Monday, September 26, 2011

Alec Baldwin Breaks SNL Record

On Saturday night, Alec Baldwin hosted SNL for the 16th time which breaks Steve Martin's record of 15. Of course that means Steve Martin had to come out to make sure Alec was not cheating or using steroids. Here are the highlights from Saturday night. I actually thought it was really funny but the only times each year I watch it now are when Alec hosts and when Justin Timberlake hosts. The other episodes are usually just a blur of sameness.


  1. The reporter in the jungle and the if they had sex who would be on top skits were pretty funny.

  2. Ah, I'm sorry I missed this one - Baldwin is always great on SNL.

    One of my favourite skits was from years ago when (I think) Tom Hanks was hosting for the 5th time. The opening monologue was him being granted access into the posh "5 Timers Club" which was filled with awesome people including Steve Martin. Anyway, Hanks goes up to shake his hand and says "Oh my gosh! Steve Martin!" And Steve Martin chuckles modestly and says, "Please, call me MISTER Steve Martin." I love that guy.

  3. I thought it was a good episode, too, and I have been a very harsh critic of SNL the last two or three years, which have been mostly a big pile of stinking poo. Justin Timberlake episodes notwithstanding.

  4. I love Alec Baldwin's version of Tony Bennette. He is so funny when he does him. I liked the episode and hope Steve Martin hosts soon!

  5. I thought this was a good episode for SNL but i really just want them to figure out that they should cut the length of their skits (most at least) in half! They start out funny but the gag gets old and just keeeeeeeeeps going! The reporter in the rainforest and the Susan Lucci soap opera sketch were prime examples. I'm sure it does help that they seem to be only using like 5 of their cast members. It seemed to be the same people in every skit.

  6. I missed it! Didn't even know there was a new season...*L*

  7. I actually thought it was really funny but the only times each year I watch it now are when Alec hosts and when Justin Timberlake hosts.

    Add Jon Hamm to that list, Enty.

    Mmmmmm, HAMM!

  8. Don't forget Paul Rudd, either.
