don't think that was enough to make him kill himself. He has had financial problems in the past. I think it was going to be something he was ashamed about and Bravo was probably going to air it or he thought something was going to come out about him.


  1. I read this on another site as well. It said the pictures of the beating are pretty vicious. She was dodging the Bravo crew so they would not have to find out and had to finally confide in Camille and Kyle. Supposedly Russell sent Camille a extremely threatening email. I guess we know why he checked out now. No one to blame but himself and I feel pretty bad for Taylor right now. It has been probably going on for years.

  2. She was on multiple red carpets throughout June, and every other month for that matter. I'm not buying it.

  3. I remember that several of us (here in the CDAN forum) thought he was abusing her, and then we find out she was part of a womens abuse charity, and yet we still thought she was being abused. I also heard that he sent Camille Grammer a nasty and threatening email, (Taylor told Camille and Kyle), I have also heard that the pictures are horrific. This is just sad.

  4. Reserving judgement till the facts are clear.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Agree with Brendalove. Too much back and forth from each camp to draw any conclusions except that they are/were both incredibly troubled people.

    I truly hope Taylor takes this as a wakeup call and straightens out her life instead of chasing the reality TV show circuit. After all, she is her daughters only parent now, that should be the priority

  7. Also reserving judgment. It's pretty easy to slander a dead man.

  8. Honestly, all the news about this guy is nauseating. I could not give less of a fuck. I don't even really know what happened, because I skip all the articles.

  9. I wonder how Bravo are going to spin this so that they can keep the show on the air. I am going to guess something about "letting the truth come out"

  10. Millions in debt? No Biggie. Wifebeater? So what. Gay tendencies going to be revealed? Time to off yourself!! What a wolrld

  11. I hate to say this, but I don't trust her side of the story. She has a long history of lying about who she is, and she is a drama queen. She clearly doedsn't have enough dignity to wait until her husband's body is cold to belittle him in the press. I'll wait and see before accusing him of beating her.

  12. Nypost is now stating that his secret life was about to be exposed and couldn't handle it.

  13. Normally, I would believe this but if she had gone to the hospital, it is legally required for them to report it. No police report, then I don't believe it.

  14. I'm starting to feel like I need a shower when things about Russell and Taylor are posted, and I rarely get that feeling.

    Gross. Let it alone for now.

  15. I hate to say this, but I don't trust her side of the story. She has a long history of lying about who she is, and she is a drama queen.

    What Altchica said.

    If I may add to that, I recall one RH episode where she joined Kyle and Lisa at lunch and they were trying to sympathize with her about her problems but she kept breaking out into maniacal laughter. She's nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake.

  16. Agreed with the poster who said they feel gross reading this Taylor Russell stuff after he died.

    It used to be sorta interesting to speculate what was up with Taylor and her life (cause she is so weird) but after Russell died this week and alllll this speculation about him being gay or their finanical shit or the all is sort of intense and honestly private.
    Maybe I wouldnt have felt that way last week but when someone dies and we are still speculating on their family situation, its just too much for me.
    I've even been thinking about how the show is going to be when it starts airing. If it has too much Russell/Taylor heavyness, I might just have to forward through that shit.

  17. Bottom line, the coward left his kids penniless with bankruptcy, and no life insurance money.

  18. how much do you make on these shows? or do they just do it to be famous? i don't get why anyone would want to be famous, and a reality show seems like the WORST way to go about that.

  19. Yes, and even though another human being DIED, this show will be aired. And people will watch. Dis. freakin. Gusting.

  20. I hate that word, coward. I don't believe it applies in this situation. I think you have to have deep depression or shame to even consider talking your life and deep depression is a horrible thing to go through. I could never take my life but I understand it's not quite as easy for others.

    My thoughts go out to his children.

  21. Also reserving judgement, for now.

  22. Thank you, It's me.
    And Jamie's Girl - honestly, you have no idea what you're talking about. Do you really think his children give a shit about the money with their father being dead? I can tell you from experience they don't give a FUCK.
